Test Driven Development: Part I Flashcards
What is the definition of kata provided in the text?
Kata is described as a Japanese word meaning form, particularly in martial arts, where it denotes a choreographed pattern of movements.
What is a coding kata and how long does it typically last?
A coding kata is a short exercise lasting between thirty minutes to an hour.
What is the primary focus when working on coding katas?
The focus is on learning and improving skills rather than achieving perfection.
How is a domain defined in the context of the text?
A domain is defined as a specific sphere of activity or knowledge.
What is the problem domain and the solution domain?
The problem domain refers to real-world things and concepts related to a problem, while the solution domain refers to real-world things and concepts related to a solution.
How is a domain expert defined in the text?
A domain expert is someone with special knowledge or skill in a particular domain, such as an accountant being an expert in the accounting domain.
What is the process described for defining the problem domain and the solution domain?
When reading a problem statement in textual form, concepts can be identified within it. These concepts can be listed and grouped together to derive the problem domain name.
What is domain knowledge, and why is it important?
Domain knowledge is expertise in a particular problem domain. It is crucial in coming up with abstractions that lead to elegant solutions.
What domain would a leaking sink belong to?
“Leaking sink” is an example of a term found in the problem domain.
What are some examples of terms belonging to the solution domain for fixing a leaking sink?
Terms like “clevis screw,” “stopper rod,” “clevis,” and “retaining nut” belong to the solution domain.
According to Kent Beck, what is Test Driven Development (TDD) primarily?
Test Driven Development (TDD) is primarily described as an analysis technique and a design technique, rather than a testing technique.
Why does the text suggest using coding kata to learn TDD?
Coding kata is recommended for learning TDD because it allows for the practice of TDD skills separately, helping individuals move past the difficulty associated with TDD and hone their skills.
What is suggested as a practice after completing a coding kata using TDD?
After completing a coding kata using TDD, it is recommended to reflect on the practice session by asking questions such as what went well, what went wrong, and what can be done differently next time to improve.
How does the text differentiate between intent and implementation, using the example of driving a car?
The text explains that intent refers to the determination to do something, such as driving a car, while implementation refers to the details under the hood, known only to the car mechanic.
What analogy does the text use to illustrate intent and implementation in the context of programming?
The text uses the analogy of music composition and performance, where music notation represents the intent, and the actual music played by performers represents the implementation.
Why is it important to separate the intent from implementation in coding?
It is crucial to separate the intent from implementation because it allows for changing the implementation without breaking the tests. The intent remains the focus of the tests, while the implementation is the focus of the production code.
What method does the text suggest for separating intent from implementation in coding?
The text suggests using Chris Stevenson’s TestDox method, which expresses the subject in the code as part of a sentence to clearly define the behavior.
Can you provide an example of how TestDox expresses behavior in code?
Here’s an example: “A sheep eats grass.” “A sheep bleats when frightened.” “A sheep produces delicious milk.” “A sheep moves away from sheep dogs.”
How does TestDox help in automatically converting behavior specifications into code?
TestDox expresses behavior in natural language sentences, which can then be automatically converted into specifications in code, facilitating clear and precise coding practices.
What is the problem with the initial test provided in the text for the bowling game scoring program?
The initial test does not reveal the intent behind rolling the ball ten times, making it unclear why the roll method is invoked ten times.
How is the intent made explicit in the bowling game scoring program test?
The intent is made explicit by introducing a strike method, which directly expresses the concept of hitting all ten pins in bowling.
Why is it important to use intent-revealing methods in coding?
Intent-revealing methods communicate the purpose and meaning of the code directly to other developers, enhancing readability and maintainability.
How does the text compare the development of language in children to the precision of meaning in software tests?
Similar to how children’s language becomes more precise as they grow, the precision of meaning in software tests increases as the software evolves.
What is a proposition in logic, according to the text?
A proposition in logic is a statement that expresses a concept that can be either true or false, contributing to the meaning and precision of concepts.
Can you provide examples of propositions about the concept of grass mentioned in the text?
Examples of propositions about grass include “Grass is green,” “Grass is a plant,” “Grass grows,” and “Grass is a monocot.”
What role do tests play in providing documentation for a software library?
Tests serve as executable documentation for a software library, providing examples and instructions on how to use the library’s classes and methods.
What questions can tests answer about a software library?
Tests can answer questions such as which class to instantiate, how to instantiate the class, which method to invoke, and what parameters the method needs.
Why is it preferable to rely on tests rather than the source code of a library for usage guidance?
Relying on tests ensures separation of intent and implementation, and it allows developers to use the library without needing to read its source code.
What is the significance of tests being considered executable documentation?
Tests always reflect the current state of the codebase and provide accurate and up-to-date information about the library’s usage.
How do tests serve as a means of communication between library developers and other developers?
tests are written in a way that communicates how the library should be used, making them readable and understandable for developers who are new to the library.
What mental focus is required during the analysis phase of working with a software system, according to the text?
During analysis, the focus is on specifying what the system should do, considering the problem domain and focusing on the system’s input and output.
How does the mental focus shift during the design phase of working with a software system?
During design, the focus shifts to how the system should achieve its functionality, considering the solution domain and focusing on the internal details of the system.
