TH-57 EP's (SEP '19) Flashcards
Engine Failure In Flight
- Nr decrease
- Rapid settling
- Left yaw
- ROTOR LOW RPM caution light/audio
- ENGINE OUT caution light/audio
- GEN FAIL [B] or MAIN GEN FAIL [C] caution light
- Autorotate
- Shoulder Harness - lock
If time and altitude permit:
- Mayday - transmit
- Transponder - emergency
- “Engine Restart in Flight” Procedure - as req
Engine Failure at High Airspeed and Low Altitude
- Cyclic - immediately apply aft {W}
* 2. Autorotate
- Torque Gauge flashes 2x/sec
- TRQ caution light flashes 2x/sec
- Torque limit exceeded
If overtorque exceeding 120%:
*1. Land as soon as possible
If overtorque of 120% or less:
*2. Land as soon as practicable
- TOT Gauge flases 2x/sec
- TOT caution light flashes 2x/sec
- TOT limit exceeded
*1. Land as soon as possible
- Ng, Nf, or Nr limits exceeded
*1. Land as soon as possible
Compressor Stall {W}
- Popping, rumbling, or loud banging
- Abnormal vibrations
- Rapid rise or fluctuations in TOT
- Torque fluctuations with yaw kicks
- Ng fluctuation
- Loss of power
- Collective - lower {N}
- ENG Anti-Ice Switch - ON
- Cabin Heat Valve - ON
- Check power available {N}
If power is insufficient to maintain level flight:
- Autorotate
- Twist Grip - flight idle {N}
If power is sufficient to maintain level flight:
*7. Land as soon as possible {N}
Underspeeding Nf/Nr {W}
- Low Nf or Nr
- Collective - lower as req to maintain a minimum of 90% Nr
- Twist Grip - full open
- GOV RPM - full increase
If underspeed persists:
*4. Check power available {N}
If power not sufficient:
*5. Autorotate {N}
If sufficient power is availble:
*6 Land as soon as possible {N}
Engine Overspeed (Nf) Rotor RPM (Nr)
- Increase in Nr, Nf, Ng, TOT, engine noise
- Right yaw
- Twist Grip - reduce (to maintain Nf/Nr in operating range)
- Collective/Twist Grip - coordinate
- Land as soon as possible
Fuel Control Failure
- Erratic Nf/Nr
- Fluctuating Ng and/or TOT (Same direction due to fuel scheduling)
- Collective - adjust as req to maintain Nr in operating range
- Twist Grip - adjust as req to maintain Nf in operating range
- Land as soon as possible {W}
Engine Restart in Flight
*1. Ng - note
If Ng is below 12%: {N}
- Twist Grip - close
- Starter - ON
- At 12% Ng, Twist Grip - full open
If Ng is 12% or above:
*5. Starter - ON
If light off occurs:
- At 58% Ng, Starter - OFF
- Land as soon as possible {N}
Main Drive Shaft Failure
- Nr decrease
- Nf indication higher than Nr
- Left yaw
- Loud bang/sound of overspeeding engine
- Low torque
- Autorotate
- Twist Grip - adjust, if necessary, to maintain Nf in operating range {W} {N}
When on deck:
*3. “Emergency Shutdown” - complete
Engine Chip {W}
- ENG CHIP and CLEAR CHIP caution lights
*1. Check for secondary indications
If secondary indications exist:
*2. Land as soon as possible
If no secondary indications exist:
First chip light:
*3. Press CLEAR CHIP
If ENG CHIP remains:
*4. Land as soon as possible
If ENG CHIP extinguishes:
*5. Note time and continue flight
Second chip light - If within 30 mins of first:
*6. Land as soon as possible
If more than 30 mins have elapsed since first:
*7. Proceed as with the first light
Any subsequent ENG CHIP caution light within 50 hrs of first:
*8. Land as soon as possible
Abort Start
- Battery stabilized below 17V
- TOT fails to rise after twist grip rotated to flight idle and Ng fails to rise above 20% (igniter failure)
- TOT rises more slowly than normal and Ng rises slowly, stabilizes (hung start)
- TOT exceeds limits and TOT caution light flashes 2x/sec (hot start)
- Engine Oil Pressure 0 psi
- Rotors not turning by 25% Ng
- Transmission Oil Pressure not indicated by 30% Nr
- Twist Grip - close
* 2. Starter - OFF, after TOT stabilizes at 400 deg C or below {C}
Mast Bumping
- Sharp 2-rev knocking
If mast bumping is suspected:
