Tests Flashcards
Tests for: cervical nerve root impingement
Test: slightly extend the cervical spine with rotation and sidebending toward involved side and apply axial compression
Positive: reproduction of neck, shoulder, or arm pain
Straight leg raising test
Tests for: nerve root irritation or lumbar disk herniation at L4, L5, S1 levels
Test: supine, support foot around calcaneus and lift leg
Positive: pain extends down the whole leg
Bragard stretch test
Tests for: used to confirm positive straight leg raise
Test: lower flexed hip until just below where pain was, dorsiflex foot
Positive: reproduction of pain
Femoral stretch test
Tests for: nerve root compression of L1-3
Test: prone, extend hip while supporting knee
Positive: pain
Tests for: stability of biceps tendon, tendonitis
Test: palpate long head, flex patient’s elbow at right angle, have patient externally rotate shoulder with resistance against forearm; for tendonitis: repeat but supinate forearm instead of externally rotating
Positive: tendon pops out of groove; tenderness at groove is positive for tendonitis
Drop arm test
Tests for: rotator cuff tear (suprasinatus)
Test: abduct patient’s arm to 90, ask him/her to slowly lower their arm»while they do that, push the arm
Positive: patient cannot hold arm and it drops
Neer test
Tests for: rotator cuff inflammation, impingement, or tear
Test: have patient internally rotate shoulder and flex patient’s shoulder up to 150
Positive: shoulder pain
Hawkins test
Tests for: rotator cuff impingement or tear
Test: flex elbow to 90, abduct arm to 90, internally rotate humerus
Positive: pain
Supraspinatus test
Tests for: supraspinatus tendonitis or rotator cuff tear
Test: have patient abduct 90 and flex his/her arm 30 followed by internal rotation of shoulder (empty can)
Positive: weakness and pain
Apprehension test
Tests for: anterior subluxing humerus
Test: have patient flex elbow, abduct their shoulder 90 and externally rotate it»push shoulder from posterior side while further externally rotating the arm
Positive: patient exhibits apprehension
Jerk test
Tests for: posterior subluxing humerus
Test: flex elbow and shoulder 90 and internally rotate the shoulder»push humerus posteriorly while externally rotating the shoulder
Positive: clunk
Sulcus test
Tests for: inferior subluxing humerus
Test: place one hand on lateral acromion and pull down on arm relaxed at patient’s side
Positive: widening of sulcus between humerus and acromion
Ligamentous stability test
Tests for: stability of medial and lateral collateral ligaments of the elbow
Test: cup posterior elbow with one hand and hold supinated forearm during the test»provide valgus stress then varus stress to the lateral side
Positive: gapping
Tinel’s sign at the elbow
Tests for: irritation or entrapment of ulnar nerve
Test: locate ulnar groove and tap several times
Positive: tingling sensation down the forearm to ulnar distribution of hand
Tennis elbow test (Cozen’s test)
Tests for: lateral epicondylitis
Test: have patient pronate forearm with elbow bent, ask patient to make fist and extend upwards»examiner holds elbow and attempts to flex wrist while patient resists
Positive: severe pain at lateral epicondyle