The 8 Limbs of Yoga Flashcards
Name the 8 limbs of Yoga
Yamas, Niyamas, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi
What are the 5 Yamas?
Ahimsa, Satay, Asteya, Brahmacharya, Aparigraha
What are the 5 Niyamas?
Saucha, Santosha, Tapas, Svadhaya, Ishvarapranidhana
What is the meaning of Yama?
Codes of restraint
What is the meaning of Niyama?
Codes of observance
What is Ahimsa?
Non violence, wishing of harm, avoiding aggression in all forms, everything
is connected and we choose to live with passion and respect for all beings,
developing a respect for life, rising above negative emotions
What is Satay?
Truthfulness, non lying, to exaggerate or distort for our selfishness, honesty,
integrity, speak and feel only truthful things, search out truths on all levels – you will
have peace of mind living in truth
What is Asteya?
Non stealing, generosity of things/time, honesty, when asana is practiced
correctly, the posture provides the energy required, being content, sharing, being on
time, giving up of desire (it will come to us itself) – curbed by practicing asana
What is Brahmacharya?
Dedicated to the dignity of life, celibacy, moderation in all things,
inner consciousness flowing towards truth, self enquiry
What is Aparigraha?
Non attachment, non grasping, awareness of abundance and gratitude,
fulfilment, not hoarding or accumulating, learning to let go
What is Saucha?
Cleanliness inside and out, purity, simplicity, refinement, purifying with
water, avoiding intoxicants and stimulants, nourishing diet, being emotionally light
What is Santosha?
Contentment, serenity but not complacency, sense of knowing our place in the universe, an agreement with faith that we make with the Divine Self, identifying with inner essence rather than external objects, living in the present, and receiving what comes naturally, simple life of moderation, being joyful and accepting, catching destructive thoughts.
What is Tapas?
Self discipline, right effort, internal fire
What is Svadhaya?
Self study
What is Ishvarapranidhana?
Surrender to the higher self, surrendering your ego, thoughts, following your heart when making decisions