Test Reveiw Flashcards
If not for me changes in the adaptation, so specie doesn’t help it survive and maybe come
Charles Darwin helped explain how ______ changes over ____
Species and time
What kingdom is an oak tree a member of
_____ species survive
Population slowly change overtime in a process called
The scientific name for a wolf Canis Lupus. What is its genius?
A branching diagram shows when an organism ______ and the relationship between_____
Evolved and species
A spider may produce hundreds of eggs, but only few of which may survive. This is an example of.
_______ are traces or remains that lived long ago
What does comparing the structures are needed to speak to you sometimes. Show
If the organisms share a common ancestor
Parents pass ______ to their offspring through genes
Scientist, believe that whales have an agent and sister, that was with me amor, and lived on land is based on what I
whale has small hip bone that is now unnecessary
Populations that have _____ genetic _______ may have trouble becoming adapted to their environment
Low and variation
Scientist use_______ _______ to refer to organisms become common names are too confusing
Scientific names
Specification creates a new