- Establish positive G load and/or balanced flight - as req
- Land immediately {N}
Transmission Malfunction
Indications: - Abnormal transmission temp or px indications - TRANS OIL PRESS caution - TRANS OIL TEMP caution - TRANS CHIP and CLEAR CHIP cautions and/or - Abnormal sound from transmission area
If failure is imminent: {N}
- Land Immediately
- Shoulder Harness - lock
If failure is not imminent:
*3. Land as soon as possible {N}
Transmission Chip
- TRANS CHIP or CLEAR CHIP caution lights
First TRANS CHIP caution light:
*1. Check for secondary indications
If secondary indications exist:
*2. “Transmission Malfunction” Procedure - perform
If no secondary indications exist:
*3. Press CLEAR CHIP
If TRANS CHIP remains illuminated:
*4. “Transmission Malfunction” Procedure - perform
If TRANS CHIP extinguishes:
*5. Note the time and continue flight
Second TRANS CHIP caution light - Within 30 mins of first:
*6. “Transmission Malfunction” Procedure - perform
If more than 30 mins have elapsed
*7. Proceed as with the first TRANS CHIP caution light
Any subsequent TRANS CHIP caution light within 50 hrs of the first:
*8. “Transmission Malfunction” Procedure - perform
Sprag Clutch Slippage
Indications: When Twist Grip increased to full open - Nf indication higher than Nr - Low torque indication - Ng and TOT indications lower than normal and not responsive to collective
- Autorotate
- Twist Grip - flight idle
If time and altitude permit:
*3. Twist Grip - smoothly rotate to full open
If Nf/Nr are married:
*4. Collective - increase {N}
If sprag clutch continues to slip:
- Autorotate
- Twist Grip - closed
If the sprag clutch re-engages:
*7. Land as soon as possible {C}
Complete Loss of Tail Rotor Thrust
- Pedal input has no effect on trim
- Right yaw (left sideslip)
- Left roll of fuselage along longitudinal axis
- Loud bang
Delayed Indications:
- High frequency vibrations
- Whining, grinding
- Yaw kicks (often during power changes)
- Restricted/difficult movement of pedals
- Unusual pedal positions
- T/R CHIP and CLEAR CHIP caution lights
In a hover:
- Twist Grip - flight idle
- Cyclic - eliminate drift
- Collective - increase to cushion landing
Transition to forward flight or hover/air taxi:
- Twist Grip - flight idle
- Cyclic - eliminate sideward drift
- Collective - increase to cushion landing
At altitude:
*4. Autorotate
If yaw is not controllable:
*5. Twist Grip - flight idle, immediately
If yaw is controllable:
- Continue powered flight and set up to a suitable landing area at or above minimum rate of descent autorotational airspeed {W} {N}
- Autorotate
- Twist Grip - rotate to flight idle prior to touchdown {W}
Tail Rotor Chip Caution
- T/R CHIP and CLEAR CHIP caution lights
*1. Land as soon as possible {W}
Fixed Pitch (Pedal) in a Hover
Right Yaw Indication:
- Unable to control right yaw in hover with pedal input
- Power increase aggravates degree of yaw
Left Yaw Indication:
- Unable to control left yaw in hover with pedal input
- Power decrease aggravates degree of yaw
Right Yaw
If rate of rotation is not excessive and landing surface is smooth and firm:
*1. Collective - decrease to effect a power on landing
If rate of rotation is excessive or landing surface is unsuitable for a power on landing:
- Twist Grip - reduce as nose approaches wind line
- Cyclic - eliminate drift
- Collective - increase to cushion landing
Left Yaw
If rate of rotation is not excessive and landing surface is smooth and firm:
*1. Collective - decrease to effect a power on landing
If rate of rotation is excessive or landing surface is unsuitable for a power on landing:
- Smoothly increase collective to stop left yaw
- When left yaw has stopped, smoothly decrease collective to set up for a landing {N}
- Eliminate lateral drift with cyclic as aircraft settles
