Test process Flashcards
What are the seven steps of a test process?
Test planning, Test monitoring and control, Test analysis, Test design, Test Implementation, Test execution and test completion.
What is a test basis?
The test basis is the information we need in order to start the test analysis and create our own test cases. Basically it’s a documentation on which test cases are based, such as requirements, design specifications, product risk analysis, architecture and interfaces.
What is a test case?
“A set of preconditions, inputs, actions, expected result and post conditions, developed based on test conditions”
(to verify a particular feature or functionality of your software application).
What is a test condition
An aspect of the test basis that is relevant in order to achieve specific test objectives.
(From exam: A testable aspect of a component or system identified as a basis for testing).
What is test planning?
Test planning involves activities that define the objectives of testing and the approach that will be taken for meeting test objectives within the constraints imposed by the context.
What are some of the major testing planning activities?
Determining scope/risks
Test Objectives
Test Approach (specify suitable test techniques).
Implement Test Policy / strategy
Integrating/co-ordinating test activities,
Determine Test Resources,
Selecting metrics for monitoring/control,
Budgetings for metric tasks,
Setting detail level for test documentation coverage
What is test monitoring?
It is the ongoing comparison of actual progress against planned progress using any test monitoring metric defined in the test plan.
What are major test monitoring activities?
Evaluating exit criteria by:
- Checking test results/logs against coverage criteria.
- Assessing level of quality from test results and logs.
- Determine if more tests are needed.
Doing on-going comparison of actual vs planned progress using plan metrics.
Status reporting.
What is Test control?
Test Control involves taking actions necessary to meet the objectives of a test plan.
What are the major test control activities?
Initiating corrective actions to: - Meet test objectives. - Meet the Definition of Done. Update test plan / exit criteria /DoD. Make decisions.
What is a test analysis?
During test analysis, the test basis is analysed to identify testable features and define associated test
conditions. In other words, test analysis determines “what to test” in terms of measurable coverage
What are test analysis major activities?
- Analysing the test basis appropriate to the test level being considered (defining test objectives / deciding what needs to be tested).
- Evalutating the test basis/test items to identify defects such as (ambiguities, Omssions, inconsistencies, etc).
- Identifying features and sets of features to be tested.
- Defining and prioritising test conditions for each feature (based on analysis of the test basis / considering function/non-functional and structural elements).
Capturing bi-directional traceability between each element of test basis / the associated test condition.
What is test design?
During test design, the test conditions are elaborated into high-level test cases, sets of high-level test
cases, and other testware. So, test analysis answers the question “what to test?” while test design
answers the question “how to test?”