Test Questions- Nevada Law Flashcards
What could be released as directory information?
Name, address, telephone, email, photograph, date/place of birth, major field of study, grade level, enrollment status, dates of attendance, participation of activities and sports, weight and height, degrees, honors, awards, and most recent institution attended.
Both custodial and noncustodial parents of students ___ years or younger have equal access of information unless there is a court order.
The law affords parents or students 18 or older to review and confirm the accuracy and dictate if a school can provide that information to others.
If a student draws a picture depicting himself holding a gun and shooting others, it could be interpreted as a possible threat to student and teacher safety.
Students must receive due process at all times.
A student is considered suspended if they are absent for ____or more days.
No student should be suspended or expelled until he/she has been given a notice of charges against him/her.
Who has the power to alter suspensions or expulsions?
The Superintendent
School’s may promote rules and regulations both on and off school property as long as they directly concern order and discipline for legitimate school functions.
School Liability Forms and Waivers serve a communications tool with parents. It is not guaranteed that it will protect teachers in court of law.
In cases alleging personal injuries due to negligence, action cannot be taken after ____ years.
If plaintiffs’ own negligence is found to be ____% or less, they can recover damages; If their negligence is ___% or more, recovery is barred.
50, 51
Mental and emotional injury is also allowed as a compensable form of injury.
A teacher who decides to use a 1,000 word article 20 minutes before her class and distributes one copy to her students for a Science Unit has met the tests of:
Brevity, Spontaneity, and Cumulative Effect
Brevity (less than 2,500 words),
Spontaneity (last minute inspiration), and Cumulative Effect (only used for one course/unit and one time from the same author)
A first year teacher probationary teacher, ___ observations must take place.
A teacher may have his/her license revoked due to immoral or unprofessional conduct.
Legislature requires ___ days of school per year.
Open Meetings do not apply for alleged misconduct, professional competence, physical or mental health of someone, to prepare, revise., or administer or grade examinations, labor negotiations, development or school committees, or education concerning emergencies.
The State Public Charter School consists of _ members.
The ADA (Americans Disabilities Act) cover people with problems with immune system, physical or mental impairment but NOT_________
A temporary impairment
Teachers can defend themselves if a student attacked.
A resolution meeting is encouraged before a formal complaint.