The 42 Hadiths Flashcards
Actions are based on intentions
Islam, Iman, ihsan aka Hadeeth Jibreel
Five pillars
Abdullah bin Umar
Zygote and qadr
Abdullah bin Masud
Lawful and unlawful are clear
An Numan bin basheer
Tameem bin Aus ad dari
Abdullah bin Umar
Doing what you’re able to do and dangers of excessive questioning
Abu Hurayrah
Traveller who did not get due accepted due to being impure
Abu Hurayrah
Leave doubtful matters for which you have no doubt
Abu Muhammad al hasan
Leavin alone what does not concern him
Abu Hurayrah
Likes for his brother what he likes for himself
Anas bin malik
Blood of Muslim to be shed in 3 cases
Ibn Masud
Speak good, be good to your neighbours and your guests aka half of islam
Abu Hurayrah
Do not get angry
Abu hurayrah
Slaughter well
Shaddad bin aus
Follow up a bad deed with a good one
Jundub bin junadah
No one can harm you or benefit you without the decree of Allah
Abdullah bin abbas
If you don’t feel shame, do whatever you wish
Uqbah bin Amr
Remain upright
Sufyan bin Abdullah