Textile Terminologies Flashcards
Fine strands measuring from 1/2 in to 8cm
A type of cloth or woven fabric
Cellulosic Fibre
A Textile fibre composed of pure cellulose.
Natural: cotton
Manmade: viscose/rayon
Natural Fibre
Fibre that comes from plants, animals and mineral
Protein Fibre
Fibres made from animal
Regenerated Fibre
Fibres made from chemically altering materials that comes from plant
Synthetic Fibre
Fibres made from chemicals that come from oil and coal
Fibres that are less than one denier thick
Fibres that are spun and twisted together
Simple Yarn
This is a type of yarn which is smooth and evenly twisted
Ply Yarn
Composed of two or more single threads twisted together
Cable Yarn
Consists of straight core yarn and spiral running cover yarn
Woven or fabric made from wool, cotton or similar fabric
Fabric made from using microfibres
Generic name
This is the name for a group of related fibres
Trade Name
This is the name given by the manufacturer to their product
Fibre Blend
A combination of two or more fibres such as natural fibres and manufactured fibres
Such as polycot
Staple Fibres
Fibres that are short. All natural fibres are staple except silk
Filament Fibres
Long continuous fibres
The amount of light reflected by a fabris seen with the naked eye
The ability of a material to exist without deteriorating