Test questions Flashcards
A CPU really only understands instructions that are written in machine language
Software engineering is a field that encompasses designing, writing, testing, debugging, documenting, modifying, and maintaining computer programs
Machine language is an example of a high-level language
In programming, the terms “line” and “statement” always mean the same thing
Pseudocode is a form of program statement that will always evaluate to “false”
Escape sequences are always stored internally as a single character
The cin «_space;statement will stop reading input when it encounters a newline character
If you do not follow a consistent programming style, your programs will generate compiler errors.
The C++ language requires that you give variables names that indicate what the variables are used for
When a program uses the setw manipulator, the iosetwidth header file must be included in a preprocessor directive
The preprocessor executes after the compiler
Floating point constants are normally stored in memory as doubles
When the fixed manipulator is used, the value specified by the setprecision manipulator will be the number of digits to appear after the decimal point.
In c++, key words are written in all lowercase letters.
A variable called “average” should be declared should be declared as an integer data type because it will probably hold data that contains decimal points
You want the user to enter the length, width, and height from the keyboard. What would be the correct cin statement?
cin.get(length, width, height)
This term refers to the programmer reading the program from the beginning and stepping through each statement
desk checking
This is a set of rules that must be followed when constructing a program
In a broad sense, the two primary categories of programming languages are:
low-level and high-level
An integrated Development Environment typically consists of:
a text editor, a debugger, and a compiler
What will the following code display:
int number = 7;
cout «_space;“The number is “ «_space;“number” «_space;endl;
The number is number
The _____ causes a program to wait until information is typed at the keyboard and the enter key is presses
cin object
During which stage does the central processing unit retrieve from main memory the next instruction in the sequence of program instructions?
The purpose of a memory address is:
To identify the location of a byte in memory
In the following C++ statement, what will be executed first according to the order of precedence?
6 - 3 * 2 + 7 - 10 / 2
3 * 2
Internally, the CPU consists of two parts:
the control unit and the arithmetic and logic unit
This is used in a program to mark the beginning or ending of a statement, or separate items in a list
Mistakes that cause a running program to produce incorrect results are called:
logic errors
In the C++ instruction,
cookies = number % children;
given the following declaration statement:
int number = 38, children = 4, cookies;
what is the value of cookies after the execution of the statement?
A variable whose value can be either true or false is of this data type:
What will be the value of x after the following statements execute?
int x;
x = 18.0 / 4;
This is a volatile type of memory, used for temporary storage.
Three primary activities of a program are:
input, processing, and output
To use the rand( ) function, you must #include this header file in your program
In memory, C++ automatically places a ______ at the end of string literals
null terminator
A variable’s ______ is the part of the program that has access to the variable
In the process of translating a source file into an executable file, what is the correct sequence?
source code, preprocessor, modified source code, compiler, object code, linker, executable code
This is a complete instruction that causes the computer to perform some action:
The function, pow(x, 5.0), requires this header file:
This stream manipulator forces cout to print the digits in fixed-point notation:
How would you consolidate the following declaration statements into one statement:
int x = 7;
int y = 16;
int z = 28;
int x = 7, y = 16, z = 28;
Computer programs are also known as :
The name for a memory location that may hold data is :
Which line in the following program will cause a compiler error? 1 #include 2 using namespace std; 3 4 int main( ) 5 { 6 const int MY_VAL; 7 MY_VAL = 77; 8 cout
This manipulator causes the field to be left - justified with padding spaces printed to the right:
These are data items whose values do not change while the program is running:
You must have a ______ for every variable you intend to use in a program
Describe an operator
an operator allows you to perform operations on one or more pieces of data
If the sub-expression on the left side of the || operator is true, the expression on the right side will not be checked
12.5 could be a valid constant for a switch statement
An expression that has any value other than 0 has a boolean value of true
A for loop is somewhat limited, because the counter can only be incremented by one each time through the loop
An initialization expression may be omitted from the for loop if no initialization is required
You may not use the break and continue statements within the same set of nested loops
It is possible to define a file stream object and open a file in one statement.
A parameter is a special-purpose variable that is declared inside the parentheses of a function header.
A function’s return data type must be the same as the function’s parameter(s).
Relational operators allow you to ______ numbers.
When a relational operator is false, it has the value ______.
When an if statement is placed within the conditionally- executed code of another if statement, this is known as:
This operator takes an operand and reverses its truth or falsehood:
This statement lets the value of a variable or expression determine where the program will branch to:
The ______ of a variable is limited to the block in which it is declared
The operand of an increment operator can be:
an Ivalue
This operator increments the value of its operand, then uses the value in context
prefix increment
a for statement contains three expressions: initialization, test, and
To allow file access in a program, you must #include this header file.
This statement may be used to stop a loop’s current iteration and begin the next one:
To allow file access in a program, you must #include this header file:
To write data to a file, you define an object of this data type:
This is a collection of statements that performs a specific task:
A function _____ contains the statements that make up the function
A function can have zero to many parameters, and it can return this many values:
only one
The default section of a switch statement performs a similar task as the ______ portion of an if/else if statement
trailing else
A local variable and a global variable may not have the same name within the same program
Local variables are initialized to zero by default
Assume array1 and array2 are the names of arrays. To assign the contents of array2 to array1, you would use the following statement:
array1 = array2;
If you attempt to store data past an array’s boundaries, it is guaranteed that the compiler will issue an error
The bubble sort is an easy way to arrange data into ascending order, but it cannot arrange data into descending order
In the average case, an item is just as likely to be found near the beginning of an array as near the end, if data is unsorted
C++ does not perform array bounds checking, making it possible for you to assign a pointer the address of an element out of the boundaries of an array
Unlike regular variables, these can hold multiple values
vectors and arrays
The individual values contained in arrays are known as:
The statement
int grades [ ] = { 100, 90, 99, 80};
shows an example of:
implicit array sizing
The name of an array stores the ______ of the first array element
memory address
A two-dimensional array can be viewed as ______ and _______.
rows, columns
If you leave out the size declarator in an array definition:
You must furnish an initialization list
When writing function that accept multi-dimensional arrays as arguments, _____ must be explicitly stated in the parameter list
all but the first dimension
An array’s size declarator must be a(n) ______ with a value greater than ______.
constant integer expression, zero
Arrays must be ______ at the time they are ______
initialized, declared
A ______ algorithm is a method of locating a specific item of information in a larger collection of data
The advantage of a linear search is :
The ______ sort usually performs fewer exchanges than the ______.
selection, bubble
A two-dimensional array can have elements of ______ data type(s)
The ______ is automatically appended to a character array when it is initialized with a string constant
null terminator
an array with no elements is:
Illegal in C++
It is ______ to pass an argument to a function that is an individual array element, such as numbers[3].
legal in C++
With pointer variables, you can ______ manipulate data stored in other variables
When you work with a dereferenced pointer, you are actually working with:
The actual value of the variable whose address is stored in the pointer variable
A pointer may be initialized with:
the address of an existing object
When the less than operator ( < ) is used between two pointer variables, the expression is testing whether:
the address of the first variable comes before the address of the second variable in the computers memory
What is true of global variables?
A global variable can have the same name as a variable that is declared locally within a function