Test Review: The Russian Rev. and the Interwar Period Flashcards
Nicholas II
Last reigning tsar of Russia, relied on the bureaucracy and army to hold up his regime, forced to abdicate the throne by Duma, he couldn’t handle the state of Russia.
March 1917 Revolution
women marched down Petrograd demanding “peace and bread” and “down with the autocracy, more workers joined shutting down factories in the city, the situation got out of the tsar’s control when soldiers joined the movement
provisional government
this type of government was implemented by the Duma which abdicated the tsar and gave governmental responsibility to the Duma
“Councils of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies,” this group of people held more radical interests of the lower class and had various members of socialism… breaks down into the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks
Small faction of the Russian Social Democrats, led by Lenin, who aimed for a violent revolution to destroy the capitalist system.
Vladimir Lenin
Leader of the Bolsheviks, served as the first leader of Soviet Russia, his form of government was the prelude to Soviet Russia’s future dictatorship.
Leon Trotsky
Revolutionary, chairman of the Petrograd Soviets, who was supposed to give Bolsheviks the opportunity to gain power for the soviet name, taught the Red Army to be well-disciplined and fight well.
Bolshevik Revolution
Led by Vladimir Lenin, this was the Bolshevik’s violent attempt to overthrow the government and seize power, and resulted in the removal of Tsar Nicholas II
Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
An agreement for new communist Russia to give up eastern Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Finland, and the Baltic Provinces to Germany.
Russian Civil War
Many in Russia were opposed of the Bolshevik and their government, Bolsheviks fought against the White force in Siberia, forces in Ukraine, and forces in the Baltic regions. The party regained power and control other independents states.
Reds and Whites
- The Reds were the Bolsheviks and consisted of the Red Army and Trotsky, committed on one goal
- The Whites were people that were anti-Bolshevik, and Admiral Kolchak, who wanted to restore the tsarist regime, unable to agree on a common goal
War Communism
Set of policy made by the Communist that translated their revolutionary faith into their people or masses
League of Nations
Created by Woodrow Wilson, attempt to create pact between nations to prevent future wars
The large compensation Germany had to pay other nations to repair the state of the nations, was considered the logical consequence for wartime promises.
Treaty of Locarno
Fostered spirit of international cooperation, this granted Germany to have borders with France and Belgium, Germany does not permanently accept the borders
Dawes Plan
the attempt to reduce the reparations and stabilize Germany’s ability to pay. Granted Germany a 200 million dollar loan for Germany’s recovery, and opened American investments in Europe… gateway for European prosperity
Great Depression
Causes: A downturn in domestic economies and international financial crisis. This affected both America and Europe as the financial situation was bad in America, loans made in Europe were pulled away, hurting Europe… stock market crashed
Benito Mussolini
Originally a school teacher and then an editor of a newspaper, he was the fascist leader that introduced Fascism to Italy and integrated fascist ideal into the Italian state.
As a result of the Great Depression, the system was attractive to the desperate looking for a solution. Benito Mussolini introduced this concept in Italy and succeeded
a system of government that extends the functions and powers of the central state much more than previously. Demanded active loyalty and commitment from its citizens to the regime’s goals
Mass modern techniques and modern communications to capture the hearts and minds of the people under a regime.
League of Combat
The political movement that would later be called Fascism, grew significantly after a stalemate between the Italian parliament system and strong nationalist.
Mussolini formed bands of armed Fascist and these bands would attack socialist offices and newspapers.
Lateran Accords
Mussolini’s attempt to gain support from the Catholic Church, acknowledged the Vatican City and the papacy recognized the Italian State, also gave money to the church and recognized Catholicism was the sole religion of the state.
Weimar Republic
A German democratic state with fragmented Social Democrats , Catholic Center party, German socialist, the nation was put under the supervision of Hindenburg and the nation was unstable, no one really liked him in power.
Paul von Hindenburg
WWI military hero, who was elected as the president of Weimer Republic, he suffered as a leader as uprisings and attacks happened left and right.
Adolf Hitler
Previously an artist in Austria, wrote his autobiography “Mein Kampf” he hated Jews and it was visible in his ideologies, Nazi leader
National German Socialist Workers Party
“Nazi” for short, a right winged extreme nationalist party, the Nazis were different to the socialist parties while gaining support from working class and nationalist circles.
Storm Troopers
Nazi’s police force, they were used to defend the party in the meetings halls and to break up the meetings of other parties
(Living Space) the social Darwinian theory that superior nations have the right to expand and the right of the superior individuals to have authority over masses
Reichstag Fire
A fire that broke out in the Reichstag building, supposedly set by the Communist, which allowed Hitler to convince President Hindenburg to issue a decree that gave the government emergency power, limiting all basic citizen rights, leading to Hitler and the Nazi’s rise to power.
Enabling Act
The act gave Hitler the legal right to commit his crimes following his rise to power, he was not held back by the Reichstag building or President Hindenburg, and Hitler was appointed by the Parliament body.
Schutzstaffel (SS)
Protection Squad, originally Hitler’s personal bodyguards, were directed by Heinrich Himmler, ended up controlling both the regular and secret police. Functioned on 2 principles: Terror and Ideology
Hitler Youth
An organization the youth swore dedication to the Nazi movement, and required the youth to pledge to the flag and recite the oath
Nuremburg Laws
New racial laws placed in Nuremburg, excluded German Jews from having relations with Germans, essentially excluding Jews from Germany, socially, politically, and legally.
The assassination of the 3rd secretary of the Embassy by a Polish Jew, became the excuse of the Nazis to burn down synagogues, destroy several Jewish businesses, and kill hundreds of Jews, then ultimately put male Jews into concentration camps
NEP (New Economic Policy)
Lenin’s refurbished version of the old capitalist system, allowed peasants to sell openly and operate small under private ownership, which would end up saving the Soviet Union from economic disaster
The institution that becomes the leading political body after Lenin’s death, were divided into Left and Right, Stalin would be the “mediator” of the group.
The 5- Year Plan
Stalin’s goal to turn the Soviet Union from an agricultural state to an industrialized state as soon as possible, instead of consumer goods, maximizing capital goods and armaments, and quadrupling heavy machinery and oil productions.
Eliminating private farms and kulaks (wealthy farmers), Stalin proceeded to send troops to retrieve grain from farmers, especially in Ukraine, where 2.9 million died due to starvation.
Collective farms by the state, where many farmers were forced to work.
Great Terror/Purge
Stalin solidifying his power by executing political opponents, officers, farmers, overall so many people, in the millions.
Francisco Franco
A general for the Spanish military forces that revolted against the government and ended in a bloody civil war
Spanish Civil War
Spain was divided into Left and Right: Left were Republicans who supported the Popular Front; The Right were Nationalists who supported Franco’s military coup, the monarchy, and the Catholic Church.