test one Flashcards
a change added to a bill, law, or constitution
those who favoured strong state governments and a weak national government were opponednts of the constituion propsed at teh amercian contuitonal convention
articles of confederation
americas first written constution; served as the basis for america’s national governemnt until 1789
haveing legislative assembly composed of two chambers or houses, distngused from unicmaeral
bill of rights
the first 10 amendments of the constution, ratifed in 1791, ensure rights and libiters of the people
checks and balances
mechaninsma through which each branch of government is able to particpate in and influence the activites of the other branches. major examples include presdienatl veto, power of congresinal legstalition.
a system of government in which states retain sovereign authority except for the powers expressly delegated tot he national government.
elastic clause
article one section 8, declares that congress can write laws needed to carry out its expressed powers, providing congress with the authroity to make all laws, necessary and proper to do so
electoral college
the electors from each state who meet after the popular election to cast ballots for president and vice president
expressed powers
specific powers granted by the constutuion to congress and the preident
a system of government in which power is divided b a constution, between the central govenrment, and regional govenrment.
federalist papers
a series of essays written by james maddison , hamilton, and john jay, supporting the ratification of the constution
faovured a strong national government and supportd the constution
great compromise
the agreement reached at teh constitutional convention. gave each state an eual number of senators regardless of its population, b chnaged hous to be reprsentedby population
judicial review
the power of the courts to reiview and if necessary, declare actions of the legistaive and excevitve branches invalid or unconstuituonal.
limited government
a principal of constitutonal govenrment; a government whose powers are defined and limited by a consrtutuin
new jersey plan
introdcued by william paterson, that called for equal state represnetation in the national legistailve regardless of population
supremecy clause
- constutuion, 2. laws passed by congress, 3. treaties raitifed by government
articel 6
- debt will be paid, 2. supreme law of land, 3. no rlelgion test, 4. oath
amending propsal
2/3 of house + 2/3 of senate, 27/27
other propsal
2/3 of state leg call congres to call an convention.
3/4 of state leg 26/27
ratifaction other way
3/4 special ratifcation conventions, 1/27, which is 21st amendment