the Flashcards
What is the purpose of a Team Charter?
-A document that defines the purpose of the team, how it will work, and what the expected outcomes are.
Why is a team so important to a project
This helps to make sure that everyone is focused on the right things from the start.
What is a project stakeholder?
“Persons or organizations that are actively involved in the project, or whose interests may be positively or negatively affected by execution or completion of the project. A stakeholder may also exert influence over the project and its deliverables.”
What includes in a Stakeholders
Key stakeholders include:
Project Manager
Project Team Members
Project Sponsor
Project Client
Name the triple constraints.
-All of the work to be done to produce the end product
-Everything allocated to you to use to complete the work
-Between the start of a project and your deadline to deliver the end product
What are the 5 parts to the Project Management framework & their deliverables?
Initiating-Scope statement
Planning- Project Plan
Monitoring- Status reports, meeting, meeting minutes
Executing- deliveries
Closing- archived docs, including lessons learned
What are the different parts to a scope statement?
— Assumptions
— Communication Plan
— Documentation Plan
— Stakeholders and signatures of accept
What is a SMART checklist?
(Part of Scope Statement)
S pecific
M ade-to-deliver
A greed-upon
R ealistic
T ime-framed
Why bother with a scope statement?
-Nail things down before you leave the dock
-Reveal misunderstandings, conflicting assumptions, practical details
–Makes everyone THINK about the details of the project up front
Affords the project team protection
1) What is the purpose of a WBS?
2) What are the parts?
1) to understand the work that has to be done to successfully produce a deliverable(s).
2) end product into sub-deliverables (parents and child)
Then, develop a task list to produce each sub-deliverable
step 1: task dependencies
step 2: Calendar
step 3: identify milestones
step:mAssign an individual to each of the lowest-level tasks in the project schedule
What do we use to monitor a project?
—-(((((Action Items))))))
—Status Reports
—Team Meetings and Minutes
What does monitoring prevent?
prevent people from not progressing
What is included in the project archive?
-Scope Statement
-Project Plan, showing actuals too
-Action Item Log
-Status Reports to stakeholders
-Post-Project Review (PPR) Report
What is the purpose of the PPR?
–Recognize your accomplishments!
–Identify things you would do differently
–Identify things you would be sure to do the same way
What are the key features of a PPR?
–(All team members), including project managers and team leaders, participate
–(Individual preparation is required PRIOR) to the PPR meeting
–Led by a (facilitator) with a formal (agenda)
–Important output of the meeting is the (PPR Repor)t