Test Terms Flashcards
The Death of Jesus Christ on the cross,which effects salvation as the reestablishment of the relationship between God and sinners
The Study of the bible
The act of expressing contrition and penitence for sin
The supreme being to whom all allegiance, obedience, and worship is due. It is also used by Christians as a designation.
One’s turning or response to God’s call in Jesus Christ in faith and repentance. It is profound in its effect in that it radically transforms one’s heart, mind and will.
Greek for Anointed one.
The final dimension of christian salvation, which includes eternal life in heaven and the eternal glorifying of God.
Hebrew for Anointed one
Admission of acknowledgment of motives or behavior that is sinful either against against God or against others
Confession of Sin
From theos (God) and Logos “speech” – discourse about God
Blessing promised by John the Baptist as accompanying Jesus ministry which is seen at pentecost as a fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Acknowledgement of the authority and power of Jesus Christ over the cosmos, creation, and human life, especially the lives of those who believe in him
Unmerited favor. Undeserved favor and forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ while withholding judgement that is deserved.
Yahweh is Salvation
word, Reason, in greek and stoic philosophy, the universal power or mind that gave coherence to the universe. In Christian theology it refers to the second person of the trinity, Jesus Christ, who as the creative power of God embodied truth and was God incarnate
The action of the Holy spirit, who transforms the lives of those given the gift of faith so they experience a new birth and salvation through jesus Christ.
The process or result of Gods continuing work in christian believers through the power of the holy spirit . In protestant theology this occurs after justification and is growth in grace and holiness of life marked by good works.
A reckoning or counting as righteous. Gods declaring a sinful person to be “just” on the bases of the righteousness of Jesus christ. The result is Gods peace, Gods spirit, and thus “salvation”
Reception of a sinner into the familial relationship of a child to God as parent through Jesus Christ by the work of the Holy Spirit
A theological term for making atonement for sin by making an acceptable sacrifice.
In Christianity, belief, trust, and obedience to God as revealed in Jesus Christ. It is the means of salvation or eternal life. It affects all dimensions of ones existence: intellect, emotions, and will.
The belief that Gods elect who believe in Jesus Christ are held secure by Gods power, despite temptation, and sin. Their salvation will not be lost. It was one of the five canon of the Calvinistic synod of Dort (1618-19) and part of TULIP.
Initiation into the Christian faith through a worship ceremony in which water is applied by sprinkling (aspersion), pouring (affusion), or immersion while the Trinitarian formula is spoken. Regarded as a sacrament by most churches.
By grace alone. A slogan of the Protestant reformation indicating that the basis for christian salvation is solely the grace of God and not any human achievement. It is Gods initiative and action which is the agent of salvation.
Sola Gratia
Falling away from or renouncing the Christian Faith
A mountain of Megiddo in Palestine portrayed as the place where a final battle between God and the forces of evil occurs (REV. 16:16)
To uncover, to reveal. The genre of biblical literature that portrays the end of the world and of human history.
Apocalyptic Literature
Study of the “last things” or the end of the world. Theological dimensions include the second coming of Jesus Christ and the last judgement.
A term used to indicate the solidarity of the human race. It is the effect of an “ original” sin as portrayed in the story of the sin of Adam in the Garden of Eden (GEN. 3) See Rom. 5:12; 1Cor. 15:22
Imputation (in Adam)
Gods ability to do all things that do not conflict with the divine will or knowledge. Gods power is limited only by Gods own nature and not by any external forces.
God as an infinite spirit being everywhere present in the cosmos (PS 139:7-10)
God as knowing all things, all events, and all circumstances in a way that is perfect and immediate.
The whole bible is inspired not just parts. (verbal inspiration) the view that the holy spirit directly guided the exact words recorded by the biblical writers as they wrote the Scriptures.
Plenary verbal Inspiration. (Plenary)