Texas 2022, part 2 Flashcards
In certain circumstances, Texas pharmacists can sign prescription drug orders. Does that legally make them a practitioner under TDDA?
The only kind of prescription from Canada/Mexico that can be taken (non-controlled) is through what?
Written prescription only
What are the different ways a physician-delegated Texas pharmacist can give a prescription?
Electronic, fax, or written, but NOT verbally
Can a physician-delegated Texas pharmacist write a script for control products?
Can a Texas optometrist (T) or therapeutic optometrist/glaucoma specialist (TG) prescribe controls?
Only C3-5 but limited to one 3 day supply through any form (written, electronic, fax, verbal)
Can an out-of-state physician, dentist, veterinarian, or podiatrist prescribe a controlled product?
C3-5, no limitations
C2, generally no unless pharmacy has plan approved by TSBP or in emergency situations
Can an out-of-state PA/APRN prescribe controls?
No, in-state they can
Can a Canadian or Mexican practitioner prescribe controls?
What is the rule against physicians prescribing medications for themselves, family, or close relationships with?
Texas Medical Board does not allow it unless there is an immediate need for no more than a 72 hour supply
What happens to a prescription if a physician dies?
Pharmacist may dispense a 30 day supply and inform patient they must find a new practitioner
How old do you have to be to purchase dextromethorphan?
18 years old
What is a Class A pharmacy?
What is a Class B pharmacy?
What is a Class C pharmacy?
Institutional (hospital)
What is a Class D pharmacy?
What is a Class E pharmacy?
Which pharmacy classes compound sterile products?
A, C, E
What is the difference between a medication order and prescription drug order?
Medication order = admin of a drug (inpatient setting)
Prescription drug order = dispensing of a drug (outpatient setting)
ACPE requires how many IPPE and APPE hours that need to be completed for an intern?
300 hours = IPPE
1440 hours = APPE
Cant receive more than 50hrs/week
What are the requirements of a pharmacist preceptor?
- 1 yr experience or 6 months of residency training
- 3hrs of training through ACPE every 2 years
- Supervise only 1 intern (excluding those from school)
Of the 30 hours required of CEs for a pharmacist, what must they contain?
1hr = Texas law
1hr/year (2hr total) = pain management
2hrs = procedures of prescribing
How long do you keep CE hours for?
Keep for 3 years
For a change in pharmacy location, when should TSBP be notified?
30 days before change in writing
Can a practitioner prohibit the substitution of a generic? What are some restrictions on them?
Yes they can prohibit by writing on the face of Rx and in their own handwriting or verbally say it (Medicaid or electronic RXs requires them to mail/fax within 30 days)
They can NOT just check a box or use a preprinted stamp to indicate this
Can a pharmacist dispense a drug in a different dosage form? What are the limitations?
Yes they can, with patient’s consent and notification to prescriber
Can you copy your license/certificates?
No, only the pocket license cards
A pharmacist may dispense any controlled or noncontrolled medications that does not exceed what time frame?
If a governor declares a disaster AND if notified by TSBP, a pharmacist may dispense any controlled or noncontrolled medication with how much supply?
30 day supply
A pharmacist may accelerate a refill or change a Rx to a 90 day supply if….
- Total amount allows it
- Pt consents to it
- Dr. is notified electronically or by phone
- Not a psychotropic drug
- At least 18+
What are the major notifications required to TSBP?
- Most things are within 10 days
- Change of pharmacy location = 30 days prior
- Forged Rx and significant loss/theft = immediately
- Change of pharmacy name = 10 days prior
When can a physician DISPENSE in Texas?
- Provide 72hr supply (non-controlled)
- Rural area
- Veterinarians can do this
Pharmacist:Tech ratio in Class A pharmacy?
1:6 as long as the max trainee limit is 3, if only trainees are there then the limit is 1:3
Pharmacist:Tech ratio in Class C pharmacy?
Pharmacist:Tech ratio in Class G pharmacy?
Prior to closing a pharmacy, what must the PIC do?
Notify DEA at least 14 days prior + post closing notice informing all patients
On closing day of a pharmacy, what must a PIC do?
Take closing inventory, transfer Rx orders, and remove all signs indicating that it is a pharmacy
After closing day, what must a PIC do?
PIC must give a written notice to TSBP within 10 days after closing + if it contained controls, notification sent to DEA
A remote dispensing site can be staffed by a tech alone under the supervision of a pharmacist. What kind of training those the tech need?
1 year of retail experience within the last 3 years + board-approved training program on the use of tele-pharmacy system
A remote dispensing site can not be located with ___ miles of a Class A pharmacy
22 miles, unless they opened after their operation
Can a remote dispensing site dispense C2 drugs?
When does a remote dispensing site have to apply as a Class A pharmacy?
If they average more than 125 Rx / day
How often does a pharmacist have to visit a remote dispensing site?
At least monthly on-site visits
When does a recalled drug have to be removed from inventory?
Within 24 hours of notice of recall
When can a pharmacy deliver a controlled substance to a prescriber’s office?
