The 17 Stem Changing Verbs in the Preterite Tense Flashcards
Andar To walk (to travel on foot) To take (to travel by; used with "en") To ride (to mount; used with "en") To work (to operate) To go, be (to be in a certain state) To hang out with (to mix with; used with "con") To go out with (to date; used with "con") To be around (to date; used with "con")
Andarse To be (to act)
anduve anduvimos
anduvo anduvieron
To fit, be room for (to have enough space)
To fit, go (to pass through; used with “por”)
To be possible (to be conceivable)
cupe cupimos
cupo cupieron
To be (used to express a quality) (used to express an emotion or state)
To be (to be located) (to feel) (to exist) (with dates; used with “a”) (with seasons; used with “en”) (with distances; used with “a”)
To look (to appear)
To be on vacation, trip, etc, to be in luck. to be working as (to find oneself; used with “de”)
To stay (to visit)
To be ready (to be done)
To be in the mood for (to feel like; used with “para”)
To have (to come down with; used with “con”)
To be in favor of (to support; used with “por”)
To agree with (to be in agreement; used with “con”)
To stay, keep (to remain)
estuve estuvimos
estuvo estuvieron
To do (to complete) (to obey) To make, prepare (to produce) To make (to create) (to acquire) (to cause) (to transform) To think (to imagine) To make look (to cause to look) To act (to behave) To make, earn (to gross) To take (time) To do, cover (to cover distance) It has been (time) To be (weather)
To make for oneself (to create for oneself)
To pretend, act (to feign)
To become (to turn into)
hice hicimos
hizo hicieron
Can, be able to (used to indicate capability)
Can, may, be allowed to (used to ask for something or permission)
May, can (to be possible)
Can (used to indicate moral obligation)
Can, may (in reproaches) (in suggestions)
To stand, put up with, (to tolerate; used with “con”)
To manage (to be capable of; used with “con”)
To upset (to hurt)
May (used to indicate possibility)
pude pudimos
pudo pudieron
To put, add (to place) To put (to cause to be) (to install) To put on (clothing) To send (to ship) To give (to grade) To lay (to produce) To put in (to contribute) To put on, turn on (to connect) To call, give (to name) To open (to establish)
To get, turn (to become) To put on (to dress oneself in) To wear (to be dressed in) To move (to place oneself) To set (to go down)
puse pusimos
puso pusieron
To want (to wish) To love, like, be fond of (to feel affection for) To mean, try (to have as intention)
To love each other (to feel affection for)
quise quisimos
quiso quisieron
To know (to have knowledge)
To find out, hear (to learn of)
To know how, can (to be able to)
To taste (to have a flavor; often used with “a”)
To hear (to find out; often used with “de”)
To know (to have knowledge)
supe supimos
supo supieron
To have, have got (to possess) (to be carrying) (used to express characteristics) (to have planned)
To have, have on (to wear)
To be (used to express age) (to feel) (to measure)
To have (to be ill with) (to give birth to) (to receive) (used with a participle to describe a state) (used to describe a possibility)
To hold, take (to grasp or carry)
To consider (to think of)
To have to, must (used to indicate an obligation; used with “que”)
Must (used to indicate supposition; used with “que”)
Should (used to indicate a reproach; used with “que”)
To stand up (to remain standing) To think (to consider oneself)
tuve tuvimos
tuvo tuvieron
To come, arrive (to move from one place to another)
To come back, be back (to return)
To be from (to be a native of)
To be, come (to be available)
To come, come up (to occur)
To get (to be overcome by)
To come, next + timeframe (used to indicate the future)
To look, suit (to become; used with “bien”)
To be (to fit; used with “grande”, “pequeño”, “ancho”)
To suit, be (to be convenient; used with “bien” or “mal”)
To mean (to indicate meaning)
To pick up (to stop by for someone or something; used with “por” or “a por”)
To come in (before the gerund)
To come (before participle)
To come (to move from one place to another) To come back (to return) To come (colloquial) (sexual)
vine vinimos
vino vinieron
To say, tell (to speak) (to transmit orders)
To say, think, believe (to give an opinion)
To recite (to narrate)
To tell (to signify)
To say (to be indicated in text)
To go ahead (to invite to speak)
To tell oneself, say to oneself, think to oneself (to promise oneself) To call (to label)
dije dijimos
dijo dijeron
To produce, make, generate (to manufacture) To produce (agriculture) (theater) To cause (to make happen) To yield, generate, produce (economics)
To take place, occur (to happen)
To inflict on oneself (to cause an injury)
produje produjimos
produjo produjeron
To bring (to transport) (to attract)
To carry, have on (to have with one)
To wear (to be dressed in)
To have (to include)
To bring, cause (to provoke)
To make, drive crazy (to make someone feel; used with an adjective)
To be wrong with (colloquial) (to have a problem with)
To bring, bring along (to carry)
To be up to (to plot)
traje trajimos
trajo trajeron
To give, have (to hand over) To give, yield, produce, bear fruit (to generate) To hold, have, throw (to celebrate) To teach (to educate) To award (to grant) To give a pleasant taste (to lend) To say thanks, greet, give (to express) To take (to perform an action) To deal (card games) To show (film, theater, television) To strike (to sound) To consider (to regard; used with "por") To feel, have (to happen suddenly) To overlook, face, look onto (to be oriented towards) To press (to activate) To hit, kick a ball (to strike) To find, hit upon, come up with (to discover) To be enough (to be sufficient; used with "para") To give (to motivate) To hit (to shine)
To grow (to thrive) To hit, crash, bump (to bash; used with "con") To happen, present itself (to occur) To tale to (to start) To hit oneself (to hurt oneself) To give up (to surrender) (Mexico)
di dimos
dio dieron
To go (to indicate movement) (to indicate a result) (to indicate origin) (to attend) (to indicate a future action)
To wear, be dressed in a color (to indicate origin)
To work, run (to function)
To be on (to discuss a process; used with “por”)
To look (to appear)
To go with (to match)
To leave, go (to exit a place)
To go away (to take away)
To forget (to not remember)
fui fuimos
fue fueron
To be (used to talk about characteristics) (used to indicate origin) (used to talk about prices) (used to indicate possession) (to take place)
To be made of (to be composed of)
To root for (to be associated with; used with “de”)
fui fuimos
fue fueron
To have (used in compound tenses)
To have to, must (to be obligated to; used with “de”)
To be (used with “there”) (to exist)
Must, should (to be obligated to; used with “que”)
To have it out with somebody (to confront)
hube hubimos
hubo hubieron