The Actions of Herbs Flashcards
Herbs that gradually restore proper function to the body, increasing health and vitality. Support waste elimination processes via the kidneys, liver, lungs, or skin.
Herbs that help increase the body’s resistance to stress. They improve the body’s resilience by enabling it to physiologically adapt to problems before it reaches the point of collapse. Support the functions of the adrenal glands.
Herbs that help the body eliminate excess mucus, whether in the sinuses or from other parts of the body.
Anticatarrbal Herbs
Herbs with inflammatory properties, soothe inflamations or directly reduce the inflammatory response.
Anti-Inflammatory Herbs
Herbs that help the body destroy or resist pathogenic microorganisms. They help the body strengthen its own resistance to infective organisms and throw off the illness.
Antimicrobial Herbs
Herbs that ease muscle cramps. They alleviate muscular tension and, as many are also nervines, can ease psychological tensions as well.
Antispasmodic Herbs
Herbs that have a binding action on mucous membranes, skin and other tissues, which translates to an ability to shrink tissues and reduce secretions. They precipitate protein molecules, reducing irritation and inflammation and create a barrier against infection that is helpful in wounds and burns.
Bitter-tasting herbs that trigger sensory response in the central nervous system, which sends a message to the gut. The gut in turn releases digestive hormones that lead to a range of effects, including stimulation of appetite and the flow of digestive juices. Also aid liver in detoxification.
Herbs that have beneficial actions on the heart and circulatory system. Some of the remedies in this group are powerful cardioactive agents, such as foxglove, while others are gentler, safer cardiotonic herbs, such as hawthorn and motherwort.
Cardiac Remedies
Plants rich in aromatic volatile oils, promote appropriate digestive system function, soothing the gut wall, reducing inflammation, easing griping pains, and helping the body eliminate gas from the digestive tract.
Herbs high in mucilage that soothe and protect irritated or inflamed tissue. They reduce irritation throughout the length of the bowel, reduce sensitivity to potentially corrosive gastric acids, help prevent diarrhea, and alleviate the muscle spasms that cause colic. They also ease coughing by soothing bronchial tension and relax painful spasms of the bladder.
Promotes prespiration by helping the body to eliminate waste through the skin. Some produce observable sweating, while others enhance normal background prespiration, They often promote dilation of surface capillaries, thus helping to improve poor circulation. This action is especially relevant in the treatment of fever.
Increase the production and elimination of urine. They help the body to eliminate waste and support the whole process of inner cleansing.
Stimulate menstrual flow and function. Normalizes and tones the female reproductive system.
Herbs that stimulate the removal of mucus from the lungs. Respiratory system tonics. Either cause expulsion of mucus through irritation or by soothing bronchial spasms and loosening mucous secretions.
Support the liver by improving function. In some cases they increase the flow of bile.
Plant remedies that lower abnormally elevated blood pressure.
These herbs assist with or are capable of modifying or regulating immune functions.
Stimulate bowel movements.
Act on the nervous system by either strengthening and restoring nevous system function, easing anxiety and tension by soothing both body and mind, or directly stimulate nerve activity.
Herbs that generate a lacalized increase in blood flow when applied to the skin. They are often used to ease the pain and swelling of arthritic joints.
Whole plants that nurture or enliven whole human bodies.
Remedies that premote wound healing. Herbs can heal external wounds as well as internal wounds such as stomach ulcers.
Vulnerary Herbs