Test revision Flashcards
Explain using an example, what is meant by a protected area:
a defined geographical space, recognized, dedicated and managed, legally protected or by other means to achieve a long term conservation of nature w/ associated ecosystem services & cultural values
e.g. any national park/ wilderness: Otways National Park.
What is the IUCN & what is their main role?
Internal Union for Conservation of Nature.
- promotes the establishment and management of parks and reserves
- consists of conservation agencies and relevant agencies
The IUCN developed 6 protected Area categories. Discuss categories 1 & 2 providing an example for each:
Category 1: (a) Strict nature reserve: managed mainly for science
(b) Wilderness Area:
e. g. Wilderness parks 2 in Aus: Big Desert & Avon Wilderness Park
Explain the difference between a wilderness park & a state park
Wilderness Park: providing highest level of protection; remote areas; no facilities; managed for wilderness protection; IUCN Category 1
National Park: contain highly significant natural values; managed primarily for ecosystem protection; allow compatible recreation; IUCN Category 2
List 4 pieces of legislation relevant to park management & explain there relevance:
- Flora & Fauna Guarantee act 1998: threatened species
- Land Act 1898! key legislation setting aside parks in the 19th Century
- Environment Protection Biodiversity Conservation act 1999! Environment protection & enhancement! Biodiversity conservation strategy
- Native title act 1993! indigenous land rights- recognition that land was not unoccupied when white settlers arrived I.e. not terra nullius (no body’s land)
Explain using an example difference the difference between Statutory & Strategic planning
- Statutory planning:
> Regulation of land use: legislation
e.g. laws - EBPC act 1999
Strategic planning:
> long term goals; strategies; visions;
e.g. Melbourne 2030, Shaping our future
What is heritage? Why is heritage an essential component of planning?
refers to areas (or objects) that the community values both natural and cultural
- essential component of planning, enuring long-term protection
Discuss wider societal influences of contemporary Park Managers: (such as Parks Vic)
- Modern living patterns- Highly urbanized
- ageing but active population
- changing work patterns
- declining social connectedness
- sedentary lifestyles
- declining physical activity
Outline 4 key Principles of Healthy Parks Healthy People:
1 Parks nurture healthy ecosystems
- Parks fundamental to economic growth and vital to vibrant healthy communities
- Contact with nature vital for improving, spiritual, emotional and physical health and well being
- Well being of society depends on healthy ecosystems
Legal Definition of wildlife in Vic according to Wildlife act 1975
- all veterbrate taxon which is indigenous to Aus, regardless of where it occurs elsewhere
- non indigenous: quail, deer, partridge, & other wildlife that governor declares.
- taxon of terrestrial invertebrate under FFG act 1988
(Flora and Fauna 1988) - hybrids of anything mentioned above
What is game?
Any type of animal that is used by community in consumptive manner
- historically whether they had good table quality and whether considered sporting
What is a wicked Problem? and what 4 criteria make it a wicked problem? Provide examples
- incomplete or contradictory knowledge
- lots of people or opinions involved
- large economic burden
- create more problems/issues
e.g. Palm oil plantations, trophy hunting, whaling, climate change, world poverty.
What role do Parks Vic have in Fire management?
- partnership role with DELWP
- Fire prevention as land manager
- monitoring and implementing prescribed burnings @ parks estates
- post fire and emergency recovery
- public safety
Outline main recommendations put forward by Vic Bush fires Royal Commission following Black Saturday Bush fires 2009:
- Vic gov accepted all 67 recommendations
Key recommendations include:
- emergency management commissioner
- communal and control arrangements
- All agencies responsible for issues of warnings to community
Explain why human dimensions is an essential component of wildlife management & conservation:
- ^ understanding leads to ^ appreciation and therefore an ^ protection
- breaks down political and social barriers
- ^ community support
- better ecological outcomes