Testing Flashcards
Vision Statement
The Ogden Police Department, through a community/police partnership, is an organization of innovative, compassionate professionals dedicated to the pursuit of excellence, both for our employees and for the community which we serve.
Mission Statement
The Ogden Police Department maintains public safety and order by reducing crime, destroying the perception of criminality, harnessing the power of the community, and creating an environment in which all persons may exercise and enjoy their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Excellence–strive for excellence thru improvement in all aspects.
Innovation–progressive & innovative decision making, seeks to improve.
Courage–accept responsibility and accountability, confront danger.
Integrity–sound moral & ethical compass.
Justice & Equality–serve community in an unbiased manner.
Compassion–treat all with empathy, respect, & dignity.
Leadership Values
Develop mutual respect & trust among employees at all levels
1. Believe in, foster, & support loyalty and teamwork.
2. Be committed to the problem-solving process; use it & let facts, not emotions, drive decisions.
3. When possible, seek employees’ input before making decisions.
4. Manage on the behavior of most employees, nor on the few who cause problems. Deal with all employees promptly & fairly.
5. Encourage creativity through risk taking & being tolerant of honest mistakes.
6. Be a coach & facilitator. Develop an open atmosphere that encourages providing & accepting feedback that provides a positive direction.
7. Develop with employees agreed-upon, realistic goals and a plan to achieve them.
8. Continue to examine processes and improve systems.
Who can order an IA investigation? (Policy 01A)
Chief of Police
Who must approve an employee being placed on Administrative Leave?
Chief of Police–Before an employee is placed on Admin Leave the action will be reviewed by the chief or deputy in his absence.
When is an employee on Admin Leave expected to be available?
Paid Mon-Fir 0800-1600, except holidays. Expected to be available to respond when called. If unavailable they are to notify Div Commander with reason and expected availability.
If subject to an IA they are expected to be available within a reasonable time when requested.
When on Admin Leave who do they contact to check subpoenas
Watch Commander
Unity of Command–Who may temporarily direct any subordinate if an operational necessity exists?
Any supervisor
What is the order of command authority?
Field Ops Captain
Support Services Captain
Watch Commander
What constitutes incompetence
- Reluctance to properly perform assigned duties
- Derelict–deliberate or conscious neglect or abandonment of or failure to fulfill assignments.
- Act in a manner bringing discredit
- Fail to assume responsibility or exercise diligence, intelligence, or interest.
- Fail to obey & follow rules, regulations, and policies
Who must an officer contact to request emergency leave?
Immediate supervisor & watch commander
Who must an employee contact if they are taking habit forming or prescription medications?
Immediate supervisor and will follow their direction but can contact the watch commander for clarification of their work abilities while on the medication.
Administrative Order
Issued by other departments such as the mayor. They are issued to all personnel.
Policy Manual Changes
Issued by the chief of police
Special Orders
Issued by the chief of police that inform of special event. Expire as specified.
Information Bulletins
Transfers, reminders of policy, or events. Issued TO the division commander, lieutenants, and sergeants and are to be discussed in briefings.
Training Bulletins
Concerning a special subject. Issued to all officers or civilians if it concerns them.
May be written by anyone and directed up or down the chain of command. Once received or complied it expires.
Responsibilities when an officer discharges their weapon
- Watch commander will secure/protect the scene.
- Notify chief and division commander ASAP
- Notify the WCAO if it involves injury, use of deadly force, or death to any person/invoke the Officer Involved Critical Incident Protocol.
- Notify the Deadly Force Review Board.
- Initiate a “public safety” interview.
- Transfer scene responsibility to the protocol team.
- Assign an officer to escort, observe, & support involved officer (not left alone)
- Will be separated from other involved officers (not treated as suspect or placed in interview room).
- Removed from scene in consultation with protocol team.
- Coordinate with Work-Med for Fit-for-Duty testing.
- Coordinate with protocol team prior to releasing the officer and placing them on paid administrative leave.
- Issue a loaner weapon and ammunition after the protocol team has collected the involved firearms.
- Submit a preliminary internal memo to the chief and division commander before going off duty. (Include circumstances, officer’s assignment, type of incident, how officer became involved, and results of shooting, names of all involved, and public safety questionnaire).
When is a Supervisor’s review of Critical Incidents required?
- When a use of force results in death or serious injury.
- When subject complains of injury due to an officer’s actions.
- When a person has been struck by an officer or equipment or bitten by police K9.
- When property has been destroyed.
- When an officer uses an aerosol defensive took in an arrest or incident.
- When an officer aims an ECD at an individual or activates the device to gain control AND: points the laser at the individual, displays electric arc, or discharges probes.
- When an officer intentionally or unintentionally points a firearm at an individual.
