Test2: Lect 9 Sean Speese Flashcards
- Characteristics:
- Alternative name:
- Two types:
- Characteristics:
Flanked by inverse repeats - Alternative name:
P elements (also called “jumping genes” but not professionally) - Two types:
Autonomous: encode the genes for transposition
Non-autonomous: do not encode genes for transposition. Someone other p - element must make these products
How is class 1 transposon transposition achieved?
Transposons inverted repeats line up, making the transposon loop out. ->
Transposase catalyzes the cleavage ->
insertion random but euchromatic sites and non-coding regions
are preferred
Transposons and the brain:
Normally tissues inactivate transposons.
The brain has transposon activity during neurogenesis and in aged neurons.
- May contribute to neural diversity during neurogenesis.
- May contribute to neural degeneration in aged neurons
Class 1 transposable elements:
Class 2 transposable elements:
1: The element itself is cut out, and inserted elsewhere in the genome
2: Work through an RNA intermediate, which allows it to be copied elsewhere into the genome
- Note: both are copied!
How is class 2 transposon transposition achieved?
RNA made as normal ->
reverse transcriptase encoded for ->
Copies RNA into dsDNA ->
Inserts DNA into the genome
P elements in flies are usually what class of transposon?
Class 1 baby
Transposable mutagenesis:
- Define:
- Why not just use EMS?
- Define:
Cross a fly with non-autonomous transposable element to a fly with a transposase gene. ->
Mutations will occur as P element inserts into new areas ->
Knockout or silence the transposase gene ->
Screen for mutants - Why not just use EMS?
The advantage, is after you’ve confirmed a mutant, you can use imprecise excision to rip out your transposon and some of the genetic material around it. It makes it easier to find out where you are.
Gene insertion using a P-element for fly:
Take a P element vector, remove the transcriptase, and replace it with your gene of interest ->
Insert your modified gene transposon, and insert DNA with transcriptase (but no flanking repeats) separately into an embryo ->
gene inserted, transposase is no longer there. ->
you can check to see if the fly has the phenotype of interest
What are some uses of P-elements?
bring back wild type gene in mutant flies – reversion of the phenotype (for double knock outs)
for dominant mutations; introduce the mutated version in wild type
I want to know in what cell types and when hypothetical gene A is being expressed, how do I test that with P elements.
1: Make a p-element with a fluorescent marker gene with the promotor for gene A in front of the fluorescent marker gene.
2: Gene A will be transcribed whenever that promoter would be transcribed and you can see where it is fluorescing
Enhancer Trap:
- How would I make one?
- What does it do?
- Why would I make one?
- How would I make one?
Basic promoter with no enhancer region, followed by a fluorescent gene, and a gene which shows a distinct phenotype in the fly (like white, which produces red eyes) - What does it do?
It doesn’t have an enhancer, so it will only operate when located near an enhancer for it. So you can discover where enhancers are for certain regions.
Then, imprecise excision can cut it back out and you can identify which regions are near that region. - Why would I make one?
Identify where regulatory domanins are within the genome.
Protein traps:
- Describe:
- Why is it used?
- Describe:
1: A p element which likes to insert into introns.
2: A 5’ and 3’ splice site, and a fluorescent marker, like GFP. (this means that upon insertion into an intron, it will essentially make itself into a new exon)
3: This is inserted into an intron. - Why is it used?
1: Allows you to see exactly when that gene is turned on.
2: Sometimes insertion will stop the gene from making a product. Which is lethal.
3: Other times, GFP or whatever fluorescent reporter you use, is incorporated into the protein, and the protein maintains function. Then you can use this method to see where the protein is in the cell.
If a mutant has been created by P element mutagenesis, what would:
- Using precise excision do?
- Using imprecise excision do?
- Using precise excision do?
1: Should restore wild type phenotype, by cleanly removing itself from the gene. - Using imprecise excision do?
1: It would rip out the regions around the gene, allowing you to look at what was taken out.
2: It would rip out the regions around the gene, possibly creating a mutant form of that gene (if it cut out exons)
If you put a stop codon into a gene trap insertion what would happen?
Premature stop of the protein.
GaL4/UAS system:
- Define GAL4:
- Define UAS:
- Define GAL4:
Is a gene which encodes for a transcription factor which binds to the UAS enhancer sequence to activate transcription - Define UAS:
An enhancer, which can be bound to by GAL4 to activate transcription of the gene after it
GaL4/UAS system:
- How does the system work?
- How does the system work?
1: GAL4 is placed after a promotor which is only active in certain tissues or cell types.
2: UAS is placed on a transposon, before a transhuman gene or another gene of interest.
3: The UAS transposon gene is placed into some flies
4: Breed GAL4 and UAS flies together
5: Your gene from UAS will only be seen in the cells in which GAL4 is transcribed, which are specific to your promoter
I want to know which cell type specifically is causing the phenotype my mutation is in. How could I do it? (I.E. is the problem in brain development from glia or neuronal cells):
Make UAS for my gene. Cross it with a GAL4 for neuronal cells. Check phenotype.
Do the same experiment but crossed with a GAL4 is glial cells.
GAL4/UAS system:
- How could I knock out a gene of interest in a tissue of interest?
I could place an RNA interference sequence after my UAS promoter. Then RNAi would do the knockout.
Could you couple the GAL4/UAS system with a protein trap which produces a functional GFP linked protein?
Yes. You could do just that, so it’d only be made in your cell type of interest.
Channel rhodopsin and GAL4/UAS:
Channel rhodopsin placed after UAS promoter. Makes it so you can activate a particular cell type by light.
- Function:
- Temperature:
- Function:
Binds to Gal4, stops it from activating UAS. - Temperature:
Inactivated at 30 degrees C (so UAS would be active)
active at 18 degrees C (so UAS would be inactive, because GAL4 is inactive)
- can also be coupled with a GAL4/UAS RNAi system… true or false?
- Does:
- Why use it?
- Does:
Works exactly like GAL4 UAS system. Where GAL4 = LexA and UAS = LexAop - Why use it?
So that you can use it with Gal4 UAS system. That way Gal4 UAS activates or inactivates one gene or produces a fluorophore in one cell type while LexA LexAop is doing the same or something different in another cell type. - I.E.
Muscle cells green stained (by GAL4 UAS)
Neurons red stained (by LexA LexAop)
FLP/FRT system:
- Define FLP:
- Define FRT:
- Define FLP:
A protein which catalyzes recombination between chromosomes at FRT sites - Define FRT:
The site recognized by FLP when it does recombination.
FLP/FRT system:
- What is it?
- What is it?
Animal heterozygous for a lethal allele.
Mitosis does not have recombination.
FLP/FRT allows you to at some later point, switch to the lethal form, and see how this affects the cell. - Is the mutation still lethal if you switch to it later?
- Does it have a notable phenotype?
MARCM system:
- Define it:
- Define it:
1: Cells produce GAL4 which activates a recessive lethal gene tied to the UAS (usually with a gene for a fluorescent protein as well)
2: cells are homozygous for this gene, but not dead… why?
3: because they are heterozygous for GAL80, which is inactivating transcription. Yay!
4: but this system also has the FLP/FRT system.
5: activation of FLP/FRT makes 1 cell homozygous for GAL80 expression and the other not able to express it
6: cell which cannot express GAL80, transcibes its recessive lethal protein product, and its marker. You can now see the cell and what happens to it.