Test Questions Flashcards
A researcher is gathering information for a study to determine if adolescents experience depression more than middle aged adults. The researcher observes & records behavior exhibited by both groups. Which research design does this exemplify? A. Descriptive Research B. Experimental Research C. Case-Study Research D. Cross-Cultural Research
Descriptive Research
During which period of prenatal development do the connections form between neurons? A. Germinal Period B. Embroyonic Period C. Fetal Period D. Zygotic Period
Fetal Period
Which genetic condition is characterized by an abnormal accumulation of lipids in the nervous system, leading to deceleration of mental and physical development? A. Phenylktonuria B. Cystic Fibrosis C. Spina Difida D. Tay-Sachs Disease
Tay-Sachs Disease
Which 2 events occur after the language milestones of an infant’s first spoken words? (2 answers)
A. Two-word utterances
B. Change from universal linguist to language
specific language
C. Rapid expansion of word comprehension
D. Onset of word comprehension
A and C
Two-word utterances
Rapid expansion of word comprehension
Durning which age do infants typically develop pincer grip? A. 2-3 months B. 4-5 months C. 6-7 months D. 8-9 months
8-9 months
What would a freightened infant seek from a caregiver, based on Harlow's research study on attachment? A. Warmth and comfort B. Food C. Responsiveness D. Emotional Stimulation
Warmth and comfort
Which characteristic do people who experience maltreatment as children experience more difficulty with as adults?
A. Establishing close relationships
B. Developing a sense of gender indentity
C. Incorporating aspects of spirituality in daily life
D. Achieving a sense of fulfillment
Establishing close relationships
Which attitude do first born children tend to exhibit more of than their younger siblings? A. Agreeablility B. Conscientiousness C. Rebeliousness D. Helplessness
Which approach to understanding thought depicts development as a series of distinct stages?
A Information processing
B. Vygotsky’s social contructivist approach
C. Piaget’s cognitive development theory
D. Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligence
Piaget’s cognitive development theory
How does working memory function according to Baddeley’s model?
A. It allows short term memory to intergrate and function optimally.
B. It acts as a mental space for assembling and manipulating decision making information.
C. It allows the child to engage in multiple activities at the same time.
D. It acts as a bridge between short term memory and long term memory.
It acts as a mental space for assembling and manipulating decision making information.
What is the meaning of seriation in the context of Piaget’s concrete operational stage?
A. To order stimuli along a quantitative dimension.
B. To understand specific conclusions by logically
combining relationships.
C. To maniuplate data in a singular directional sequence.
D. To classify an object by focusing on its membership in a hierarchy.
To order stimuli along a quantitative dimension.
What is a characteristic of children with an intellectual diability?
A. They usually display mastery in a single domain.
B. They usually have difficulity adapting to every day life.
C. Most are unable to communicate using language.
D. Most first manifest the disorder during adolescence.
They usually have difficulty adapting to every day life.
How can a caregiver help a child successfully complete Erikson’s fourth stage of development?
A. Encourage the child to make or build things
B. Provide support for role exploration
C. Spend time with the child to maintain attachments.
D. Allow ample time for the child to complete activities.
Encourage the child to make or build things.
Which factor has been linked to depression in adolescents?
A. A lack of communication between adolscents and
their parents about problems.
B. Adolescents participating in too many extra
curricular activities.
C. A surge in hormone levels
D. Consumption of high fat, low nutrient meals.
A lack of communication between adolescents and their parents about problems.
Which factor is related to early sexual activity in adolescents?
A. Later physical maturation in males
B. Other risky behaviors such as drug use
C. High Levels of parental control and monitoring
D. Diffuse sexual activity
Other risky behaviors such as drug use.
What does being tough and masculine have to do with causes of juvenile delinquency?
A. Among lower socioeconomic groups, boys who
accomplish delinquent acts are considered to be
tough and masculine and celebrated for those
B. In lower socioeconomic areas, these traits are
considered normal behavior for gang members, who
are frequently involved in deliquent acts.
