Test Out Info Flashcards
What are the characteristics of X-Ray fittings?
Marked with a black X and provides the least amount of protection. Set when the ship is in no danger of attack, such as at anchor in a well protected harbor and during normal working hours in port
What are the characteristics of Yoke fittings?
Marked with a black Y and provides a higher degree of protection than X-Ray. During material condition Yoke, all X-Ray and Yoke fittings are closed. It is set and maintained at sea and during certain times in port, such as other than normal working hours.
What are the characteristics of Zebra fittings?
Zebra is marked with a red Z. These fittings are closed during condition Zebra. Once Zebra is set, no X-Ray, Yoke, Zebra, or Dog Zebra fittings may be opened without permission from the CO through DCA.
What is modified zebra?
Set when the CO wishes to downgrade Zebra or upgrade yoke. May be set during special conditions
What is structural zebra?
: Set when all watertight doors, hatches, and scuttles are closed.
What is circle X-ray
Marked by a black X in a circle and are closed when condition X-Ray Is set. May be opened without permission when going to or coming from general quarters and for operating vital equipment during that time.
What is circle yoke
Marked with a Black Y in a black circle. Closed when condition Yoke is set.
What is circle zebra
Marked with a red Z in a red circle. Closed when condition zebra is set but may be opened during prolonged periods of general quarters when condition zebra is modified.
What is dog zebra
Marked with a red Z in a black D. Applies to all fitting open to weather spaces that are not provided with darken ship switches or light traps. Used from sunset to sunrise.
What are the characteristics of william
Marked with a black W in a black circle. Normally kept open, but are secured for maintenance and to prevent the spread of fire and smoke.
what is circle william
Marked with a black W in a black circle. Normally kept open but must be secured as defense against CBR attack and to prevent the spread of fire and smoke.
Where is the firemain segregation valve located and what it is used for
o FM SEG VALVE is located at 1-169-1 in the main p-way outside the chiefs mess. Segregated when Zebra is called when entering combat to ensure a rupture at 1 part of the FM does not affect the whole system
How long does an eebd last
10 minutes
What is the eebd used for?
Should only be used for egress, not to fight the fire
what is the eebds shelf life
15 years
How will you know if a eebd will not work
It’s needle will be out of the green
Steps to use an eebd
Open orange case, pull out inner case containing EEBD. Lift yellow lever breaking tamper seal and discard top cover. Remove unit by pulling neck strap upwards, which pulls the activation pin. Insert yellow mouthpiece. Fit yellow nose clip. Inhale and exhale through mouth and escape.
Best way to fight an alpha fire
Best way to fight an Alpha fire is to remove their heat with water. They can also be temporarily or permanently halted by cutting off their access to air.
Best way to fight a bravo fire
Best way to fight is to smother with AFFF. PKP can be used to beat down the flames. Do not use straight stream water on bravo fire as it can remove AFFF and push the fire into new locations.
Best way to fight charlie fire
Best way to combat a Charlie fire is to secure power to the unit. Until electricity has been shut uoff, it must be put out with a non-conducting agent, preferably CO2 which will not damage the equipment. The last resort is to use high velocity fog, while keeping the nozzle at least 4 feet awa from live circuits. PKP is a last resort and should not be used due to how corrosive it is.
Best way to fight a delta fire
Best method is to smother with dry sand or by cooling using large amounts of water from a safe distance. Can also spray water on unburned metal around the fire to lower its temperature to prevent combustion. Do not use a solid stream of water on Delta fires, if possible material should be jettisoned over the side
What are the fire watch procedures
Check equipment, Setup communications, ensure you have an unobstructed view of all hot work operations from a single fixed position, after work is completed, wait 30 minutes or until the area is cool to the touch, whichever is longer.
What is a thermal imager and how does it work
The thermal imager is used by the ATL to locate fires and hot spots. The thermal imager will show a grayscale imagine in basic mode, with cooler onjects appearing as black or dark grey and hotter objects appearing as white or light gray. Battery powered and can last 3 hours with a fully charged battery
What is a CCOL
CCOL’s are required for every compartment or weather deck are where damage control facilities are located. They are permanently posted in the compartment near each access opening or in the area concerned. Each CCOL contains an item number, fitting number, location, purpose, and class of each fitting, along with the department responsible for maintaining the fitting.
