Thatcher's Economic Policies and their Impact, Trade Unions 1979-1987 Flashcards
Who was Chancellor in first term?
Geoffrey Howe
What was Moneterism?
- financial theory associated with Milton Freidman
- to bring inflation under control
- he believed gov spending root cause of inflation thus had to restrict money in circulation and reduce public expenditure
Due to monetarism what were thatcher’s aims?
- cut public spending
- raise interest rates
- keep pound strong on international financial markets
What did Thatcher say about U-turns?
- 1980 Tory Party conference she said “U-turn if you want to, the lady’s not for turning”
What was the 1979 economic budget?
-1979 Budget intended to bring down public spending and inflation + switch taxation from direct to indirect
- Income tax cuts: top rate down from 83p to 60p and lower rate down 33p to 30p
- VAT up to 15% to finance tax cuts
- public spending reduced by £4 billion
- sharp increase in interest rates to 14%
what was as a consequence of the 1979 budget?
- deflated economy had seriously added to unemployment
- 1980 was gripped by serious recession
- 15% inflation
- Unemployment tops 2 million - highest in western europe
What was done economically in 1981?
- A triumph for the monetarist
- 1981 Budget was most resolutely anti-Keynesian of modern times
- even some resistance from Howe
- Britain’s largest ever tax increases including a rise of 20p in petrol tax. Heavy increases on tax of tobacco and alcohol
- £3500 million spending cuts
- 1982 Amersham International privatised - grossly undervalued
What were the consequences of the economic policies in 1981?
- Increased unemployment
- public expenditure con to rise partly because of colossal bill of social security payments to relieve the rising n. of unemployed
- 1979-1981 other nations saw GDP rise over 5% Britain fell by 2.5%
- productive capacity was falling more rapidly than ever recorded before
- stagflation back
What was the 1982 economic budget?
£1.3 billion in taxes were “given away”
What were the consequences of the 1982 economic budget?
- after a year in office the Thatcher gov found itself presiding over:
- mass de-industrialisation
- inflation of more than 20%
- a rise in public spending
- unemployment over 3 million (highest since 1933)
- prospects of a slump
- only revenue from North Sea oil kept balance of payments reasonable
What were the negatives of Thatcher’s economic policy? - first term
- 364 economists denounced gov’s economic approach as ruinous
- combination of high interest rates, high exchange rate (prices rose 18% in 1980, 12% in 1981) + high inflation destroyed many viable firms
- about 25% of manufacturing capacity was lost during period
- 1979-81 britains GDP fell by 2.5% whilst other countries rose
- productive capacity falling
- 3 million unemployed
What were the positives of Thatcher’s economic policies?
- much more capacity would have been lost had not the gov con to support “lame ducks” taken under public wing
- 1970s British Leyland and Rolls Royce
- inflation fallen from peak of 22% in early 1980 to mere 5%
- partly due to huge unemployment depressing consumer pressure
- monetarism abandoned quietly: had they continued british economy would have collapsed
Who was chancellor in second term?
- Nigel Lawson
- gulf between rich and poor became wider
What did Lawson do with public spending in 1983-?
- urged cuts in public spending (high unemployment meant gov spending increased)
What did lawson do with taxation in 1987?
- 1987 budget reduced standard rate income tax to 27p (yet huge budget surplus of over £16 billion recorded)
- cuts to personal taxation levels to benefit the super rich
- other taxes rising
- increased returns from VAT and increased Corporation Tax on company profits