Health essay first point and example -
Smoking -
The harm linked to smoking is very serious with ASH Scotland (Scotland’s Anti -Smoking Charity) finding that there are almost 10,000 smoking-related deaths in Scotland each year (16% of all deaths) and around 100,000 smoking related hospital admissions each year.
Health Essay rebuttle para 1 and example
Poverty -
Wealthier people are also better able to afford the cost of anti-smoking support.By 2021, 32% of adults living in the most deprived areas of Scotland smoke compared to only 6% of those in the least deprived areas in scotland
Health Essay second point and example
According to Health Scotland, Alcohol linked deaths in Scotland are nearly 2x the rate of those in England for men and around 1.9x (90%) higher for Scottish women.
Health Essay rebuttle second para and example
Deprived areas in Glasgow-
The alcohol-specific death rates were more than 4x higher for the poorest 10% in Scotland than for the richest 10%.
Health essay third point and example
toxic masculinity-
According to Health Scotland just over 75% of suicides in Scotland are by men who take their own lives.
health essay third rebuttle and example
poverty and suicide-
Health Scotland annual statistics make clear that in the 5 years up to 2020 people in the most deprived parts of Scotland were 3x more likely to take their own lives.
Gender essay first point and example
employed in low paid work -
According to the UK Parliament men are 2x more likely to be in the highest paid jobs like management compared to women who are in caring and clerical jobs.
Gender rebuttle para 1 and example
less pay compared to men-
According to the UK Parliament the UK gender pay gap is around 9% for full time workers and sees women earn around £100 less a week than men for full time work.
Gender essay second point and example
women in part time work more than full time-
This has resulted in around 38% of women being in part time work in contrast to only 13% of men.
Gender rebuttal para 2 and example
they are less able to progress to the top levels of their occupations-
This is exemplified by the work of the UK Parliament which shows that in the UK only 35% of the people running the biggest companies in the UK are women.
Gender essay third point and example
they will be less likely to work and more likely to be unemployed.-
When 90% of single parents are women it is not surprising so many women might be out of work. According to the UK Parliament there are a million more women than men out of work because they have to look after a family and home.
Gender rebuttal para 3 and example
A further effect of gender inequality is it increases the risk of women to become victims of domestic abuse.-
According to Health Scotland 14 around 80% of domestic abuse incidents reported had a female victim and male perpetrator.