Test on Chapters 10 and 11 Flashcards
2 chord gesture that comes at the end of a phrase
relatively complete musical thought punctuated by a cadence
usually half a phrase
Half cadence
(I) ii IV vi —> V
a pick up, something that leads into the next phrase
two phrases appended together with an antecedent -> consequent relationship with a weak to strong cadence structure
parallel- begins w similar material
contrasting- different
Perfect Authentic Cadence
Imperfect Authentic Cadence
V42 - I6
phrase extension
feeling that a phrase has ended but more material is added makes it feel more culminated
statement of a musical idea
cadential material
tonicized half cadence
half cadence in another key
agogic accent
accent by duration
deceptive cadence
cadence ending on vi
plagal cadence
3 phrase period
3 phrases appended together with either weak weak strong or weak strong strong cadence structures
HC in minor
materials that end one phrase begin the next
double period
2 periods with a weak to strong cadence structure
smallest identifiable musical element made up of a component of pitch and rhythm
a process of repetition and variation of a motive or a theme
pedal point
a note that is sustained usually in the bass or soprano that at some point has a dissonant harmony against it.
a nct approached by step or leap, that resolves through oblique motion
a nct which is approached by leap and left by step usually in the opposite direction
suspension with change of the bass at the point of resolution
1st suspension -normal. 2nd- funny
escape tone
approach by step and left by leap in usually the opp direction
prep sus resolution
cons dis consonant
weak strong weak
neighbor group
a melodic formula. step down, third up, step down or opposite
metric level
sub- smaller & faster
metric-at level
super- above and slower
passing tone
nct approached by step and left by step in the same direction
9-8, 7-6, 4-3 (2-3) bass
most common types of sus
sequence of suspensions
where the note of resolution in one suspension becomes the note of preparation in the next