C. These traits are typically exhibited by boys from low
income households who perform deliquent acts as
a means of increasing their self esteem.
D. These traits lead to feelings of alienation that often
motivate delinquent behavior.
Among lower socioeconomic groups, boys who accomplish delinquent acts are considered to be tough and masculine and celebrated for those quailities.
Which theory describes the cognitive development of young adults as logical, idealistic and abstract?
A. Erikson’s psychosocial theory
B. Piaget’s formal operational stage theory
C. Freud’s oral stage theory
D. Vygotsky’s sociaocultural theory
Piaget’s formal operational stage theory
Which example illustrates an affect of sociohistorical context on the impact of life events?
A. Divorce is more stressful for couples who have been
married for decades than for couples who have
been married for only a few years.
B. The death of a loved one is less stressful when
there is extensive family support.
C. Couples cope more effectively with divorce in the
present day Western world than in the 1950’s.
D. Individuals with poor health cope less well with job
loss than individuals with good health.
Couples cope more effectively with divorce in the present day Western world than in the 1950’s
How does aging affect cognitive functing in middle age, according to the Seattle Longitudal Sutdy?
A. Inductive reasoning and spatial orientation abilities
B. Number manipulation and preceptual speed abilities
C. Verbal comprehension and verbal memory abilities
D. Verbal memory and spatial orientation abilities
Number manipulation and preceptual speed abilities decrease.
What is one way that the life review process in Erikson’s eighth stage of development can have a negative effect on older adults?
A. They might dwell on the need to contribute to the
next generation and be unable to find ways to help
B. They might dwell on their inability to form intimate
relationships with family and friends and be unable
to avoid isolation.
C. They might dwell on regrets and be unable to find
meaning and significance in their life history.
D. They might dwell on feelings of inferiority and feel
they are no longer competent or productive.
They might dwell on regrets and be unable to find meaning and significance in their life history.
How does Alzheimer’s disease affect intelligence? (2 answers)
A. It hampers the individual’s ability to focus their
B. It triggers a degeneration of dopamine producing
C. It causes a deterioration in the individual’s ability to
D. It contributes to a gradual deterioration of memory.
C and D
It causes a deterioration in the individual’s ability to reason.
It contributes to a gradual deterioration of memory.
What is one purpose of hospice care?
A. To allow people to die by removing life-sustaining
B. To cure illness and provide treatment.
C. To allow painless death by lethal injection
D. To reduce pain and help individuals die with dignity
To reduce pain and help individuals die with dignity
What theory of human development was proposed by Jean Piaget? A. Cognitive developmental theory B. Psychosocial theory C. Psychoanalytic theory D. Socio-cultural cognitive theory
Cognitive developmental theory
Which statement characterizes the debate about the nature-nuture issue?
A. It involves the extent to which heredity and the
environment influence development.
B. It addresses the degree to which early triats persist
through life or continue to develop.
C. It considers whether plasticity occurs in stages or
develops continously.
D. It addresses whether development is gradual or
It involves the extent to which heredity and the environment influence development.
How many genotypes and phenotypes differ in relation to the varibility of human characteristics?
A. Genotypes are expressions of phenotypes;
phenotypes represent the genetic make up of
B. Genotypes represent only recessive human
characteristics; phenotypes represent only
dominant human characteristics.
C. Genotypes are static; phenotypes occur as a
product of genetic imprinting.
D. Genotypes represent the gentic make up of
individuals’; phenotypes are physical characteristics.
Genotypes represent the gentic make up of individuals’ phenotypes are physical characteristics.
What is an example of cephalocaudal pattern of growhth and motor development in infants?
A. Crawling before grasping objects with hands.
B. Using fingers before using whole hands.
C. Controlloing trunk muscles before legs and feet.
D. Controlling legs and feet before arms and hands.
Controlling trunk muscles before legs and feet
What infant behavior is an example of accommodation as described by Piaget’s theory?
