Textbook learning: Mann & Lazier, Miller Flashcards
Brownian motion
Particles undergo random walk. Is one mechanism causing aggregation of particles.
Effect of turbulence on predator and prey interactions?
Increases rate of interaction between predator and prey
Gross versus net primary production?
Gross PP is total; net is total minus respiration. Net production is available to herbivores
Total carbon dioxide in all three forms in oceanic water? per liter
90 mg CO2 l-1
dominant pigments in phytoplankton
chlorphyll a. but chlorophylls b, c, and d plus accessory pigments (carotenes, xanthophylls, phycobilins) are also present. Note: accessory pigments often dominate over the green color of chlorophyll, resulting in brown, golden, or red
accessory pigments to chlorophyll used in photosynthesis
carotenes, xanthophylls, phycobilins
wavelength within which all photosynthetically active pigments absorb light
400-700 nm (PAR)
maximum absorption of chl.a occurs in which wavelengths (and color) ranges?
red (650-700 nm), and
blue-violet (450 nm)
light reactions - photosynthesis
pigments abosrb light
electron inthe pigments acquire a higher E level
e from electrons tranfered to rxns in which ADP is changed to ATP, forming NADPH2
dark reactions - photosynthesis
reduction of CO2 by NADPH2
requires ATP to prod the end prod of high E carbonhydrates - usaully polysaccharides - and org cmpound eg lipids
reduction of NO3 yeilds amino acids and proteins
calculation to measure primary prod using 14C incubation
and units
rate of prod = ((Rl-RD) * W)
(R x t)
units= new C mg fixed per m-3 per h-1
R = total radioactivity t = hrs RL is radioactive ount inthe "light" Rd is radioactive count in the "dark" W = weight of all forms of CO2 in the sample, mg C m-3 determined independently
Percentage breakdown of DIC allotment
And take home point
H2CO3: 1%
CO3: 10%
HCO3: 90%
ref: class notes (note - this is approximate, hence the 101%) take home point: RuBP requires CO2; hence CO2 can actually be limiting! Hence CCMs!
Average [CO2] in oceanic waters:
Total DIC and CO2
DIC: 2.3 mM
CO2: 20 µM
[H2CO3] aqueous CO2 concetration in seawater
CO2: 20 µM
[DIC]total in seawater
2.3 mM
Essential function of the CCM
speeds up equilibrium reaction:
Maybe: photorespiration? BUT, possibly, photorespi could protect vs light-inflected damage to the cell.... (ref: class notes, p 17)
Intermediate products of dark reaction are photolabile, break down under intense light, and cannot be returned to the photosynthetic pathway. Incr of this process decreases overall rate of photosynth.
Michelis Mentin kinetics
V = (Vmax * S) / (Ks + S)
Ks = substrate quantity at which rate = 50% of max...? S = substrate
Observations on Michelis Mentin curve
1) more substrate = higher rate initially
2) then, flattens out at Vmax
rate of prod = ((Rl-RD) * W)
(R x t)
reaction that describes new C acquisition i.e. primary productivity! 14C incubations…
imagine the curve of the response of photosynthesis (P) to changes in light intensity. What is the point called where respiration (R) balances the amount of photosynthesis?
compensation point (occurs at "I sub c", Ic, light intensity)
compensation point (photosynthesis)
in the curve of the response of photosynthesis (P) to changes in light intensity. What is the point called where respiration (R) balances the amount of photosynthesis
average amount of light in the euphotic zone
ID = (I0/kD) x (1-e^-kD)
where I0 is surface radiation
k is extinction (of light) coefficient
D = depth over which the light is averaged
p 52 Miller text
Equation describing how the E of protons varies with pigments!
E = hc/v
Red = shorter wv
and higher E
Longer wavelengths have less E
Percent of light attenuated per meter!
60% per meter
How to calculate depth at which you have 1% of light? *** still to finish
p 11 of black notebook
*** still to finish
p 11 of black notebook
Low angle of incidence (of light to the ocean) results in greater or lesser reflection?
Latitude above which you get ice seasonally
60 degrees
Tradewinds latitude and direction?
30 degrees to 0 degrees, N and S.
Geostrophic current
water mass in direction of wind
photosynthetically active radiation
C3 pathway
Pathway in which the first molecule reslting from C fixation is a 3-Carbon chain. Note, = the Calvin Benson Cycle. Output is also a 3-C sugar. Pathways used by phytoplankton.
C4 pathway
*** still to finish
p 11 of black notebook
Compensation intensity
light at which respiration and photosynthetic production = 0, i.e., net production = 0
Pmax in “P vs. I curves”?
maximum rate of photosynth in light intensity response curves
“P vs I curve” =
light intensity response curves
Beer’s Law
Law dictating exponential decrease in irradiance with depth
IZ = I0e^(-kZ)
(note, those are uppercase “i”s not Ls). = depth
Redfield ratio
Why nitrogen?
The oxidation state of this atom provides clues as to the recent biological transformations that have occurred.
Constituent of: proteins, nucleic acids, enzyme co factors, and at least one key marine carbohydrate, chitin.
The oxidation state of this atom provides clues as to the recent biological transformations that have occurred.
Constituent of: proteins, nucleic acids, enzyme co factors, and at least one key marine carbohydrate, chitin.
Average concentration of ammonia and urea in oceans
rarely exceeds 0.5 uM
rarely exceeds 0.5 uM
Average concentration of ammonia and urea in oceans
Eppley (1975) temperature dependence of phyto growth, expression =
Vmax = 0.85e^(0.063T)
Arrhenius has a lower line…
Miller textbook, p 67
nutrient- and light-saturated growth.
Chlorophyll shows ___ (color) fluorescence in ____ (color) illumination using a fluoremeter
shows red fluorescence in blue illumination! see p 8 of miller text for diagram
Critical Depth
as defined by Svedrop, 1953: depth at which vertically integrated respiration = vertically integrated production. Mixed layer depth, MLD, must = CD for bloom initiation….
NOTE: Compensation irradiance, IC, = depth at which daily resp = daily prod. NOTE, if need eq for Critical Depth see Henson 2006 or Svedrop
Estimated primary production at Georges Bank
Note: this is N-P-Z model result. 4 g C m-2 d-1 (Franks & Chen 2001). p 235 Mann/Lazier
Percentage of global export production resulting from open ocean gyres?
70% (Karl et al, 1996)
Typical chl.a concentration (integrated over euphotic zone) in oligotrophic regions?
20 - 30 mg m-2 (Maranon et al., 2001).
Compared to 50-60 mg m-2 in upwelling regions on the transect
a process of simultaneous oxidation and reduction—used especially of compounds taking part in biological processes
Average depth of the ocean
4800 m
Surface area of the ocean
361e12 m^2
Volume of the ocean
Volume ocean = (Area of ocean)*(ave depth of ocean) *100^3/1000
= 1.3718e+21 L as in liters
(from Higgins’ box model!)
VERTEX-derived Martin Curve equation
Flux = Fz = F100(z/100)^b
REF: Martin et al 1987 VERTEX paper
One mole of any gas at STP, volume =?
= 22.4L
Georges Bank is among the highest of any region in the world’s oceans, with annual production exceeding _____ g C m-2 yr-1
450 g C m-2 year in the central portion (O’Reilly et al, 1987).
Winter nitrate uM at Georges Bank
winter values of ~7 u.M NO3 (O’Reilly et al 1987)
What is meant by “ecosystem functioning”?
collective term for biogeochemical and biotic processes operating in an ecosystem… jess words: biogeochemical and biotic processes operating in and shaping an ecosystem