What are the initial actions for toxic gas
Set boundaries and evacuate all personnel., Make report of location, type of spill, whether or not it’s overboard or onboard.
What are characteristics of Alpha fires
Typically fueld by trash, rags, cloth, paper, etc. Usually produces white smoke. Fire may burn rapidly or slowly depending on the amount of head and O2 supplied to it.
What are the characteristics of Bravo fires
Fueled by liquid petroleum products. May burn rapidly or even explode depending on the amount of heat and O2 applied to it. Usually gives off dense, black, smoke
What are the characteristics of Charlie firest
Caused by electrical insulation or plastic materials in motors and electrical equipment. Must be careful to avoid shock, as well as damage to the electrical equipment.
What are the characteristics of Delta fires
Burning metals. Super heat, and water applied to the fire liberates hydrogen gas which can become violently explosive.
What is the time delay of the CO2 system
30 seconds
What are some characteristics and details of the SCBA
Self contained device the enables the wearer to inhale oxygen regardless of atmosphere. Effective time of oxygen is 30-45 minutes, but an inproper seal can drain the tank in 5. Cylinder holds 4500 PSIG of compressed air. HUD shows 4 green lights for 75-100%, 3 green for 50-75, two yellow for 26-75, and 1 red for 0-25. First stage reducer brings the air pressure down to 80 PSI. Second state regulator maintains positive pressure to the face mask at all times. Audible alarm goes off when starting the SCBA, and at 25% tank left and 1000 psi in the tank.
How do you check for fires
Look at fitting for signs of heat, such as glowing red, blistering, or peeling paint. Feel for heat by pulling the back of your glove to reveal a small patch of skin. Run the back of yoru hand a few inches away from the fitting to feel for heat. If using an ATC, listen for the sound of air rushing in. If opening a QAWTD, stop the handle at the striker plate. If opening an IDWTD then open hinge sides first.
Give info on ram fan and where they are found
o Requires a 1 ½ in h supply hose, a 1 ½ inch discharge hose, and 10” ducting. Firemain is used to supply water to the ram fan. Under standard operating pressure of 125 PSIG, the ram fan will output 1750 cfm. The ram fan must be grounded prior to use, and the discharge must be manned in order to ensure water goes into the right space. Ducting comes in 10 ft lengths and is stored in the zipper locker and the 26 p-way. If more than three trunks are used, a second ram fan must be rigged in tandem
Where do you secure fuel to the engines from the mess deck?
o In front of the drink station there is three T-Handle valves on the deck, Left and right valves cut off fuel, middle valve does bilge/ballast
Where can you secure ventilation on teh ship?
o Port and STBD side of the bridge, MPCMS console in ECC, and the engine room vestibule for E-Stops. Ventilation can also be secured at controllers located throughout the ship that are labeled with the spaces served and the type of ventilation.
How many gallons are in the AFFF tank and how do you operate it
o 85 Gallon tank. To operate, energize the firemain and ensure that at least 95 psi is flowing. Open the firemain foam supply valve and ensure the open light energizes. Energize the AFFF concentrate pump. Open the supply valve to the set of stations you want to supply AFFF to
What is the operating pressure for the firemain and how do you control teh system
o Firemain is a single-main dry rise which consists of a mainline that extends forward and aft on the main deck. There are to pumps that provide water circulation and pressure via risers to the mainline. Pump 1 is in Aux 2 and Pump 2 is in the JP-5 pump room. Fire pumps can be energized in ECC and the AFFF pump room. Individual pumps can also be energized locally at the pump. Each pump can provide 125 psi and 500 gpm of firefighting water to the firemain system
How do you perform CPR?
