Test4 Brain and Nerves Flashcards
4 Parts of the Brain
Cerebrum 2) Diencephalon 3) Brian Stem 4) Cerebellum
Fold of the brain
Grooves/Depression of the Brain
Deep Grooves of the brain(trenches)
Rostral Side
Back (tail end)
Grey Matter and White mater
White surrounds grey and in the brain grey forms outside
Protective CT surrounding the brain. 3 total
3 Main Meninges that surround the brain
1) Dura mater 2) arachnoid Layer 3) Pia Mater
Dura mater (6)
1) Outermost Layer 2) Made from Dense Ireg CT 3) Made from two layers the outer Layer called PERIOSTEAL 4) and the inner layer called MENINGEAL 5) and Has Dural venous sinuses 6) and Epidural Space
Dural Venous Sinuses
Space between two layers of the Dura mater and it contains bloods (venous - blood sinuses- Space)
Epidural Space
A space that is superficial to the Dura mater
Arachnoid Layer
1) Middle 2) Web of collagen & elastic fibers (look like a spider) with a 3)Subdural Space and 4) Subarachnoid Space
Subdural Space
Associated with The Arachnoid Layer - Between dura matter and the Arachnoid layer
Subarachnoid Space
Deep in the Arachnoid Layer this is one of the place CEREBRAL SPINAL FLUID flowing
Pia Mater
Innermost Layer areolar CT adheres to brain.
Cranial Dural Septa 4 what are they.
1)Falx cerebri 2) Tentorium cerebelli 3) Falx cerebell 4) Diaphragma sellae
Flax Cerebri
Midsagittal plane Form the superior and inferior sagittal sinuses
Tentorium cerebelli
Over cerebellum Forms Transverse sinuses
Falx cerebell
Divides left and right cerebellar hemispheres FORM occipital sinus
Diaphragma sellae
Covers sella turcica
Cranial Dural Septa
Are dips of the dura mater into cranial cavity to form sinuses.
Brain ventricles
4 continuous cavities
4 Brain ventricles
2 Lateral; Third; Fourth
Septum pellucidum
Divides between lateral ventricles
Interventricular Foramen
connects the lateral ventricle to the third ventricle
Mesencephalic aqueduct(cerebral aqueduct)
Connects the third ventricle and Fourth ventricle
What cells are in Ventricles and what do they produce
Cerebrospinal Fluid formed by choroid plexuses of Ependymal cells
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
1) Circulates in Ventricles; subarachnoid space and central canal of SC 2) Protects the brain 3) reduces weight of brain 4) Transports nutrients; removes waste 5) formed by choroid plexuses (ependymal cell)
How does CSF circulated? 6(T)
1) Flow Through VENTRICLES2) Splits into SUBARACHNOID space or central canal of CS 3) DURAL VENOUS SINUSES via the ARACHNOID VILLI 4) Dural venous sinuses into internal JUGULAR veins
Blood Brain Barrier
Formed from astrocytes prevents contamination of fluid in brain tissue
Cerebrum 4
Responsible for CONSCIUS THOUGHT & INTellectual Function 2) Outer Gray layer: Cerebral cortex 3) Cerebral cortex surround white matter. Within the white matter the CEREBRal nuclei (gray)
Cerebral Cortex
Outer layer of the Cerebrum (grey Matter)
Cerebral nuclei
Inner Most layer of cerebrum (grey Matter)
What structure has a one way value for CSF
Arachnoid Villi
What line separates the Cerebral into Left and right
Longitudinal Fissure
What connects the Cerebral Hemispheres what matter is it
Corpus Callosum(white matter)
Cerebral Hemispheres characteristic for Motor control
1) Control opposite side of body
Left hemisphere of the Cerebral Controls (3)
1) right handed control 2) Spoken/written language 3) numerical/scientific skills
Right Hemisphere Control (4)
1) Left handed Control 2) Music/artistic awareness 3) Space/pattern perception 4) insight/imagination
Frontal Lobes Controls
1)Motor control of Skeleton Muscle 2) Intellectual function
Parietal Lobes Control
Sensory interpretation(primary somatosensory cortex)
Temporal Lobes Control
Auditory and Olfactory sensation(smelling) (Primary visual and olfactory cortex)
Occipital Lobe Control
Visual Stimuli(primary visual cortex)
Insula Lobe Control
Taste and memory (gustatory cortex)
Function areas of cerebrum Motor area
Primary Motor Cortex in the precentral gyrus
Functional Areas of Cerebrum Sensory Area
