test1 Flashcards
What did Alexander Graham Bell say after meeting an 8-year-old Helen Keller?
I feel that in this child I have seen more of the Diving than has been amanifest in
anyone I ever met before.
What does Garbarino think kindles the spark of divinity in a child?
Connection, acceptance, nurtured.
Dr. Garbarino describes the most abused and neglected person he ever met, Byron. What
positive qualities did Byron possess?
He loved his children, worked with disabled adults in a halfway house, and
mentored a 14 year old boy.
What do Patrick Tolan and Nancy Guerra find to be the most effective treatments for
delinquent and criminally violent youth?
Changes in thinking along with chances to practice nonviolent behavior.
Why does Dr. Garbarino say there is no such thing as a baby?
Because babies can_t exist without a relation to another person.
What does Jack Gewirtz_ research show?
That smiling keeps each motivated to invest more in the relationship, human
babies are primed to smile.
Name and describe the four categories of attachment.
Secure is a warm and responsive attachment, insecure-avoidant is generalized
wariness and distancing on the child_s part. Insecure-ambivalent indicates a high
level of distress and inconsolability. Disorganized-disoriented pattern indicates a
mix of behavior as from the other three classifications.
Describe the study by Dymphna van den Boom. What was it_s main finding?
Teaching parenting skills to parents of difficult children in the first year of life has
a major impact 68% became securely attached instead of 28%.
What argument does Judith Rich Harris make in The Nurture Assumption?
That the effect of parenting is very much indirect.
What is a main focus of Terrance Real_s book, I Don_t Want to Talk about It?
The emotional disconnectedness among boys and men.
When Dr. Garbarino asks Malcolm whom he trusts, what does Malcolm say?
What two particular patterns of father influence does Dr. Garbarino say help explain
the development of violent boys?
The presence of an abusive father and the absence of a caring and resourceful
Dr. Garbarino says growing up fatherless influence a child in what three important
Fatherless children are more likely to grow up in poor areas with limited
resources and children ask the question why don_t I have a father.
Dr. Garbarino tells the story of John Bowlby conducting therapy with a little boy who
hadn_t developed a secure attachment to adults. When Bowlby left the room one time to
answer the phone, what did the boy do?
The boy had thrown the cat into the fire.
Give a couple of examples from the chapter of school shooters who abused animals.
Malique _Any animal a cat, a dog, a bird or anything that we saw was moving it
could be shot.
Luke and a friend were observed beating a dog with a club, wrapping it in plastic
bag, setting it afire, and tossing it in a pond.
Malcom spoke about using his pit bulls in dogfights.
Why does Dr. Garbarino say that boys becoming the man of the house in
adolescence is often a problem?
Because once a boy has become his mother_s protector he is not about to she her
as an authority figure.
What is toxic shame? What example does Dr. Garbarino give of it?
Feeling fundamentally disgraced, intrinsically worthless and profoundly humiliated
in their own skin, just for being themselves.
What did Sheppard Kellam find in his study of violence prevention programs?
That aggressive six year old boys placed within well managed first grade classrooms run
by effective teachers were three times less likely to be highly aggressive by the time they
reached eighth grade than similarly aggressive boys who were placed in a chaotic
classroom with ineffective teachers.
When does Leonard Eron say aggressive behavior becomes largely crystallized?
By age 8.
What is the definition of Conduct Disorder? What percentage of incarcerated children have
Conduct Disorder?
A repetitive and persistent patter of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major
age appropriate societal norms or rules are violated. Including aggression to people eand
animals, destruction of property deceitfulness or theft and serious violations of rules. 80%
Describe childhood-onset vs. adolescent-onset Conduct Disorder. What are charcteristics
of each, and which is more severe and/or predictive of bad behaviors in adulthood?
When conduct disorder begins in childhood rather than adolscence it is more likely to
continue into adulthood.
How does Dr. Garbarino see the label of Conduct Disorder as limited?
The term is just a label and often a label is seen as the end of the story and not the
beginning. A label does not tell us why it just tells us what. And we should avoid
dehumanizing labels.
Do most kids go through a tumultuous time with their parents when they become
No only 20% of teenagers demonstrate a tumultuous adolescence, on full of crisis and
What did the report by sociologist Richard Gelles find about children who assault their
Most children who assault their parent were once children assaulted by their parents.