Texting-1 Flashcards
AAMOF (Texting)
as a matter of fact (Texting)
ADIH (Texting)
another day in hell (Texting)
AFAIC (Texting)
as far as i’m concerned (Texting)
AFAICT (Texting)
as far as i can tell (Texting)
AFAIK (Texting)
as far as i know (Texting)
AFAIR (Texting)
as far as i remember (Texting)
AFK (Texting)
away from keyboard (Texting)
ASAP (Texting)
as soon as possible (Texting)
ASL (Texting)
age; sex; location (Texting)
AYOR (Texting)
at your own risk (Texting)
B@U (Texting)
back at you (Texting)
B4N (Texting)
bye for now (Texting)
BAE (Texting)
before anyone else (Texting)
BBBG (Texting)
bye bye be good (Texting)
BBIAS (Texting)
be back in a sec (Texting)
BFF (Texting)
best friends forever (Texting)
BRB (Texting)
be right back (Texting)
BSAAW (Texting)
big smile and a wink (Texting)
BUMP (Texting)
bring up my post (Texting)
BWL (Texting)
bursting with laughter (Texting)
CS (Texting)
career suicide (Texting)
CSL (Texting)
can’t stop laughing (Texting)
CWOT (Texting)
complete waste of time (Texting)
CYT (Texting)
see you tomorrow (Texting)
DAE (Texting)
does anyone else? (Texting)
DBMIB (Texting)
don’t bother me i’m busy (Texting)
DIY (Texting)
do it yourself (Texting)
DM (Texting)
direct message (Texting)
DWH (Texting)
during work hours (Texting)
E123 (Texting)
easy as one; two; three (Texting)
EMBM (Texting)
early morning business meeting (Texting)
EOD (Texting)
end of day (Texting)
ETA (Texting)
estimated time of arrival (Texting)
FAWC (Texting)
for anyone who cares (Texting)
FIMH (Texting)
forever in my heart (Texting)
FTL (Texting)
for the loss (Texting)
FTW (Texting)
for the win (Texting)
FWIW (Texting)
for what it’s worth (Texting)