Testis neoplasm Flashcards
What are the two major types of testis tumors
- Germ Cell
2. Sex cord/stromal tumors (Leydig/Sortoli)
Into which two categories are germ cell tumors divided?
- Seminoma
2. Non-seminoma germ cell tumors
Classic seminoma: characteristics?
- peak incidence 35-40 years of age
- 15% contain syncytiotrophoblasts (bHCG production)
- arises from ITGCN
- Most common germ cell tumor
Name 4 NSGCTs
- Embryonal Carcinoma
- Yolk Sac/Endodermal Sinus Tumor
- Choriocarcinoma
- Teratoma
Characteristics of embryonal carcinoma
- Poorly differentiated,
- able to differentiate into other NSGCTs
- peak incidence 25-35 years of age
- Aggressive tumor with high rates of metasatsis
Characteristics of yolk sac (endodermal sinus tumor)
- Pure tumors are rare
- MC germ cell tumor in children/infants
- Present in 40% of mixed GCTs
- Make AFP
- Never make bHCG
- Schiller-duvall bodies on pathology
Characteristics of Choriocarcinoma
- Rare
- Aggressive
- Peak incidence 20-30 yo
- early hematogenous spread (including brain)
- High bHCG common
- No AFP
Characteristics of Teratoma
- Contains endoderm, mesoderm or ectoderm
- No AFP or bHCG
- Rare in adults, more common in peds
- half of mixed GCT contain teratoma elements
- Chemoresistant
- morbidity related to local growth and malignant transformation
AFP is elevated in which NSGCT
Embryonal and yolk sac
What is normal AFP
< 20-25 ng/ml
What is the half life of AFP
5-7 days
What is the half life of bHCG
24-26 h
Which tumors make bHCG
seminoma, embryonal, choriocarcinoma
LDH-1 half life
24 h
Primary left testis tumor lymph drainage?
Para-aortic lymph nodes
Primary right testis tumor lymph drainage?
Infrarenal interaortocaval lymph nodes, followed by paracaval and para-aortic regions
What is the initial site of metastasis in 70-80% of testis cancer?
What percentage of patients will be understaged on imaging with a LN cut off of 1 cm?
30% will harbor occult metastatic disease
What is pTis?
intratubular germ cell neoplasia
what is pT1
limited to testis and epi, may involve albuginea but not vaginalis NO LVI
what is pT2
tumor limited to testis and epi, with LVI, or tumor involving TVaginalis
whats pT3
tumor invades spermatic cord
whats pT4
tumor invades scrotum
Clinical N0
no regional nodes
Clinical N1
mets within 1-5 LN, all less than 2 cm
Clinical N2
Mets within a LN > 2 cm, < 5 cm, or more than 5 nodes involved, no that have extranodal extension
Clinical N3
mets in one or more nodes > 5 cm
no distant mets
non regional distant metastatis, or pumonary mets
Distant met in a site other than non regional LN or lung
Tumor markers WNL
LDH < 1.5x normal, bHCG < 5000, AFP < 1000
LDH 1.5-10x normal, HCG 5000-50,000; AFP 1000-10,000
LDH > 10x normal
HCG > 5,0000
LDH > 10,000
Non seminoma good prognosis, risk group
- Testicular/Retroperitoneal primary
- No non pulmonary visceral met
- < = S1
Non seminoma intermediate prognosis, risk group
- Testicular/Retroperitoneal primary
- No non pulmonary visceral met
- S2
Non seminoma poor prognosis, risk group
- Mediastinal primary
- Non pulmonary visceral met
- S3
Seminoma good prognosis risk group
- Any primary
2. No non pulmonary visceral mets
Seminoma intermediate prognosis risk group
- Any primary
2. Non pulmonary visceral mets
What factors predict relapse in seminoma
rete testis involvement
tumors ≥ 4 cm
What percent of stage I seminoma patients relapse with surveillance? When is relapse most common
2-3 years
For stage I seminoma men who cannot adhere to surveillance, what treatment options are there?
- Single does of carboplatinum
2. Radiotherapy 20 gy