- Continue to smoothly lower collective once on deck to control yaw & transfer aircraft weight to the skids
Loss of Tail Rotor Effectiveness
- Pedals - full left
- Collective - lower (as altitude permits)
- Airspeed - increase
If spin cannot be stopped:
*4. Autorotate
High Frequency Vibration
*1. ECS - OFF
If vibrations continue:
*2. Land as soon as possible {W}
If vibrations cease:
*3. Land as soon as practicable
Hydraulic Power Cylinder Malfunction
- Cyclic/collective control displaces to abnormal position
- Control of cyclic/collective is difficult or impossible
- Helicopter - regain control
- Airspeed - adjust (to obtain most comfortable control movement level)
- Land as soon as possible {W}
Battery Hot Caution
- BATTERY HOT caution light
- BAT Switch - OFF
* 2. Land as soon as possible {N}
Battery Temp Caution
- BATTERY TEMP caution light
- BAT Switch - OFF
* 2. Flight may be continued {N}
Spare Caution
- SPARE caution light (indicative of improper wiring of caution panel)
- Check for other indications
* 2. Land as soon as possible
Fuel Boost Pump Failure
- FUEL PUMP caution
- Indicated fuel px of 0 (dual pump failure)
- Descent - initiate if above 6,000’ P.A. and flight permits
- Fuel pressure and quantity - note {W}
If both fuel pumps have failed (0 psi) or a single pump has failed (4-30 psi) with quantity below 20 gal: {W}
*3. Land as soon as possible
If only one boost pump has failed (4-30 psi):
4. Land as soon as practicable
Airframe Fuel Filter Caution
- A/F caution light
*1. Land as soon as possible {W}
Suspected Fuel Leakage
- Unusual fuel usage
- Fuel fumes in cockpit
- Streaming fuel
*1. Land as soon as possible
If time and altitude permit:
- Transmit position and intentions
- Unnecessary Equipment - secure {W}
When on deck:
*4. “Emergency Shutdown” - complete
Engine Fire In Flight {W}
- Fire light
- Smoke and/or flames
*1. Confirm existence of fire
If fire exists:
*2. Land immediately
If fire not confirmed:
*3. Land as soon as possible
When on deck:
*4. “Emergency Shutdown” - complete
Fuselage Fire
*1. Land immediately
When on deck:
*2. Emergency Shutdown - complete {W} {N}
Electrical Fire - Unknown Origin
- Smoke, fumes, sparks
- Loadmeter shows excessive load
- DC Voltmeter shows decrease in voltage
*1. BAT Switch - OFF
[C] *2. STBY GEN Switch - OFF
[C] *3. If in VMC, STBY ATT IND Switch - OFF
*4. MAIN GEN Switch - OFF
If fire persists:
- Land immediately
- “Emergency Shutdown” - complete
If fire extinguishes:
*7. Land as soon as possible
Electrical Fire - Known Origin
- Smoke, fumes, sparks
- Loadmeter shows excessive load
- DC Voltmeter shows decrease in voltage
- Affected equipment - secure
- Affected circuit breakers - pull
If fire persists:
*3. “Electrical Fire - Unknown Origin” Procedure - execute
If fire extinguishes:
*4. Land as soon as practicable
Smoke/Fume Elimination
- Smoke or fumes in cockpit
- ECS and DEFOG Blower - OFF
- Vents/Windows - open
If smoke/fumes persist:
*3. Slip or skid aircraft to eliminate smoke and fumes
If source of the smoke and/or fumes cannot be identified:
*4. Land as soon as possible
Post Shutdown Fire (Internal)
- TOT rises above 400 deg C
- Flames or smoke coming from engine
- Starter - engage
- Fuel Valve - OFF
- Igniter Circuit Breaker - pull
- Starter - secure after fire is extinguished
Immediate Landing/Ditching {W}
- Crew and Passengers - alert
- Shoulder Harness - lock
- Mayday - transmit
- Transponder - emergency
- Doors - open/jettison (as req)
- Landing Light/Search Light - as req
When on deck:
*7. “Emergency Shutdown” - complete
If water landing:
*8. “Underwater Egress” - execute
Underwater Egress {W}
- SEBD - don (as req)
- Communication Cords - disconnect
- Doors - open/jettison
- Place hand on known reference point
Once all violent motion has stopped:
- Shoulder Harness/Lapbelt - release
- Exit helicopter
After egress:
