The 10 Subject Pronouns - who's doing the action? Flashcards
Yo hablo.
I talk.
Tú hablas.
You (informal version) talk.
él habla
he talks
Ella habla.
She talks.
Usted habla.
You talk.
(To be used when talking to someone senior in age to you)
Nosotros hablamos.
We talk.
Vosotros habláis.
You guys talk
(Informal when talking directly to more than one person; in Spain, we mostly use “vosotros” when talking directly to more than one person even if the group consists of people who are senior in age to you)
Ellos hablan.
They talk.
(To be used when referring to a group of people consisting of all males or a mix of males and females)
Ellas hablan.
They talk
(To be used when referring to a group of people consisting of all females)
Ustedes hablan.
You guys talk.
(To be used when talking to a group of people who are senior in age to you to show respect. In Spain, we use vosotros instead of ustedes.)
What does the conjugation chart look like with subject pronouns only?