testing center exam 3 material Flashcards
How old was Elder Oakes when his father died?
How did Elder Oakes father die?
How did Elder Oaks explain his father’s death after receiving blessings from Apostles?
Faith, no matter how strong it is, cannot produce a result contrary to the will of him whose power it is; even the Apostles cannot give a priesthood blessing that will cause a person to be healed if that healing is not the will of the Lord.
How did Elder Oaks do in school after his father’s death?
Very poorly, especially bad in math
Where did Elder Oaks obtain his educational degrees?
B.S. in Accounting from Brigham Young University in 1954; Jurist Doctorate from the University of Chicago, 1957.
Why didn’t Elder Oaks serve a mission?
He was a member of the Utah National Guard, and was waiting to be sent to fight in the Korean war.
What were some of Elder Oak’s experiences growing up, and even in law school in regards to “hard work”? What was his first job? How hard did he work at Law School?
When Dallin was in law school, he would be gone every day from seven in the morning till eleven at night,” except Sunday, June Oaks says. She recalls hearing him say: “There are a lot of guys over there at the law school who are smarter than I, but none works any harder.
What happened to Elder Oaks when a Thug pulled a gun on him?
He knew that he could overpower the Thug, but instead put his arm on his shoulder and convinced him that what he was doing wasn’t worth it, and what he was doing wasn’t right. The thug ran off, and Elder Oaks and his wife (who was waiting in the car) were safe
Was Elder Oaks ever a college professor? If so, where?
Professor of Law at University of Chicago Law School
How did Elder Oakes respond when Neal A. Maxwell asked him, “what do you want to be remembered for?”
I wanted to be remembered for fatherly communications of praise and love and other matters of eternal importance
How old was Elder Oaks when he became the President of BYU?
What did Elder Oakes do for a career after BYU?
Supreme court justice of Utah
How did Elder Oaks cope with June’s death?
Focused on three things he called his three-legged-stool. faith, I had never betrayed June’s trust or violated our marriage covenants, Third was my memory of caring for her personally during her last illness
Review Elder Oakes talk: “Good, Better, Best”
We have to give up some good things in order to receive the better and best things. We should spend more time w/ our families. Don’t overcomplicate callings, family dinner is important.
Review elder oaks talk “Our Strengths can become our Downfall”
Sometimes satan can exploit our strengths in the gospel, beware of gospel hobbies (when we pretty much only focus on one aspect of the gospel to support our testimony).
· What activities did Elder Nelson participate in as a High School
student? What about football?
Played piano and sung in the choir. He sat on the bench in football
How did Elder Nelson meet Dantzel? What was the name of the play they were in together?
In a play “hayfoot strawfoot”
How did Elder Russell Nelson and Dantzel make “ends meet” when they were in college?
Sold blood, Dantzel worked 2 jobs
Where did Elder Nelson receive his Medical Degree? What about his PH.D.?
University of utah, university of Minnesota
What significant device did Elder Nelson help invent while working on his PH.D.?
machine that would take over the functions of a patients heart and lungs while the heart was being surgically repaired.
Why did Elder Nelson decline the prestigious faculty position in Chicago?
President Mckay told them not to go
What year did Elder Nelson perform the first open heart surgery in the state of Utah?
What experience did Elder Nelson have while operating on Elder Spencer W. Kimball?
The operation was flawless, the spirit told him that he had just operated on someone who would become the president of the church
What is Elder Nelson like at home as a husband and father?
When he’s home, he’s home, always involved