Tests and Batteries etc Flashcards
Ten tests, including trail making test and critical flicker frequency test
Halstead - Reitan battery of neuropsychological tests
120 items plus several alternative tests, suitable from 2 years to adulthood
Stanford Binet intelligence scale
Can reveal if a patient has amnestic Korsakoff syndrome
Wechsler memory scale
Test of intelligence, free of sociocultural bias
Raven’s progressive matrices
Digit span is part of which subset of the WAIS
Verbal subtests
Which test is most likely to be impaired in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex lesions?
Wisconsin card sorting test
Executive function
Wisconsin card sorting test
Non verbal intelligence
Raven’s progressive matrices
Location and effects of brain lesions
Halstead Reitan battery
Visual memory
Rey Osterreith
Working memory
Digit span
Set shifting abilities and response inhibition
Stroop test
Visuospatial and perceptuomotor speed
Trail making test
Pre morbid intelligence
National adult reading test
Screening for organic dysfunction
Bender visual motor gestalt test