o Position patient on a flat, firm surface. Kneel close to chest. Place heel of one hand on center of chest. Place heel of second hand on top of first. Interlace yoru fingers to help keep them off chest. Position shoulders directly above hands. Lock elbows and use upper body weight to push. Push hard, straight down at least 2 inches. Lift hands and allow chest to rebound. Without interruption, push fast and deep at a rate of at least 100 times a minute. Pinch nose shut, seat lips around patients mouth, and give two slow ventilations. If no breathing is noticed, do one breath every 5 seconds
Basic understanding of shoring and definitions
o Process of placing supports against the side of, beneath, or above a structure to reinforce it. Terms: SHOLE: A flate plate made of wood or steel used to distribute pressure over a wide area. SHORE: Beam used to add reinforcement or strength. STRONGBACK: Beam used to distribute pressure at both ends of a shoring structure. Wedge: Triangle block used to tighten wooden shoring structures. Anchor: Point on deck or overhead where shoring braces itself. Hogging: Deck or other structure is bowed upward due to force. Sagging: Deck or other structure bowed downward due to force. Panting: Bulkhead, deck, etc. that is weakened or under pressure from flooding. Sprung fitting: Weight of flooding causing a fitting to break or leak
Characteristics of mechanical shoring
3-5 ft mech shoring: 20,000 at 3 ft and 12,000 at 5 ft
o 6-11 mech shoring. 20,000 at 6 feet and 6,000 at 11 ft
Characteristics of wood shoring
o Wood shoring: length of shore should not exceed 30 times the minimum thickness of the shore. Should always subtract ½ inch from the measured length to leave room for wedges
What are the two shoring letters and characteristics of those shorings
o I type is simplest and strongest shoring available
o K type is weaker than I type and requires angles to rig properly. Maximum angle that can be used is 90 degrees
What must be set after shoring is put in place
shoring watch
What are the sound powered phone circuits
o 2JZ: DC Circuit
o JA: Captains battle circuit
o 1JV: Maneuvering and docking circuit
o X40J: Casualty communication circuit
Where is BDS located?
o BDS is located in the wardroom, however in case of a mainspace fire BDS relocates to the hanger due to the intense heat.
How do you operate an ESP
o Remove the carrying handle cap. Plug the female end of a 2 ½ inch hose into the discharge outlet. Lower the pump by the attached rope. Repair electrician plugs the ESP into any of the 7 outlets onboard using a ubber mat under the control box. Ensure ESP is submerged in water and that the discharge is free of kinks. Notify all hands that you are charging the pump. Energize the pump and ensure discharge is happening.
Where is the DC closure log kept?
o Inport: Quarterdeck/Underway: Bridge
Where are the E-Stops around the ship?
Stops for the SSDG’s and the MDE’s are in the engine room vestibule. Stop for the EDG is just outside the door to aft steering. Ventilation E-Stops are on the MPCMS console in ECC, the engineroom vestibule, and two buttons on the port and STBD side of the bridge
What systems are supplied by the firemain
o Installed AFFF system, magazine sprinkler system, fire monitor, installed eductors, CMWD, 76 mm gun cooling, emergency ASW cross connect
Where are the ESP outlets?
o FWD Vestibule, 26 P-Way, DC Shop, Mess Deck, Outside Chiefs mess, Aft Chiefs P-Way, Aft Vestibule
Where are the AFFF cans stored?
At the top of the ladderwell to the flight deck, In the DCON p-way, under the ladder to aft hawser
How many ESP’s are on board?
Where are the ESP’s located?
What do you do for a loss of firemain pressure?
Rig two P-100’s, connect them to the connector that is right above you when you come in from teh fantail
Where are the gunbags located on the ship?
Bridge, Ops store room, CIC, Hanger, B-Hole, Armory, 76 mag, 50 call locker, laundry, repair 2, Aux/DC shop, Mess Deck, Sickbay, Radio, Aux I, ECC, Repair 3, Aft steering
Where are the box/ram fans located?
DC Zipper lockers
How do you respond to a toxic gas?
Leave the space, yell out to inform everybody, set boundaries and grab an EEBD, rove to ensure no one enters or leaves the space, wait for a person with an SCBA
How many volts is the box fan?
Where can you find box fans?
zipper DC storage space outside repair 2 and repair 3
What is the flowrate of the box fan?
3200 cfm