A. Breastfeeding after crying
B. Leaning to drink from a straw, not bottle or breast
C. Sucking randomly on fingers
D. Pulling on the mother’s shirt to find the breast
Learning to drink from a straw, not bottle or breast
What biological factor plays a significant role in an infant’s ability to regulate emotions?
A. Stored emotional memory in the cerebellum.
B. Gender of the infant.
C. Maturity of the frontal lobe of the cerebal cortex
D. Interactions of the brain stem, hippocampus and
Maturity of the frontal lobe of the cerebal cortex
Everytime a child cries, the caregiver picks up the child. The child soon learns that the caregiver will provide for its needs. Which of Erikson's stages does this represent? A. Trust v. Mistrust B. Autonomy v. Shame and Doubt C. Industry v. Inferiority D. Initiative v. Guilt
Trust v. Mistrust
Which theory states that adaptation to physical differences led to psychological differences between males and females? A. Social Role Theory B. Evolutionalry psychology theory C. Psychoanalytic theory D. Social cognitive theory
Evolutionalry Psychology Theory
Which statement describes the physical growth and development of the brain in early childhood?
A. The brain of a child grows to about half of its adult
size by the time the child is 3 years old.
B. The brain of a child grows rapidly and steadily until it
reaches its adult size.
C. The most rapid brain growth occurs in the occipital
D. The most rapid brain growth occurs in the frontal
The most rapid brain growth occurs in the frontal lobe
What do children develop during the intuitive thought substage of Piaget’s preoperational stage?
A. The ability to mentally represent an object that is not
B. Primitive reasoning and an interest in learning
C. Coordination of sensory experiences with physical
D. Local reasoning through concrete examples.
Primitive reasoning and an interest in learning information
What is the emphasis of the phonics approach to reading instruction?
A. The use of techniques that parallel natural language
B. The adoption of basic rules for translating written
symbols into sounds.
C. The visual recognition of words, phrases and
D. The appropriate use of comparatives and
superlatives for learning
The adoption of basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds.
What ability is provided by analytical intelligence, according to Sternberg’s trirchic theory?
A. The ability to design, invent, origiante and imagine.
B. The ability to evaluate, judge, compare and contrast.
C. The ability to apply, implement, and put ideas into
D. The ability to communicate, understand, and interact
with others.
The ability to evaluated, ,judge, compare and contrast.
What is one way that schools foster children’s development?
A. Encouraging realistic expectations for academic
B. Encouraging development of a growth mindset.
C. Encouraging development through standardized
D. Encouraging develooment of a fixed mindset.
Encouraging development of a growth mindset
What role does the personal fable play in adolescent egocentrism?
A. It is an expression of adolescents’ feelings of
uniqueness and invincibility.
B. It causes adolescents to think that everyone is
focused on them.
C. It encourages adolscents to focus on the creative
aspects of their lives.
D. It is a reflection of adolescents tendencies to
engage in attention getting behavior.
It is an expression of adolescents’ feelings of uniqueness and invincibility.
What makes adolescents more susceptible to peer pressure than individuals in other age groups?
A. The are in Maslow’s second stage of needing
B. They are going through Erikson’s stage of industry
versus inferiority.
C. They are more likely to feel uncertain about their
social identity.
D. They are questioning their generativity to society
They are more likely to feel uncertain about their social identity.
What is the relationship between identity development and self regulation inn terms of religios or spiritual development?
A. Self-regulation of moral behavior tends to minimize
adolescent identity development.
B. Self regulation occurs independently of moral
identity development.
C. In self identifying with a particulare belief system,
religious, adolscents adopt values that serve as self
regulators of behavior.
D. Identity development is dependent on self-
regulation within a religious of spiritual context.
In self identifying with a particulare belief system, religious, adolscents adopt values that serve as self regulators of behavior.
