Text edit Flashcards
Duplicate lines
<kbd>shift</kbd> + cmd + d
Block comment current selection
Alt + Cmd + /
Delete from cursor to the end of line
Cmd + k + Cmd + k
Delete from cursor to the start of the line
Cmd + k + backspace
Paste and indent correctly
shift + cmd + v
Select next auto-completion suggestion
Ctrl + space
Go to matching parentheses
Ctrl + m
Select line
Cmd + l
Select word
Cmd + d
Select all content within the current parentheses
shift + ctrl + m
Move line or selection up
ctrl + cmd + up
Move line or selection down
ctrl + cmd + down
cmd + f
alt + cmd + f
find next
cmd + g
find in files
shift + cmd + f
Find previous
shift + cmd + g
Replace next
alt + cmd + e
Transform to upper case
cmd + k + cmd + u
Transform to lower case
cmd + k + cmd + l
Go to line in current file
ctrl + g