Test3 Flashcards
FCE: functional capacity evaluation
Primary purpose
To evaluate a person’s ability to participate in work, although other ADLs that support work performance may also be evaluated
Endurance: tuck jump assessment
10 seconds
10 errors yes/no
Maximum effort
Marfan’s syndrome- ocular
Myopia (nearsided) Chromic myopia Ectopic lentis (upward) Retinal detachment Hypoplasia of dilator muscle Flat cornea
Selective functional movement assessment (SFMA)
- Active cervical flexion
- Active cervical extension
- Cervical rotation
- UE pattern 1 (MRE)
- UE pattern 2 (LRF)
- Multi-segmental flexion
- Multi-segmental extension
- Multi-segmental rotation
- Single-leg stance
- Overhead deep squat
Hop and stop test
Hoping on/off affected/unaffected sides
Stop exercise- pregnancy
Dizziness or fainting Bleeding Calf pain Chest pain Painful contractions ( > 6-8 per hour) Any fluid “gush” from vagina Decreased fetal movement
LESS: landing error scoring system
Jump off box
Horizontal distance = 50% body height
Focus on initial landing and amortization
Need to assess ___ for May return to sport
- Strength, ROM, balance
- Motor engrams
- Power
- Endurance
- Agility and reactivity
- Psychological readiness
Physical stigmata- Marfan’s
- Tall, thin build
- Long arms, legs, fingers
- Flexible joints (Brighton signs)
- Scoliosis
- Pectus excavatum or carinatum
- High palate, small jaw
- Crowded teeth
- Flat feet
- Stretch marks
- Ocular lens dislocation
- Nearsightedness, blurred vision
- Corneal flatness, strabismus, exo- or endotropia
Female athlete triad
PPS May be best opportunity to identify “at risk”
Disordered eating
Exercise precautions in pregnancy
No ... Contact sports Activities with increased risk of falling Hot/humid conditions Hot yoga/hot Pilates Exercise at high altitudes Avoid exercises in supine
Conditions that may be life threatening or disabling
Cardiac anomalies
Significant cervical ROM deficits
Concussion history
Sickle cell disease
Relative contraindications for exercise during pregnancy
Severe anemia Unevaluated maternal cardiac dysrhythmia Chronic bronchitis Poorly controlled DM type 1 Extremely overweight History of extremely sedentary lifestyle Intrauterine growth restrictions Poorly controlled HTN Orthopedic limitations Poorly controlled seizure disorder Poorly controlled hyperthyroidism Heavy smoker
Max aerobic tests- sports performance testing
Bruce treadmill
Balk treadmill
PACER test
1.5 mile run
Pregnant exercise recommendations
Walking Stationary bike Swimming Yoga Modified pilates Impact exercise if consistently doing prior pregnancy (jogging, racquet sports) consult with physician
8 conditions that may limit participation
- Hernia
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Single organ
- Sickle cell trait
- Seizures
- Eating disorders
Return to sport continuum
Return to participation->
Return to sport->
Return to performance
Y-balance test - LE and UE: research
A difference > 3-4 cm side to side places an individual at increased risk for injury
UE…less research…potential problem, CKC test for predominantly open chain activities
Older adults- aerobic activity
3-5x week
Moderate intensity (RPE 5-6/10 or 12-13/20)
20-30 min per day
Walking, jogging, elliptical, biking, swimming, etc
Enjoyable aerobic activities
Return to sport testing is designed to …
Stimulate- in a controlled manner- the stresses produced and imposed during athletic performance.
