TH67-BWS Flashcards
TH67 BWS Flashcards
Selection of Battle Position (ATP 3-04.1) N-nature of the target O-bbstacles R-range to target M-multiple firing position/lanes A-area to maneuver
Selection of Firing Positions (ATP 3-04.1) B-background R-range A-altitude of target S-sun or full moon S-shadow C-concealment R-rotor wash A-area to maneuver F-fields of fire O-obstacle clearance
Fundamentals of Recon G-gain and maintain enemy contact O-orient on recon obj R-report all info rapidly and accurately R-retain freedom to maneuver D-develop situation quickly D-do not keep recon assets in reserve E-ensure continuous reporting
LZ/PZ Recon (Tactical)
LZPZ Recon (Technical) L-landing formation O-obstacles N-number and type A/C G-ground slope L-load availability A-approach/departure direction S-size of landing area S-surface condition V-vulnerability
LZPZ Recon (Met) V-visibility D-density altitude W-winds C-ceiling
Holding Area Recon (Task 2067) O-obstacles A-avenues of app/dep K-key terrain S-security C-cover and concealment
Actions on Contact (Task 1413) D-deploy to cover R-report M-maintain contact D-develop situation C-course of action
Target Handover (Task 2471) A-alert and target desc T-target location M-method of engagement E-execution P-post engagement ***Direction / Distance / Description***
Ground Route Recon Planning (ATP 3-04.1) S-start point R-release point S-size and comp of friendly force D-designation of the route M-mission time and duration
Tactical Flight Mission Planning (Task 1408) M-mission M-map recon M-mode of flight R-route D-distance F-fuel W-weather R-risk assessment B-brief
Hazards to Terrain Flight (Task 1408)
M-meteorological WX
P-Physical (Man-made/Natural)
Approach Considerations (Task 1409) T-tactical S-suitability L-long axis O-obstacles W-wind
Takeoff Considerations (Task 1407) S-situation L-long axis O-obstacles W-wind
Wind Recognition (Task 1052.09)
G-ground cues
A-aircraft cues
F-foretasted winds
Fundamentals of Reconnaissance
GORRDDE G-gain and maintain enemy contact O-orient on recon obj R-report all info rapidly and accurately R-retain freedom to maneuver D-develop situation quickly D-do not keep recon assets in reserve E-ensure continuous reporting
LZ/PZ Recon (Tactical)
LZ/PZ Recon (Technical)
LONGLASSV L-landing formation O-obstacles N-number and type A/C G-ground slope L-load availability A-approach/departure direction S-size of landing area S-surface condition V-vulnerability
Tactical Flight Mission Planning
MMMRDFWRB M-mission M-map recon M-mode of flight R-route D-distance F-fuel W-weather R-risk assessment B-brief
Wind Recognition Cues
G-ground cues
A-aircraft cues
F-foretasted winds
Approach Considerations
TSLOW T-tactical S-suitability L-long axis O-obstacles W-wind
Takeoff Considerations
SLOW S-situation L-long axis O-obstacles W-wind
Ground Route Recon Planning
SRSDM S-start point R-release point S-size and comp of friendly force D-designation of the route M-mission time and duration
Hazards to Terrain Flight
M-meteorological WX
P-Physical (Man-made/Natural)
Actions on Contact
DRMDC D-deploy to cover R-report M-maintain contact D-develop situation C-course of action
LZ/PZ Recon (Met)
VDWC V-visibility D-density altitude W-winds C-ceiling
Holding Area Recon
OAKSC O-obstacles A-avenues of app/dep K-key terrain S-security C-cover and concealment
SPOT Report
SALUTE/SALT-W S-size A-activity L-location U-unit T-time E-equipment Size Activity Location Time - WhatDoing
Slope Abort Criteria
CAMPS C-cyclic limits A-aircraft limits M-mast bumping P-personal/physical limits S-sliding
Aerial Observation
DILR D-detect I-identify L-locate R-report
Factors that Affect Visual Search
WATCH W-weather A-airspeed T-terrain C-cues H-human eye
Visual Cues for Visual Search
MCLOSSTT M-movement C-color L-light O-obvious sightings S-shadows S-smoke T-texture T-trails
- -is the occurrence of an uncommanded and rapid right yaw rate which does not subside of its own accord and which, if not quickly reacted to, can result in loss of aircraft control.
1. WeathercockStability(120-240) - winds weathervane a/c into relative wind
- slow uncommanded yaw left or right
- right yaw can develop into an LTE
2. Vortex Ring(210-330) - vortex ring state develops around tail rotor
- uncommanded pitch, roll, and yaw
- maintaining a precise heading will be impossible
- pilot workload high
3. Disc Vortex(280-330) - main rotor tip vortices to be directed onto the tail rotor
- tail rotor operates in an extremely turbulent environment
- sudden uncommanded right yaw, if uncorrected, develops into spin
This is a situation involving a loss of effective tail rotor thrust WITHOUT a break in the drive system which CANNOT be stopped with full left pedal application. If LTE is experienced, SIMULTANEOUSLY:
- As recovery is affected, adjust controls for normal flight.
- If spin cannot be stopped and crash is imminent, an AUTO may be the best course of action. Maintain full left pedal until the spin stops, then adjust to maintain heading.
WARNING: COLLECTIVE REDUCTION will aid in arresting the yaw rate; however, if a rate of descent has been established, collective reduction may increase the rate of descent to an excessive value. The resultant large and rapid increase in collective to prevent ground or obstacle contact may further increase the yaw rate, decrease the rotor RPM and cause an over torque and/or over-temperature condition. Therefore, the decision to reduce collective must be based on the pilot assessment of the altitude available for recovery.
Dynamic Rollover
A helicopter is susceptible to a lateral-rolling tendency called dynamic rollover. Dynamic rollover can occur on level ground as well as during a slope or crosswind landing and takeoff. Three conditions are required for dynamic rollover: --pivot point right skid downslope --rolling motion left pedal inputs, lateral loading --exceed critical angle crosswind and high roll rates
PHYSICAL FACTORS (MAST-C): -Main Rotor Thrust -Aircraft CG/Low fuel -Sloped landing area -Tail-rotor thrust -Crosswind HUMAN FACTORS: -Failure to make timely control movements -Loss of visual reference points -Inexperience -Inattention