Which factor can result in the inability to develop meaningful relationships in adulthood?
A. Failure to resolve identity development
B. Isolation from others
C. Inabaility to develop autonomy from parents
D. Engaging in self destruction habits
Isolation from others
How do adults demonstrate stagnation, according to Erikson?
A. They recognize the finite aspects of life
B. The feel they have done nothing for the next
C. They become isolated from peers.
D. They dwell on their regrets and become
The feel they have done nothing for the next generation
Which of the following cognitive functions does not typically decline as we age? A. Working memory B. Perceptual Speed C. Crystallized Intelligence D. Fluid Intelligence
Crystallized Intelligence
What psychological factor among nursing home patients double their life expectancy across 18 months?
A. Palliative care
B. Increasing the patient’s perceived control
C. A sense of dependence of the staff
D, Manipulating caregiver expections of patient well
Increasing the patient’s perceived control
What is a psychological resouce that is linked to an optimal aging experience? A. Self-efficacy B. Elder Respect C. Cognitive Skill Training D. Social Maximization
Self- Efficacy
How do middle aged adults typically view death?
A. They begin to think of death in abstract terms.
B. They think about how much time they have left
before death.
C. The fear death less than they did when younger.
D. The begin to recognize death as irreversivle and
They think about how much time they have left before death.
Match each discription with the life-span perspective of development it describes.
A. Involves the capacity to change
B. Occurs within the families, schools, peer groups ect
C. Includes how mind, body, and emotions change
and affects of each other.
D. Involves biological, cultural and individual factors.
A. Plastic development
B. Contextual development
C. Multidimensional development
D. Co-constructional development
What are two ways expoure to teratogens can affect standard fetal development? (2 answers)
A. By causing physical defects
B. By facilitating implantion of an embryo
C. By impairing congitive and behavioral function
D. By negatively influencing meternal nutrition
A and C
By causing physical defects
By impairing cognitive and behavioral function
Which teratogen is commonly associated with low birth weight, subnormal length, and head circumference? A. Radiation B. Alcohol C. Marijuana D. Cocaine
What is one of the converging factors that lead an infant to create a new motor behavior according to the dynamic system theory?
A. Passive acqisition of skills over time
B. Development of the nervous system
C. Genetic Predispoition
D. Mimicry of Peers
Development of the nervous system
Which image evokes the most positive responses in two wweek old infants? A. The outline of a face B. A complex image C. A red disk D. A white disk
The outline of a face
A child who treats peers with aggression elicits hostility from those peers. What type of heredity environment correlation does this exemplify?
A. Passive genotype-environment correlation
B. Evocative genotype environment correlation
C. Ative (niche-picking) genotype environment
D. Receptive phenotype environment correlation
Evocative genotype environment correlation
Which health problem causes the most deaths amoung U.S. children ages one to four? A. Cancer B. Cardiovascular Diseases C. Influenza D. Lower Respiratory Diseases
A child rolls a cup along the floor and pretends it is a toy car. What type of play is the child demonstrating? A. Social play B. Practice Play C. Sensorimotor Play D. Symbolic Play
Symbolic Play
How do the characteristics of Erikson’s third stage shaped human development?
A. Initiative leads the individual to trust in the support
of others.
B. Initiative leads to confidence as the individual
begins to feel secure in his or herself.
C. Initiative results in the raising of self-esteeml, but it
can also produce feelings of guilt.
D. Initive results in the establishment of an identity, but
it can also lead to unheatlhy patterns of
Initative results in the raising of self esteem but it can also produce feelings of guilt.
Why do gifted children often face challenges in the classroom?
A. They are hypersocial and find it difficult to focus on
academic tasks.
B. They require more help and motivation from their
C. They are expected to perform to a higher overall
level in multiple areas.
D. They are expected to be leaders in the classroom to
the detriment of their own educational needs.
