Testing methods Flashcards
When is Cohen’s W used?
Also explain how the effect sizes are distributed
To test the effect size of a Chi squared goodness of fit test
0.10: small, 0.30: medium, 0.5: large
What are the assumptions of a Chi-squared Goodness of fit test?
- The variable is nominal
- Observations are independent
- All groups have >= 5 observations
What is a Chi squared goodness of fit test?
Explain: use, formula, degrees of freedom
- Tests whether a sample is from a certain distribution
- ∑((O - E)^2 / E)
- Categories - 1
What is a Chi squared test of association?
Explain: Use, formula, degrees of freedom
- Tests whether two categorical variables are independent
2.∑((O - E)^2 / E)
Creating expected: (row amount * column amount) / N - (r-1) * (c-1)
When is Cramer’s V used?
To calculate the effect size of a Chi squared test of independence
Effect size:
0 – 0.15: very weak, 0.15 – 0.20: weak, 0.20 – 0.25: moderate; 0.25 – 0.30:
moderately strong, 0.30 to 0.35: strong, 0.35 to 0.40: very strong
Formula: sqr root (test statistic / N(k-1))
k is min(r,c)
What are the assumptions of a Chi squared test of independence?
Also name the tests used in case of violation
- Observations in each group are at least 5
violation: Fisher exact test (fisher.test()) - observations are independent
violation: McNemar test (mcnemar.test())
What is the problem with the z-test?
It assumes that the true population standard deviation is known, which is almost never the case.
When is Cohen’s D used?
To test the effect size of a t-test
What is the difference in assumptions between the Student t- test and Welch’s t-test?
Student t-test assumes homogeneity of variance (both variables have the same variance). This is almost never true. Welch does not have this assumption.
When is an independent samples t-test used?
To compare the means of two samples.
What is the formula for a Welch t-test?
mean1 -mean2 / Standard error, where SE = sqrt (sd1 / n1) / (sd2 / n2)
degrees of freedom: N-2
What are the assumptions of a one sample t-test?
- The observations are normally distributed
- The observations are independent
When is a paired samples t-test used?
To test the means between the same subject (such as same participants at a different time)
How can normality be tested?
- The Shapiro-Wilk test
- Histogram
- QQ plot
What are non-parametric alternatives for t-tests?
Wilcoxon tests
1. signed rank for one or paired samples
2. rank sum for independent samples