If it is to be administered by injection or implant for maintenance, or for detoxification treatment
Which telephonic or internet based prescriptions are NOT allowed in Texas?
Abortifacients or treatment of chronic pain with controlled substances
A person who files a complaint in good faith to the Board is immune from what kind of liability?
In regards to inspections, DEA can NOT search what?
Financial, sales, or pricing records unless the pharmacy consents to it (Not subject to Texas Open Records Act)
A PIC of a class A pharmacy may serve as a PIC of how many class A pharmacies?
Just 2 max, assuming they work at least 10 hours/week at each store
Can technicians receive verbal prescriptions?
Yes, but not controlled products
Can technicians transfer prescriptions?
Yes, but only non-controls
Can technicians contact a prescriber for info regarding an existing prescription?
When a pharmacist is absent from the pharmacy (off site), who may deliver existing prescriptions?
An agent of the pharmacist for up to 2 consecutive hours in a 24 hour period
Normally, if a pharmacist is completely off-site, no techs are allowed in the pharmacy and the pharmacy itself is closed
What is the only TSBP that requires a record to be kept for 7 years?
Log of unique initials or identification codes of each pharmacy employee (Class A)
When should transfers be completed for a patient?
4 hours
In a facility with 101+ beds, how often should a pharmacist be on-site?
In a facility with ≤100 beds, when should a pharmacist be on-site?
At least once every 7 days
A PIC can be in charge of how many Class C pharmacies?
No more than 3 facilities or 150 beds max
1 facility with 101+ beds, but the second facility must not go over the total of 150 beds
Which kind of sterile product can be made under an electronic supervision in a facility with 100 beds or less?
Only low-risk and non-sterile ones
When a pharmacist is not around in a rural hospital (≤75 beds and county with <50k ppl), who can withdraw drugs from the pharmacy?
Nurse or practitioner, pharmacist must then review the drug regimen no later than 7 days after withdrawal (3 days if it isnt a rural hospital + full time pharmacist, and 7 if part time)
What are the library requirements?
- Texas Pharmacy Act
- Texas Dangerous Drug Act
- Texas Controlled Substances Act
- Federal Controlled Substances Act
- Drug interaction, drug info, injectable references
- Antidote info and number to poison CC
- Metric weight and measure conversion chart
What kind of training do pharmacist need to work in nuclear (Class B) pharmacies?
BPS = 200 didactic + 500 hours of supervised experiences
What is the pharmacist to tech ratio in Class B pharmacies?
How are the patient names labeled in Class B pharmacies?
Either the patient name is included or “For physician use” if the name is not known
What can the formulary of a Class D pharmacy NOT contain?
- Nubain
- ED drugs
- Controlled products
How does a Class D pharmacy expand their formulary?
Petition to TSBP if serving at least 80% indigent patients
How often does a pharmacist need to visit a class D pharmacy?
Monthly, at a minimum
What are class E pharmacies?
Nonresident pharmacy, not located in Texas, but dispense prescriptions to patients in Texas
Would a mail order pharmacy in Texas apply for a Class A or E license
Class A
What state licenses do pharmacists need at a class E pharmacy?
PIC = Texas
Other pharmacists under that PIC = any state
A class F pharmacy must have a pharmacist who works what kind of schedule?
PIC who is at least on a consulting or part time basis
Who may enter a Class F pharmacy?
Individuals authorized by PIC only
What is a Class G pharmacy?
Facility to process prescription orders on behalf of another pharmacy or provider
What are the pharmacist to tech ratio at a Class G pharmacy?
Which class of pharmacies dont possess any drugs?
Class G
When can a flavor be added to an OTC drug?
With a prescription
How many CE hours must be completed if you engage in a low, medium or high risk compounding lab?
Low + Medium = 2 hours
High = 4 hours
BUD of low risk sterile compounds?
48hrs room temp or 14 days fridge
BUD of medium risk sterile compounds?
30hrs room temp or 9 days fridge
BUD of high risk sterile compounds?
24hrs room temp or 3 days fridge
BUD of immediate use compounds?
1 hrs room temp only
BUD of low risk made in an SCA compounds?
12hrs in room temp or fridge
Are OTC drugs required to have a NDC?
In Texas, how long do you have to comply with a request to gather a patient’s Rx records?
15 days
How often does a Class A pharmacy conduct an inventory?
How many CE hours are needed if a pharmacist administers vaccines?
3 hrs
What class of pharmacy can provide telepharmacy?
Class A + C
The Texas Controlled Substance Prescription Monitoring program is administered by whom?
When do you have to notify the patient’s physician when you administer their flu shot?
If it is their PCP = 14 days
Random physician with a written protocol = 1 day
A automated dispensing system must be tested for accuracy how often?
Every 12 months - Class A (it might actually be 6 months, double check)
Every 6 months or when there is an upgrade - Class C
What kind of alarm does a pharmacy require?
At a minimum, the pharmacy must have a basic alarm system with off-site monitoring and
perimeter and motion sensors