Test:unit 2 Flashcards
No the date on which the first Anabaptist baptism took place
Saturday, January 21 1525
Give three reasons on why adult baptism was a hugely dangerous act
First, only infants were baptized in the Roman Catholic Church, second, no one in the group had authority from the church to perform church functions, thirdly rebaptizing was against the law and could result in exile or death.
Know where this baptism took place: in which city added whose home
In the home of Felix manz, Zürich, Switzerland
Know the name of the man given the job of bringing reform to Zürich
Ulrich Zwingli
Identify three of the changes that zwingli brought to zurich as part of his reform
First, he preached directly from the Bible rather than simply reading the Latin words of the mass , second, he removed images and statues from the church is so people could focus on God’s word, third, he introduced German into the services instead of Latin, fourth, he encouraged monks and nuns to marry.
No the major criticism that Zwingli disciples had of his approach to preform
They wanted Zwingli to decide reform based only on the word of God. The members of the Church Council had no business influence or controlling Zwingli’s reforms.
No the date one which this Zürich city Council ruled that all infants must be baptized
January 17 1525
The Anabaptists believed that faith must come before baptism and that infants could not testify to a conscience fate and when that’s not to be baptized. How did this view from that of the catholic and re-formation churches of the time. You should list three differences
First, face had to come before baptism, the one who believes and is baptized will be saved only adults could freely make this choice. Second, testify to a conscious face and where that’s protected by gods grace. Third, baptism and church membershipwere reserved for adults who truly wanted to be Jesus’s disciples
The Anabaptists believe that baptism and church membership or for adults who truly wanted to be Jesus disciples. How was this believe a threat to the society of the day
First, baptism was a sacrament. It removed the guilt of sin from The baby and infused the baby with Grace. Second, baptism made the child a member of the church. Third, only people baptized as infants could fully participate in church and society
Explain what is meant by the statement that Zwingli’s radical followers believed in the “priesthood of all believers”
They did not believe in top down authority. They believed that all members in the church are equal. Each member of this new church had an equal right to carry out church leadership tasks
Describe the life and contributions, complete with appropriate dates, of one of the following,
Conrad Grebel, George Blaurock, Felix manz
George Blaurock (1492-1529)
First, he asked Conrad Grable to baptize him at the historic January 1 1525 meeting of Zwingli’s radical followers.
Secondly, he fiercely preach the gospel and baptized people.
Third, the Zürich authorities flogged him and banished him from the city. Fourth, he was burned at the stake in the Tyrol region in September 6 1529
Identify one critique the grebel had of;
Thomas müntzer
Martin Luther
Thomas muntzer
The German hymns that were song had no scripture, that Christian should defend themselves with swords
Martin Luther
That he should not use the weakness of Christians as a reason of not reforming
Know the names and dates of Balthasar Hubmaier.
Balthasar Hubmaier (1480-1529)
KNow the name and significance of Waldshut
Waldshut is a small village with a population of 7000 in southern Germany. It’s where Anabaptism started.
KNow the responsibility that Michael Sattler held and where he carried out this task
Michael Sattler (1490-1527)was responsible for writing a confession of faith for the fledging AnaBaptist group. He called a meeting in schleitheim, a small town on the northern border of Switzerland.