They are expected to perform to a higher overall level in multiple areas.
Which ability do children develop during Piaget’s stage of concrete operational though?
A. The ability to use symbollic thinking
B. The ability to order stimuli according to any
characteristic .
C. The ability to know about knowing
D. The ability to hypothesize and thin abstractly
The ability to order stimuli according to any characcteristics.
Which theory states moral reasoning is based on stages of cognitive development? A. Kohlberg's theory B. Vygotsky's theory C. Domain theory D. Social System morality
Kohlberg’s theory
Which statement regarding gender and socioemotional development is accurate?
A. Relational aggression makes up a larger percentage
of overall aggression in girls than it does boys.
B. Physical aggression makes up a larger percentage
of overall aggression in girls than it does in boys.
C. Boys show more emotional self-regulation than
D. Girls view themselves as less prosocial than boys.
Relational aggression makes up a larger percentage of overall aggression in girls than it does in boys.
How do adolscents make decisons according to the dual-process model?
A. They use 2 cognitive systems that compete with
each other.
B. They use 2 cognitive systems that work together.
C. They base their decisions on realistic and objective experiences.
D. They draw on emotional resources and intuition.
They use 2 cognitive systems that compete with each other.
Which hormone is dominant in female pubertal development? A. Estradoil B. Testosterone C. Growth Hormone D. Prolactin
Which behavior characterized Erikson’s fifth stage of psychosocial development?
A. Asking frequent questions to satisfy a sense of
B. Excitedly approaching new areas that seem
interesting, even if dangerous.
C. Experimenting with different roles and personalities.
D. Focusing on the pursuit of intimate, loving
relationships with other people.
Experimenting with different roles and personalities
How does regular excercise affect the mental health of young adults?
A. It reduces the chance of developing schizophrenia.
B. It reduces anxiety and depression
C. It reduces the chance of developing bipolar disease.
D. It reduces anxiety without affecting depression.
It reduces anxiety and depression.
How are heterosexual and same sex marital partnerships similar?
A. In the priority placed on equality in relationships.
B. In the barriers to breakups created by legal and
social agencies.
C. In the satisfactions, love, joys, and conflicts
experienced in relationships.
D. In the high level of relationships quality experienced
over the long run.
In the satisfactions, love, joys, and conflicts experienced in relationships.
Which theory states that people who continue their middle adulthood roles into late adulthood tend to be more satisfied with life?
A. Selective optimization with compensation theory
B. Activity theory
C. Socioemotional selectivity theory
D. Dynamic systems theory
Activity theory
Which statement is true about stability and change across the lifespan, based on a review of current research on personality?
A. Because personality is genetically determinded, it is
stable across the lifespan.
B. Changes in environment usually result in changes in
C. As adults age, less change and more stability is
D. Men demonstrated greater stability in personality
than women do.
As adults age, less change and more stability is demonstrated.
In which stage of dying does the dying person being to hope death can be post-poned according to Kubler-Ross? A. Denial and Isolation B. Anger C. Bargaining D. Depression
How does cognitively oriented work affect cognitive functioning in older adults?
A. It demands more from the brain, which causes a
quicker decline in cognitive functioning.
B. It improve the functioning of the brain stem, which is responsible for cognitive functioning.
C. It increases stress, which can lead to a decline in cognitive functioning.
D. It emphasizes complex information processing,
which improves cognitive functioning.
It emphasizes complex information processing, which improves cognitive functioning.
Which type of grief is more likely to be experienced by older adults in response to the death of a child or spouse. A. Complicated Grief B. Loss-oriented Grief C. Disenfranchised Grief D. Prolonged Grief
Complicated Grief
Which statement regarding physical growth in middle childhood is true?
A. Height increases an average of two to three inches
per year.
B. Growth occurs rapidly and in spurts
C. Total brain volume stabilizes.
D. Waist circumference increases in relation to body
Height increases an average of two to three inches per year.