NOT to return them to their pre-injury state
Because most are non-contact injuries and need to correct so not setup for future injuries
Strength, ROM and balance
Return to sport tests
Goniometry (OKC and CKC)
Y balance test
Balance error scoring system
Purpose of PPEs (pre-participation exam)
Detection of conditions that may limit participation or predispose to injury
Detect conditions that may be life threatening or disabling
Secondary: Meet legal requirements Determine general health Entry point to healthcare system Opportunity to initiate dialogue
4 conditions that may predispose athlete to injuries
- History of orthopedic problems
- Level of preparedness
- Biomechanical issues of the foot and ankle
- Neurological deficits
Agility tests
Return to sport
Be sport specific
50% -> 75% -> 100%
Linear to multiplanar
Predictable to unpredictable
Consider playing surface
T-test, pro agility, LE functional test
Selective functional movement assessment (SFMA) - Breakouts
Each breakout is built in a specific pattern:
Bilateral vs unilateral
Loaded vs unloaded
Active vs passive
Determine the parts that are affecting the pattern
Exercise benefits during pregnancy
Decrease health risks: Gestational DM Preeclampsia Reduced LBP Low birth-weight baby
Shorter duration of active labor
Reduced recovery time following delivery
Functional movement screen - score/research
Heavily debated whether total score or individual score on each movement matters most
Big picture…be familiar with research on the specific population you are utilizing screen on
Absolute contraindications for exercise during pregnancy
Hemodynamically significant heart disease
Restrictive lung disease
Incompetent cervix/cerclage
Multiple gestation at risk for premature labor
Persistent second or third trimester bleeding
Placenta previa after 26 weeks
Premature labor
Ruptured membranes
Preeclampsia/pregnancy induced HTN
Return to sport testing is not 1 day. ____ must be laid out from beginning. Should be …
Goals and plan must be laid out from the beginning
Should be progressive and logical (minimize fear), sport specific, measure all dimensions of sport demands
Patient eligibility for work rehab
- Must be medically stable (participation on functionally based program would not be prohibited)
- Must have stated/demonstrated a willingness to participate
- Must be physical and functional deficits that interfere with work
- Must have a treatment goal that includes returning to an occupational situation
- Should not begin until functional evaluation performed to identify the specific physical limitations preventing current return to full-duty work
Cardiac anomalies- 5
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Marfan’s syndrome
- Myocarditis (exercise with flu/cold?)
- Commotio cordis (direct blow)
- Congenital coronary artery anomalies
Post-partum exercise benefits
Reduces fatigue
Improves fitness, mood and mental acuity
Promotes return to pre-pregnancy weight
Decreases risk of developing chronic health conditions
Provides important mom time and social interactions
Reduces risk of DVT
Cardiovascular response in children
Lower SV, CO, BP
Higher HR and HRmax
Recommended exam structure- selective functional movement assessment (SFMA)
History Postural and neuro exam Respiration SFMA Local biomechanical exam
An intensive, work related, goal-oriented conditioning program designed specifically to restore systemic neuromusculoskeletal functions, motor function, ROM, and cardiovascular/pulmonary functions.
Work conditioning
Coronary artery anomalies
Abnormal artery is compressed as the ascending aorta dilates with exercise
Blood flow to heart limited
Hypoperfusion of myocardium occurs and is primary cause of death
Early symptoms include fatigue, exercise-induced syncope, chest pain
Functional movement screen
10 movement screen:
7 scored on 4 point scale,
3 clearing movements for individuals with pain
Designed with fitness professionals in mind including personal trainers and strength coaches
Population: healthy and non-painful individuals
Muscular endurance
Return to sport testing
Retest when fatigued
Shuttle hop test
What is usual cause of sudden cardiac death in sports?
Electrical disturbances- arrhythmia
External trauma
Periodization cycles
Macrocycles: largest division which typically includes 1 training year
Mesocycle: comprises to first subgroup, typically multiple months
Microcycles: smallest subgroup typically lasting 1-3 weeks
Cycles to better organize individual goals and needs
4 common sudden cardiac arrest conditions
- HCM: hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Coronary artery anomalies
- Commotio cordis
- Myocarditis
Older adults- strength training
2-3x week
60-80% 1 RM
Initial program: 10-15 reps
Strength and power: 8-12 reps
Muscle endurance: 15-20 reps
Sets: 2-3 per exercise
Target: primary muscle groups with emphasis on regions with low bone density