Testicuar Cancer Flashcards
chemotherapy associated with pulmonary fibrosis
bleomycin from BEP (bleomycin, etoposide, platinol)
chemo alternate to bleomycin
most common solid tumor in men 20-34 y.o.
testicular cancer
accounts for 90-95% of testis cancers
Germ Cell tumors
two types of testicular germ cell tumors
- seminoma
- nonseminoma (NSGCT)
* germ cells are pleuripotentia
5-10% testicular cancers
- Leydig cell tumors
- Sertoli cell tumors
- Gonadoblastoma
undescended testis; risk factor for testicular cancer (3-14x^)
placing testis in the scrotum; does decrease risk of testis cancer if pre-pubertal orchiopexy
histologic classification of germ cell tumors
- seminoma
2. NSGCT (teratoma, embryonal, choriocarcinoma, yolk sac)
the most rare germ cell tumor
yolk sac
5-10% of germ cell tumors
seminoma; teratoma; embyronal; choriocarcinoma; yolk sac
most common type of seminoma found in older (>50 y.o.) male
prognosis of spermatocytic seminoma
seminoma with high bHCG production
anaplastic seminoma (30-36% bHCG production)
seminoma that is radiation sensitive
typical (classic)
T or F: bHCG and AFP are biomarkers of pure seminomas
false: pure seminomas never make AFP; (means some element of the tumor is NSGCT if AFP is present)
types of seminomas (3)
- typical = classic (85%)
- anaplastic (5-10%)
- Spermatocytic (2-12%)
NSGCT that is NOT chemosensitive
tumor with >1 germ cell layer
teratoma (NSGCT)
invades tunica and cord structures
embryonal NSGCT
if >40% of tumor is ______, = a risk factor for nodal disease (very aggressive); a)teratoma, b)embryonal, c)chroiocarcinoma, d)yolk sac
spreads hematogenously, not via LNs
pure chorio mets
most common testis tumor in kids
yolk sac tumor
barrier to local growth of testicular tumor
tunica albuginea
incision for radical orchiectomy
inguinal (to prevent iatrogenic scrotal violation which may lead to inguinal mets)
regional lymphatic spread is typically to:
retroperitoneal lymph nodes
right teste ‘landing zone’ and cross-over mets
interaortocaval area; can met to L retroperitoneum
left teste ‘landing zone’ and cross-over mets
para-aortic area; does NOT typically cross-over to R
spread hematogenously with early mets to lung
____% of NSGCT present with metastatic disease
most common clinical symptom of testicular cancer
painless enlargement of testis (acute pain/swelling in 10%)
differential for abdominal pain in young man
TESTICULAR CANCER, appendicitis, etc.
differential for retroperitoneal mass
TESTICULAR CANCER, lymphoma, etc.
physical exam for suspected testicular cancer
testicular exam (firm, nontender, rock hard mass); abdominal exam (retroperitoneal LNs); distant adenopathy (supraclavicular, inguinal, axillary); gynecomastia (5%)
produced by yolk sac tumors and embyronal cancers (NSGCT)
AFP (NEVER in seminomas)
choriocarcinoma and 15% of seminomas produce:
reflects tumor burden
Other labs to get in suspected testicular tumor
CBC (anemia), creatinine (renal failure); LFTs
tumor markers to measure in suspected testicular cancer
confirms testicular mass and intra- vs extra-testicular
scrotal ultrasound
ALWAYS get this imaging before OR for orchiectomy
scrotal ultrasound
additional imaging for suspicious testicular mass
CXR - mets to lungs?; abdominal and pelvic CT (mets or retroperitoneal LN involvement)
pure seminoma histolgy, AFP negative, elevated b-hCG
pure seminoma tumor
mixed seminoma/nonseminoma tumors and seminoma histology, elevated AFP
T or F: treatment of primary tumor involves the following:
- testicular mass biopsy
- radical inguinal orchiectomy +/- testicular prosthesis
FALSE: treatment of primary tumor involves radical inguinal orchiectomy, NEVER testicular mass biopsy
treatment options for testicular tumor:
surveillance, chemo, radiation, surgery (RPLND)
mortality for advanced disease testicular cancer:
50% in 70s)
side effect of this chemotherapy includes renal insufficiency
etopside and cisplatin
side effect involves neuropathy, 35% ototoxicity, N/V
side effect of hemorrhagic cystitis
side effects include renal insuff, myelosupression, alopecia, secondary leukemia
indications for radiation therapy
seminoma tumor (Not used for NSGCT); 26 Gy
most serious long-term side effects of chemo:
development of second malignancies
indication for complete bilateral RPLND
suspicious lymph node
RPLND may lead to 1) erectile problems, 2) ejaculation problems 3) both
ejaculation problems (sympathetic nerves may be injured in RPLND); erections are not an issue because nerves are near prostate
primary treatment for seminoma:
salvage therapy for seminoma
“sticky” tumor in which RPLND is not indicated
high stage seminoma (IIB, IIC, III) treatment:
chemotherapy: BEP (bleomycin, etoposide, cisplatin); 90% response
treatment for low stage NSGCT
Stage I: RPLND, surveillance, chemo; 75% stage 1 cured with orchiectomy
RF for microscopic mets in NSGCT
> 40% embryonal component; lymphovascular invasion; T2
Growing teratoma syndrome
teratomas are not chemosensitive; NSGCT continues growing despite chemo
most common age group for testis cancer
young men
young man with scrotal and abdominal pain
cure rates for testicular cancer
HIGH - many cases are localized at diagnosis; if regional or distant disease, are often responsive to multimodal thearpy