Test One Flashcards
What are the weeks gestation to be considered Term?
Completion of 37th (36+7/7)-42nd weeks gestation
What are the weeks gestation to be considered Late Preterm?
34-36 6/7 weeks gestation
What are the weeks gestation to be considered Preterm?
20-34 6/7 weeks gestation
What are the weeks gestation to be considered Post-Term?
Beyond 42nd + days completed weeks gestation
What is the definition of a viable infant?
an infant who at birth:
weighs at least 500g
is >/=24 weeks gestational age
What is the definition of a nonviable fetus?
Delivered fetus which, although living, cannot possibly survive to the point of sustaining life independently, even with support of the best available medical therapy
What are the 3 phases of the first stage of labor?
Latent Phase
Active Phase
Transitional Phase
Latent phase: ____cm dilated
Active Phase: ____cm dilated
Transitional Phase: ___cm dilated
The baby is delivered at _____cm dilated
Pitocin is synthetic of _____ secreted by ______
oxytocin, secreted by posterior pituitary
Pitocin acts on ______ receptor sites. Binds, then cause ______
myometrial receptor sites, cause uterine contrations
What routes can you give Pitocin?
IM, IVP, IVPB, intranasal
What is methergine used for?
What route is it given?
Prevention and treatment of postpartum or postabortion hemorrhage caused by uterine atony or subinvolution.
- Directly stimulates uterine and vascular smooth muscle
- IM, PO
What is hemabate used for?
Generic is carboprost
-Treatment of postpartum hemorrhage that has not responded to conventional therapy
-Causes uterine contractions by directly stimulating the myometrium
-Equivalent to Naturally occurring prostaglandin F2
Used to treat uterine atoney unresponsive to oxytocin, methergine or massage
What is Misoprostil used for?
Synthetic Prostaglandin E-1
Used to treat uterine atony unresponsive to oxytocin, massage, or other agents
When is APGAR testing done?
- at 1 minute and 5 minutes of age
- if low, usually keep doing it 10 minutes, 15 min, etc
What does APGAR stand for?
- Activity; muscle tone
- Pulse rate
- Grimace; reflex irritability
- Appearance; skin color
- Respiratory effort
(each letter receives 0, 1, or 2)
If it says the baby is actively crying what is the APGAR?
-Crying but weak?
at least a 6 (2 for resp effort, 2 for muscle tone, and 2 for reflex irritability)
-crying but weak, at least 3 (=resp 1, muscle tone=1, reflex irritability 1)
What does IUGR stand for?
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)
Applied to fetus whose rate of growth does not meet expected norms
What is thermoregulation?
Ability of neonate to produce heat and maintain normal body temperature
- weight is a key factor for thermoregulation
- you need calories to thermoregulate
- Head is the biggest part, can lose a lot of heat through the head
- sweat glands don’t work like adults so they don’t help thermoregulate
What are the factors predisposing newborns to heat loss?
Large surface in relation to body mass
Thin layer of SQ fat
Blood vessels are closer to the skin
Sweat glands
Nonshivering thermogenesis (infants ability to produce heat) is accomplished primarily by metabolism of _____
brown fat
What does brown fat do? Where is it located?
- Promotes rapid metabolism, heat production, , it takes less steps to convert into energy than regular fat
- Located around the neck, axillae, kidneys, trachea and between scapulae. Full-term newborn has greater stores than a preterm infant
- It is rapidly depleted with cold stress
How does acidosis occur in newborns?
CO2 is a byproduct of breaking down fats and carbs
-If a baby is cold it will breakdown fats rapidly leading to high CO2 levels, leading to acidosis
Newborn weight loss of 10% is indication of _________________________________
dehydration and increased risk for hyperbilirubinemia
What is normal blood glucose range for Normal blood glucose for newborns
_______ mg/dl on days 1-2
_______mg/dl by day 3
40 – 60 mg/dl on days 1-2
60 – 70 mg/dl by day 3
What is hypospadias?
penile anomaly, urethral orifice is located below the glans penis along the ventral surface; infant at higher risk for infection,
What is epispadias?
penis anomaly, urethral orifice is located on the dorsal surface of the penis; the coidtion ofen occurs with exstrophy of the bladder
What is hydrocele?
caused by an accumulation of fluid around the testes. It can be transilluminated with light and usually decreases in size without treatment
What is the only immunoglobulin that can pass through the placenta?
When does the fetus produce IgM?
When are adult levels of IgM reached?
by the end of the 1st trimester
-Signifiant amounts of IgM are produced at birth, and adult levels are reached by 9 months of age
Which immunoglobulin is not produced by the fetus? How to babies get this immuoglobi
IgA, babies can only get it from mom through colostrum which has large amounts of IgA
The infant who is breastfed receives significant passive immunity through ____________
colostrum and breast milk
brown fat production begins at ______ wks and continues for______ wks after birth. It causes an increased demand for ________
26-28 weeks, 3-5 weeks after birth
-glucose and O2
the stomach of a newborn has the capacity of ________ at birth
normal weight loss is _______ in first few days due to ____________
Infants usually return to birth weight by _____days old
additional fluids absorbed while in utero
7-10 days old