The 5 Practices Of Exemplary Leadership Flashcards
What are the five practices of exemplary leadership?
1) Model the Way,
2) Inspire a Shared Vision,
3) Challenge the Process,
4) Enable Others to Act, and
5) Encourage the Heart
What is leadership?
It is a relationship between leaders and followers.
Where is the first place to look for leadership
It is within yourself.
What does excepting the leadership challenge require?
It requires reflection, practice humility, and taking advantage of every opportunity to make a difference.
Under the five practices what are the further commitments of leadership?
There are five practices and 10 commitments of exemplary leader ship.
What are the two commitments that go along with Model the way?
1) Clarify values by finding your voice and affirming shared values.
2) Set the example -aligning actions with shared values
Time spent= shows what’s important to you
Teach others to model values
- critical incidents = opportunity to teach important lessons, tell stories
Walk the walk, talk the top
What are the two commitments that fall under the practice of Inspire a shared vision?
3) Envision the future -imagining exciting possibilities
- find a common purpose
4) Enlist others
- common Vision
- common ideals
What are the two commitments that fall under the practice Challenge the process?
5) Search for opportunities:
Seize initiative:
- leadership is connected to innovation
-encourage it
-challenge with a purpose
Exercise outsight:
-awareness & understanding if outside forces is essential for innovation
-personal experience gets you out of your comfort zone
- get out of the office, experience new things then bring them back to talk about 25% staff meetings of outside info
6) Experiment
Generating small wins:
Paradox- makes risk safe
Learn from experience:
-growth V mindset
-trust promotes learning causes people not to be afraid to make a mistake
Resilience- recover quickly from set backs
Grit- perseverance and passion for long term goals
What are the two commitments that fall under the practice of Enable others to act?
7) Foster collaboration: Create a climate of trust
-leaders who don’t trust = micromanager
-leaders must be first to trust
- good way is self disclosure
- show concern for others by listening, helping others solve problems, and being open to their influence -empathy - understand how others feel
-share your competence and info
-don’t protect your turf
Facilitating relationships:
- develop cooperative goals
- support reciprocity and
-face to face interactions
8) Strengthen others:
Enhance self- determination
- choices, latitude, and personal accountability= psychological ownership
-choice and accountability are interconnected
-don’t worry about social loafers
Develop confidence and competence:
- peak performance = flow
- Training produces competence & commitment
-self-confidence= best predictor of job performance
-coaching and constructive feedback
-everyone needs a 3rd party to grow
What are the two commitments that fall under the practice Encourage the Heart?
9) Recognize contributions:
Expect the best
- “Pygmalion Effect” is self-fulfilling prophecy to bring out the best ( you believe hard enough it will happen)
- more effective feedback “ I’m giving you these comments because I have very high expectations “
- don’t use “sandwich techniques”
- be clear about your goals and rules
- no news has same effect as bad news for feedback
- encouragement is the highest form of feedback
Personalize recognition
- personalizing recognition makes it genuine
- myths- can’t be friends at work
- actual friends complete 3 times as many projects
- most positive influence, most often= on the spot recognition
- top team 3 times more negative over positive
10) Celebrate the values and victories
Create a spirit of community
- celebrate in public
- myth- public recognition cause jealousy
- people pick up on positive moods around them=“emotional contagion”
- social isolation really negatively affects all people
Be personally involved
- care as leader by delivering bad news in person and being present for good stuff
- spread the stories= most powerful method for disseminating knowledge, perfect for celebrations
What are the characteristics that the majority of people say if a leader had these, they are most likely to follow willingly?
1) Honest
2) Competent
3) Inspiring
4) Forward-looking
What is the name of the checklist of 20 attributes of a person that people will be willing to follow?
It is called the characteristics of admired leaders (CAL).
Under the Cal checklist people were asked to select seven qualities they most look for and admire in a leader and they would be willing to follow. In those 7 there are always 4 that people choose. What are they?
For the majority of people to follow someone willingly they want a leader who they believe is
1) honest,
2) competent,
3) inspiring, and
4) forward looking.
What are three criteria when people refers to as source credibility?
1) Trustworthiness
2) Expertise
3) Dynamism
What is considered the foundation of leadership?
What are some phrases people say when they know credibility when they see it?
1) They practice what they preach
2) They walk the talk
3) Their actions are consistent with your words
4) They put their money where their mouth is
5) They follow through on their promises
6) They do what they say they will do.
What is DWYSYWD?
Do what you say you will do.
As a leader what are two ways you can clarify your values?
In the beginning of your leader ship journey it is essential that you
1) find your voice and
2) affirm shared values
In order to Enlist Others you must act on two essential things what are they?
1) Appeal to common ideals
2) Animate the vision
Enlisting others is all about what?
It is all about igniting passion for a purpose and moving people to persist.
When you think of model the way what are two things should you think of?
Setting the example
When you think of inspired a shared vision what two things should you think of?
Personal vision
Common vision.
For challenge the process what two things should you think of?
- Innovative ( initiative) ways
- Small wins
When you think of enable others to act what two things should you think of ?
- Foster collaboration
- Strengthen others