Textual sources of Mary Flashcards
What is ‘Our lady of the underpass’?
- Shrine in Chicago
- Seen as approval of Pope Benedict XVI being selected.
What are the main Gospels in the New Testament?
Mark (oldest 66-77ce), Matthew (85-90ce), Luke (85- 90ce) and John (90-110ce)
They have very little info no Mary
‘Virgin’ concept only mentioned in Matthew and Luke
How does Luke and Matthew Differ?
- Luke is more detailed
- Matthew is based more on Joseph than Mary
- Luke has Mary as a central figure
- Luke describes the birth in more detail but doesn’t mention the wise men
- Matthew doesn’t mention journey to Bethlehem.
What’s the key points in the nativity? (hint - 5)
- Mary visited by the Angel (Luke)
- Joseph dream about the message to stay with Mary (Matthew)
- Travel to Bethlehem (Luke)
- Shepherds told of the birth (Luke)
- Wise men (Matthew)
What key events is Mary mentioned in after Jesus’ birth? (Hint 7)
- Takes Jesus to Jerusalem temple (Luke)
- Flee Egypt to escape Herod + return to Nazareth (Matthew)
- 12 yrs old Jesus’ conversation with leaders in the temple (Luke)
- At the wedding in Cana where water turns to wine (John)
- Identified as Jesus’ mother in crowds at Nazareth (Mark, Matthew + Luke)
- Present at crucifixion (John)
- Mary joins Christian community in Jerusalem in pray after Jesus Ascension (Acts of Apostles)
Which Epistles is Mary mentioned in?
None other than Letter of Galatians (‘ born of a women’)
Key points of Mary in Jewish Scriptures?
- Prophecy of Isiah
- Links to prophecies in scriptures were meaningful to Jesus’ followers with Jewish backgrounds.
What is Apocrypha?
- Detailed accounts of Mary
- Left out N.T due to doubts of authenticity.
- Book of James - Mary’s miraculous conception and vow of virginity whilst remaining virtuous and lived a life ‘fitting for the mother of God’ (probably written in Syria.)
What are the Polemics?
- Strong written attacks + contemptuous ridicule
- Claims of illegitimacy of Jesus (Serious accusation for the time)
- Authors keen to discredit growing Christian Cult
- Celus wrote ‘ The True Doctrine’
Mary in the Qur’an key points?
- Mentions Mary more than N.T (34 vs 19)
- Jesus seen as a prophet + messenger of God not his son (this affects how they view Marys status)
- Sura 19 dedicated to her (one of the longest prophet)
- wrote in 610-32ce when Mary was becoming a prominent figure
- ‘Women of considerable integrity, sanctity + autonomy’ in her own right.
- She is celebrated as a distinctive archetype of prayerfulness +patience in adversity, not Jesus’ mother.
How does Mary differ in the Qur’an than the N.T?
- Highly praised women
- Both have angelic messenger
- No mention of Joseph
- pain during childbirth (different to Matthew)
- Jesus can talk as a baby + given a more active role
- Contrasts gospels but similar to Apocryphal (Book of John)
- Mary is confronted with scepticism and questions of morality about the birth