How long does a supervisor have to complete an Administrative Review of Critical Incidents
14 days to complete the AAR unless written approval is obtained from the division commander. Sent to the deputy chief.
An AAR should determine what?
- If department policy or procedures were violated.
- If the relevant policy was clearly understandable and effective to cover the situation.
- If department training is currently adequate.
How many hours may a police officer work?
A maximum of 24 hours of regular off-duty or extra-duty employment or a total of 64 hours in combination with regular duty in each week. There will be no more than 6 hours extra-duty or off-duty work on a regular duty day.
What must happen before shooting a wounded animal?
After all attempts have been made to request assistance from the responsible agency.
Who has access to weapons in the arsenal?
Chief, Division Commander, or Watch Commander
Who can terminate a pursuit?
Any supervisor or primary unit?
What is analyzed in the balance test?
- The need to apprehend a violent fugitive or violent felon who presents a danger to others because of the serious and violent nature of the crime for which the persons custody is sought, or who creates a clearly articulable risk to the public or other law enforcement officers if not immediately apprehended
- The legal authority to apprehend a suspect or where the person’s driving presents an immediate threat to the safety of the public outweighing the risks of the pursuit.
- The need to avoid initiating or after initiating, the need to discontinue a pursuit if the danger of the pursuit itself, to public safety, and officer’s safety is greater than the need for immediately apprehending the suspect.
What constitutes the lowest level of force during a pursuit
Road spikes (They may be used on ANY justified pursuit)
When will road spikes NOT be deployed?
- Any pursuit that is not justified.
- On pursuits involving motorcycles, three-wheeled or all-terrain vehicles.
What must be included in the after action following the deployment of road spikes?
Details of the deployment, including date, time, and location as well as the results of the deployment.
What must the watch commander do if there is a likelihood that the use of road spikes will lead to litigation?
Ensure that the road spikes are held as evidence until all legal avenues have been exhausted.
A pursuit will be terminated under the following conditions:
- The suspects identity has been determined and future apprehension is likely.
- Air support is available to track the suspect.
- Weather and traffic conditions substantially increase the danger of the pursuit beyond the necessity of apprehending the suspect.
- The distance between the suspect and pursuing vehicles makes further pursuit futile.
- Immediate apprehension is not necessary to protect the public or law enforcement officers.
- The LEO is unfamiliar with the area and is unable to accurately communicate their location and direction of pursuit.
- The pursuits proceeds the wrong way on a limited-access road, for example, the interstate highway.
- In the judgement of the WATCH COMMANDER, supervising sergeant, or primary unit, the balance test has been exceeded.
What are considered intervention techniques?
Immobilization, channeling, ramming, boxing-in, roadblock procedures, tire deflation device.
What level of force doe ramming, roadblocks, channelization, and boxing-in constitute?
Deadly force
What speeds should a PIT Technique be used at?
45 MPH or less
Techniques for “immobilization”
under 5 MPH and acceptable locations include front or rear tires and bumpers.
When will intervention techniques be used?
Only to apprehend violent felons or where the risk to officers and the public, if the pursuit continued, or the suspect is allowed to escape, is judged to be greater than the risk of initiating the intervention.
Decisions for initiation of a pursuit
the decision to initiate a pursuit must be based on the pursuing officer’s conclusion that the immediate danger to the public created by the pursuit is less than the immediate or potential danger to the public should the suspect remain at large.
Consideration in initiating or continuing a pursuit?
- Road, weather, and environmental conditions.
- population density and vehicular and pedestrian traffic
- The relative performance capabilities of the pursuit vehicle and the driver and the suspect vehicle being pursued.
- The seriousness of the offense.
- Likelihood of pursuit resulting in apprehension.
- Familiarity with the area and roads,
- Any other pertinent factors.
How many units should be engaged in a pursuit?
A pursuit shall consist of no more than two police vehicles, a primary and back-up unit. All other personnel shall stay clear of the pursuit unless instructed to participate by a supervisor.
Supervisor’s responsibilities during a pursuit.
- May begin exercising management and control immediately (not required to be present).
- Shall not be engaged in the pursuit when possible.
- Consider the balance test prior to authorizing or allowing it to continue.
- Shall monitor incoming information, coordinate and direct activities, appropriately limit the number of pursuing units, and ensure notification of law enforcement agencies into whose jurisdiction the pursuit is likely to enter.
- Shall have the discretion to terminate the pursuit.
When shall intervention techniques be used?
only when it is possible to do so safely and when the LEO using them have received training in their use. The balance test will determine the best intervention technique. WHEN REASONABLY POSSIBLE INTERVENTION TECHNIQUES WILL BE APPROVED AND CONTINUOUSLY MONITORED BY A SUPERVISOR.
When can roadblocks not be used?
Roadblocks cannot be used unless the circumstances would warrant the use of deadly force.