That One Thing Flashcards
Audience centeredness
Keeping the audience foremast in mind at every step of speech preparation
Adapting to audience
Keep your audience in mind at every stage of speech preparation
AUDIENCE adaptation before SPEECH
Assess how AUDIENCE is going to respond to what you say in speech
Adjust what you say to make it as clear, appropriate and convincing as possible
AUDIENCE adaptation during
Adjust and go over if it’s not going through
Tendency of people to be concerned above all w their own values, beliefs and well being
All elements of Preparation outline
State specific purpose of speech
Identify central idea
Label intro, body, and conclusion
Consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation
Benefits of preparation outline
Helps prepare speech, helps put it together and what you will say be organized
Benefit of using a PowerPoint
Integrates a variety of visual aids in the same talk
4 general heading info speeches fall under
Concept, objects, processes, events
5 ways to organize speech
Chronological Spatial Topical Causal Problem/Solution
Demographic audience analysis
Audience that focuses on demographic factors
3 types of questions to ask AUDIENCE about their opinions
Fixed alternative
Open ended
Fixed alternative questions
Offer fixed choose between two or more responses
Scale questions
Like fixed alt but allow more leeway in responding
Open ended questions
Maximum leeway in responding