Test Questions Flashcards
Which was created by the Canada mortgage and housing corporation?
Canada mortgage bonds
Which statement regarding mortgage default insurance is FALSE
1) A lender may apply for a higher loan-to-face value ratio to an insured loan than uninsured
2) The insurance company guarantees borrowers will be able to continue to make their mortgage payments without interruption
3) the insurance premium paid on an insured mortgage can be added to the loan amount
4) mortgage default insurance is insurance for the lender
A contract between a seller and a buyer whereby the seller agrees to sell its interest in certain property to the buyer for a price payable by instalments and then, to convey legal title to the buyer after payment of the purchase price in the matter agreed, is called
An agreement for sale
What’s a contractual clause in a mortgage could apply where the mortgage is otherwise in good standing, but the borrower has not paid his or her property tax
A omnibus clause
The British Columbia land title system, a mortgage is registered as a charge against the property of which the mortgage is
The registered owner
A mortgage is
A contract, evidence of a loan, and security for a loan
What is a equitable mortgage
Mortgage of the equity of redemption
Agreement to execute a legal mortgage
Mortgage by way of deposit of the duplicate certificate of title
A lender who holds a mortgage registered as a charge on an otherwise clear title to a borrowers land has
An interest in land created by contract
A court has to power to re-open a mortgage transaction where, having regard to the risk and to all the circumstances, it is of the opinion that the cost of borrowing is excessive or harsh and unconscionable. In which statue is this power container
Business Practices and Consumer Protection Act
Which is not a provision of the interest act
No interest rate higher than 25% shall be provided for in a mortgage document.
After a borrower has given a mortgage of real property, the borrowers remaining interest is described at law as
Equity of redemption
An option to purchase the mortgaged property given by the mortgagor(borrower) to the mortgagee (lender) at the time the mortgage is negotiated is
A mortgage that is granted, but for procedural reasons is not registrable is
Still deemed a legal mortgage
Where the borrower believes that the amount of interest being charged is excessive, under which statue might relief be granted.
The business practices and consumer protection act.
The principal of good faith includes
The duty of parties to a contract to act honestly in the performance of their contractual obligations.
False statement regarding mortgagees
Once the mortgagee terms have been agreed to by the mortgagor and the mortgagee, the mortgagee is bound to advance the total amount of the funds when requested by the borrower, regardless of the terms of the mortgage
What is not a statement concerning mortgages?
A mortgage is a loan
In a mortgage contract the mortgagee is
Granted the mortgage as security for a loan
Which is not a requirement under the interest act in order for a borrower to tender prepayment or their mortgage ?
The lender is a financial institution
Which is a clause contained in a mortgage that would constitute a clog on the equity of redemption and make it void
Option to purchase clause
With a portable mortgage
A borrower can save money when the existing mortgage has a lower interest rate than current rates
A mortgage of the mortgagors equity of redemption is called
An equitable mortgage
What’s a false statement regarding the business practices and consumer protection act (BPCPA)
A disclosure statement must be given to a borrower six days prior to the borrower incurring an obligation under a credit agreement, unless the time period is waived by the borrower.