The 10 amendments Flashcards
What amendments gives freedoms
1st amendments
Which amendment does not allow to have the same offense twice
5th amendment
Which amendment guarantees a trial by jury
7th amendment
Which amendment does not let police enter a home without a search warrant
4th amendment
Which amendments protect individual citizens
2nd amendment
Which amendment is states rights
10th amendment
Which amendment does not let soldiers into their homes
3rd amendment
Which amendment is being excessive
8th amendment
Which amendment is people’s rights
9th amendment
Which amendment is being accused of a criminal case
6th amendment
What amendment has individual
11th amendment
Which amendment gives all persons born or naturalized in the united states gives them right
14th amendment
Which amendment ended slavery
13th amendment
Which amendment repeals art 2 second 1
12th amendment
Which amendment makes 16yrs old pay income tax
16th amendment
Which amendment protects the right of Americans to vote no matter color or race
15th amendment
Which amendment is where the whole state votes for senators
17th amendment
Which amendment is where 18 to vote women had to wait a year
19th amendment
Which amendment is alcohol is illegal to 18yr old
18th amendment
Which amendment is where alcohol is legal to 21yr old
21st amendment
Which amendment is where they switch the presidents office to march to Jan.20
20th amendment
Which amendment is Two Terms
22nd amendment
Which amendment is where MJ went to Washington
23rd amendment
Which amendment is where the president is sick and the vice president have to take over the role
25th amendment
Which amendment is where it is the end of them and pay raise end
27th amendment