*7. Swim clear and inflate LPU
Emergency Shutdown
- Fire warning light
- Smoke
- Fuel fumes
- Indication from ground personnel
- Grinding noises or apparent drive train damage
*1. Twist Grip - close
*2. Fuel Valve - OFF
*3. BAT Switch - OFF
[C] *4. STBY ATT IND Switch - OFF
[C] *5. Rotor Brake - engage immediately
*6. Helicopter - Egress (as req). Use fire bottle or get clear of aircraft as applicable {W}
- OAT less than 4 deg C
- Visible moisture
*2. PITOT HEAT Switches - HEAT
[C] *3. Alternate Static Source Knob - as req
*4. Descend or climb to a warmer temperature or vacate clouds/moisture
If unable to get clear of icing conditions:
*5. Land as soon as possible {W}
Torquemeter Wet line Rupture
- Low needle indication and digital readout
- Monitor engine oil instruments
* 2. Land as soon as possible
Engine or Transmission Oil Pressures
Indications: - Erratic gauge fluctuations or - Engine oil px not within normal range or - Transmission oil px not 30-70 psi
If engine oil pressure is exhibiting abnormal indications:
*1. Land as soon as possible
If transmission oil pressure is exhibiting abnormal indications
*2. “Transmission Malfunction Procedure” - perform {W} {N}
Engine or Transmission Oil Temperature Malfunction
Indications: - Temp limit exceeded or - Gauge fluctuates or - Gauge indicates 0
If engine oil temperature gauge exceeds red line limits:
*1. Land as soon as possible
If transmission oil temperature gauge exceeds red line limits:
*2. “Transmission Malfunction” Procedure - perform
If either oil temperature gauge fluctuates or falls to 0:
*3. Land as soon as practicable
Pitot-Static Instruments
- Airspeed, vertical speed, or altimeter fluctuates erratically or gives false indications
- Power and attitude instruments are normal
*1. PITOT HEAT Switch(es) - HEAT
If pitot heat does not remedy the situation:
[C] *2. Alternate Static Source Knob - pull
If icing conditions are present:
*3. “Icing” Procedures - execute
If icing conditions are not present:
*4. Land as soon as practicable
Rotor Blade Stall
- Progressively increasing 2/rev vibrations
- Loss of longitudinal control and severe feedback in the cyclic
- Violent vertical nose oscillations independent of cyclic position
- Severity of Maneuver - decrease
- Collective - lower
- Airspeed - decrease
- Altitude - descend (if flight permits)
- Rotor RPM - increase {W}
Vortex Ring State
- Rapid descent rate increase
- Pitch and roll oscillations
- Increase in overall vibration level
- Loss of control effectiveness
Caused by ROD greater than 800’/min at a/s less than 40 KIAS; high, steep, and/or downwind approaches
*1. Controls - as req to clear vortex ring state
If impact is imminent:
*2. Level skids to conform to terrain
Power Required Exceeds Power Available
- Uncommanded descent with torque at maximum available
- Rotor droop
- Loss of tail rotor authority
- Collective - lower as req to maintain a min of 90% Nr
- Twist Grip - full open
- Angle of Bank - level wings
- Airpseed - 50 KIAS (min power req a/s)
- Jettison - as req
If impact is imminent:
- Level skids to conform to terrain
- Cushion the landing
Dynamic Rollover
- Excessive roll rate about a pivot point when lift approx. equals weight
- Lateral control becomes sluggish or ineffective
- Cyclic contacts lateral stop
- Collective - lower to stop the roll
* 2. Cyclic - neutral {W}
Uncommanded Right Roll During Flight Below 1G
- Uncommanded right roll
- Reduced cyclic effectiveness
*1. Cyclic - immediately apply aft to establish positive G load on rotor, then center laterally {W}
When main rotor returns to a positive thrust condition:
*2. Controls - as req to regain balanced flight
If mast bumping has occurred:
*3. Land immediately
Emergency Descent
- Collective - lower (to min pitch)
* 2. Airspeed - 130 KIAS (122 KIAS max with FCS on) {N}