Test Review Flashcards
A breadth-first search algorithm uses a :
The worse case asympotitc complexity of Dijkstra’s algorithm in a dense graph is :
If an undirected graph has the same weight for every edge, then both the single-source shortest path problem and the minimal spanning tree problem for the graph can be solved in:
Linear Time
The greedy algorithm for the fractional knapsack problem takes a fractional amount of at most one item.
Prim’s Algorithm can work with
Positive and Negative Weights.
All dynamic programming algorithms have the same asympotitc complexity.
Bellman Ford: O(V*E)
Dijkstra’s: O(E log V)
If a depth-first traversal of a directed graph yeilds no back edges,
Then the graph is acyclic
When a priority queue is implemented using a binary heap data structure, what is the complexity of insertion and removal:
Insertion: O(log n)
Removal: O(log n)
When a priority queue is implemented using a simple array, what is the complexity of insertion and removal:
Insertion: O(1)
Removal: O(n)
Name a graph algorithm for which the implementation of a priority queue as a binary heap is best when the graph is sparse, but implementation of priority queue as a simple array is best when the graph is dense.
Prim’s Minimal Spanning
Most efficient algoirthm for Single-source shortest path problem in an unweighted graph.
Breadth-First Search
Most efficient algorithm for Single-source shortest problem path in a graph with non-negative edge weights.
Dijkstra’s Algorithm.
O(V log V) In Sparse.
Most efficient algorithm for single-source shorest path problem in a graph with negative wegiths but no negative-weight cycles.
Bellmann Ford
O(V*E) In Sparse.
What is the asympotitc complexity of the fastest algorithm for finding the strongly-connected components of a directed graph.
What is the asymptotic complexity of the Bellman-Ford algorithm as a function of the size of the graph G = (V,E)?
Describe a similarity and difference of “Divide and Conquer” and “Dynamic Programming”
Similaries: Recursively divide the problem into subproblems and solve the subproblems.
- D+C solves the subproblem and you’ll never see it again.
- DP solves the subproblem but you might use result again, so you store result in table for later use.
Identify 3 important characteristics of any dynamic programming algorithm that are illustrated by this algorithm.
- There a table with an entry for each subproblem.
- Every entry in the table has the distance we are optimizing.
- Every entry also has a pointer to the parent node.
- There is a recurrence relation.