1) primary somatosensory cortex(Parietal Lobe) 2) Primary Visual cortex(Occipital) 3) Primary auditory cortex(temporal) 4) Gustatory Cortex (taste)(Insula) 5) Olfactory cortex (temporal)
Function areas of cerebrum(association areas)
1) Premotor cortex 2) Wernicke’s area(understanding written/spoken language) 3) Gnostic Area(Overall comprehension)
Wernicke’s Area
associated with the cerebrum has to do with Understanding written and spoken language
Gnostic Area
Association Area: integration of overall comprehension of situation
Map/model of a person dived into motor/sensory control section of the brain
Where is the Primary Cortex
In the precentral gyrus
Where is the primary somatosensory cortex
In the postcentral gyrus (Parietal Lobe)
What is an Association Area
In-between the Motor and sensory
Central White Matter 3 Types
Axons bundled to gether in Tracks 1) Association Tracts 2) Commissural Tracks 3) Projection Tracts
Association Tracts
Connects two different areas in the SAME Hemisphere
Axons bundles in the CNS
Commissural Tracts
Tract that connects the Two Hemisphere
Projection Tracts
Leave the Brain into the spinal cord(Project out of the brain)
Cerebral (basal nuclei)
Pairs of gray matter deep in the White matter
Diencephalon 3 parts
Epithalamus 2) Thalamus 3) hypothalamus
Covers 3rd Ventricle 2) Pineal Gland(melatonin) 3) Habenular(emotional odor)
Pineal gland Loc/Char
In the Epithalamus (posterior brain) Produces melatonin which regulates circadian rhythms (sleep cycle)
Habenular nuclei Loc/function
Visceral and emotion Reponses to odor in the Epithalamus
1)Paired oval masses on each side of the 3rd ventricles 2) Connected by interthalamic adhesion(grey matter) 3) Filter and RELAYS SENSORY info to the Cerebrum(relay center)
Hypothalamus Location and what it connects to
Below the Thalamus and hold the pituitary gland with the Infundibulum(stake)
Functions of the Hypothalamus
1) Master controller of autonomic nervous system (ANS)(involuntary) 2)Controls Pituitary gland 3) THERMOREGULATION(thermostat) 4)Limbic System(emotions) 5) Satiety center(hungry or full) 6) THIRST center 7) Circadian rhythms in the cardicvasulaur system.
3 Parts of the Brain Stem
1) Mesencephalon(midbrain) 2) Pons 3) Medulla Oblongata
Mesencephalon(midbrain) Parts 4
1) Contains Cerebral peduncles(on front)(tracts) 2) Corpora quadrigemina(posterior) 3) Substantia Nigra 4) Red Nuclei
Where are the cerebral peduncles
Mesencephalon (midbrain)
Where is the substantia nigra and what does it release
In the mesencephalon releases dopamine(neurotransmitter with controls movement)
Where and what does the Corpora Quadrigemina do?
In the mesencephalon deals with reflexes of hearing and vision
Red Nucleus where is it
In the Mesencephalon
Pons Where is it
1)BRIDGE between the mesencephalon and the Medulla oblongata 2) Tracts that connect Brain and Spinal Canal(SC)(big bulge)
Function of the Pons (3)
Respiratory Centers which help REGULATE breathing 1) pneumotaxic 2) apneustic
Medulla oblongata Where
Tract that connect brain and SC BELOW the PONS
What is in the Medulla Oblongata(4)
1) Pyramids 2) Decussation of pyramids 3) Olivary nuclei(2 little bumps) 4) inferior cerebellar peduncles
What does the medulla oblongata Regulates? (3)
Autonomic nuclei that regulate 1) (Cardiovascular Center) a) CARDIAC b) Vasomotor(blood vessels) 2) RESPIRATORY(main center)
Why is the Decussation of Pyramids important and where is it.
It is where the Central motor nerves CROSS making it so that are right brain control are left side. It is Located inside the MEDULLA OBLONGATA
Cerebellum 2 parts
Cerebellar cortex(gray)(outside) 2) Abor vitae(white)(tree of life)
Folds in the cerebellum
Cerebellum Functions
Coordination and Balance (fine tunes rough draft of movement and awareness of position)
Limbic System Functions
Emotion and Memory(emotional aspects of behavior/memory and pain and pleasure)
Limbic system includes
Cerebrum and Diencephalon
Reticular formation 5 parts
1)Is throughout brain stem helps 2)regulate muscle tone 3) Reticular activating system 4) alerts cortex to incoming signals 5) Consciousness and awaking from sleep