Test Prep Flashcards
Intensity and direction of someone effort to participate in an activity or engage in a behavior
Social standing of a person or group that includes education, income, and occupation
Socioeconomic status
Describes when someone is not motivated to engage jn an activity or behavior
When someone participates in an activity or behavior for some type of reward or recognition from others
Extrinsic motivation
When people engage in activity or behavior bc they feel a sense of satisfaction
Intrinsic motivation
Goals focused on the end result
Outcome goals
Refers to the process of goal pursuit
Process goals
The intentional ways that people assist others in achieving a specific behavior
Social support
Specific form of anxiety that occurs in individuals who perceive that others could be negatively evaluating their physique
Social physique anxiety
The point at which the body uses mix of carbohydrate and fat as fuel sources
Ventilatatory threhold 1 (VT1)
The point where glucose provides nearly all of the energy for the activity
Ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2)
When Elevated neural drive causes a muscle to be held in a chronic state of contraction
When a muscle is experiencing neural inhibition and limited neuromuscular
Five areas of the body that are monitored during movement assessments and exercise Foot/ankle Knees Lumbo pelvic hip complex Shoulders Head and neck
Kinetic chain checkpoints
On the front of the body
On the back of the body
Knock kneed
Knee valgus
Knee varus
Movement assessment designed to assess dynamic posture core stability, and neuromuscular control of the whole body during a squatting motion
Overhead Squat Assessment
Adductor complex
Thigh areas (longs, Magnus, and Breviary)
Tension in the calf of the leg
Levator scapulae
Neck muscle
Anterior neck muscle
Resistance Training Protocol what phase do you have your client perform super set?
Phase 2
Resistance Training Protocol what phase is design for maximal strength and should be use only for strength athletes
Phase 4
Resistance Training sets and reps?
3-6 sets
6-12 reps
12-20 reps allowed for muscular endurance
Consistently elevated blood pressure
Muscle fibers that small in size, generate lower amounts of force, and are more resistant to fatigue
Type 1
Muscle fibers that are larger in size, generate higher amounts of force, and are faster to fatigue
Type 2