What is Test Driven Development (TDD)?
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development practice where tests are written before writing the actual production code. The primary goal of TDD is to ensure clean code that functions correctly, leading to better quality and fewer defects in the software.
Why is clean code with working functionality the goal in TDD?
Clean code that works serves as a foundation for learning and iteration. By prioritizing clean, functioning code, developers have the opportunity to understand the lessons embedded within the code and iterate towards better solutions. This approach encourages thoughtful development over hasty implementation.
What are the five steps of TDD, according to Kent Beck?
Kent Beck, the creator of Extreme Programming, outlines the five steps of TDD as follows:
Quickly add a test.
Run all tests and observe the new one fail.
Make minimal changes to the production code to pass the test.
Run all tests and ensure they all succeed.
Refactor the code to eliminate duplication and improve clarity.
These steps form a continuous cycle in TDD, known as the red-green-refactor cycle.
How does TDD separate intent from implementation?
TDD separates the intent from implementation by focusing on the desired behavior of the code rather than its internal workings. By writing tests first, developers articulate the intended functionality of the code (intent) before implementing it (implementation), ensuring that the code meets specified requirements and functions as expected.
Why is it important to start with a failing test in Test Driven Development (TDD)?
Starting with a failing test allows us to test the test itself, ensuring that it effectively identifies deficiencies in the code. Additionally, it clarifies the problem and helps sketch out the design, reducing stress and increasing the likelihood of thorough testing throughout the development process.
What questions should you ask yourself when writing a failing test in TDD?
When writing a failing test, it’s crucial to consider the responsibility of the system under test (SUT), its intended behavior, the API for interacting with the SUT, the necessary inputs and collaborators for the SUT, observable outputs, and how correctness is defined.
What is the significance of making the implementation minimal in TDD?
Making the implementation minimal ensures that the code passes the test with the simplest possible solution. If the implementation is too complex, it may indicate that the test is too challenging or the code design needs refinement. The process of achieving minimal implementation helps developers iterate towards cleaner, more efficient solutions.
How can developers overcome difficulties in making the implementation minimal during TDD?
Developers can utilize techniques like Devil’s Advocate, a pair programming technique where one developer writes a failing test and the other implements the minimal, incorrect solution, and Autonomous Discovery Learning, a process involving writing down questions, designing experiments, and running experiments to identify and solve problems.
What is the purpose of refactoring in the TDD process?
Refactoring, the fifth step in TDD, allows developers to improve the codebase after it passes the tests. This step involves removing duplication, extracting new classes or methods, and optimizing the code for readability and maintainability. Refactoring ensures that the code remains clean and scalable as the application evolves.
What is the distinction between the intent and implementation in Test Driven Development (TDD)?
In TDD, the external, visible part of the code, known as the Application Programming Interface (API), represents the intent, while the internal organization of the code reflects the implementation. This differentiation allows developers to vary the implementation without breaking the tests, as long as the behavior remains consistent.
How can beginners learn to separate the intent from implementation in TDD?
Beginners can utilize the Ping Pong pair programming technique, where one developer writes failing tests while the other implements production code to pass the tests. This collaborative approach helps developers focus on either the intent or implementation at a time, enhancing their ability to distinguish between the two.
What is the Ping Pong pair programming technique, and how does it assist in learning TDD?
The Ping Pong technique involves alternating roles between writing failing tests and implementing production code in pairs. This method allows developers to focus on either the intent or implementation, fostering a deeper understanding of TDD principles and practices.
How does the Black Box Perspective aid in understanding the intent of a system?
The Black Box Perspective involves testing a system based solely on its inputs and outputs, without knowledge of its internal workings. By observing the behavior of the system and formulating hypotheses based on the observed results, developers can gain insights into the intent of the system, such as determining if it functions as a palindrome checker.
How can beginners make Test Driven Development (TDD) easier to learn?
Beginners can start by understanding the basics of the red-green-refactor process through simple examples, such as implementing a stack. Additionally, taking time to analyze and think about the TDD process is crucial for comprehension, which will be further discussed in upcoming chapters on katas.
What role do problem-solving skills play in TDD?
Problem-solving skills are essential for effective TDD implementation. Even if one knows how to write tests, lacking problem-solving skills can hinder the ability to code solutions for given problems. As Albert Einstein suggested, spending time defining the problem is paramount before attempting to solve it.
What are the four phases of problem solving, and how are they relevant to software development?
The four phases of problem solving, as described by George Polya, are: understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back. These phases are applicable to software development, where developers analyze the problem domain, devise a solution, implement it using TDD, and refine it through refactoring.
What are the subskills of Test Driven Development (TDD), and how can they be beneficial?
The subskills of TDD include problem domain analysis, solution domain analysis, designing test cases, writing tests first, and refactoring. Practicing and understanding these subskills separately can help developers overcome obstacles during TDD sessions by providing a structured approach to problem-solving and code implementation.
What is the alternative representations problem-solving strategy?
Alternative representations involve describing the problem space using different modalities, such as visual or symbolic abstraction. This strategy allows individuals to tackle problems from different perspectives, utilizing their preferred dominant mode of representation, such as graphs or equations.
What is the divide and conquer problem-solving strategy, and what are its key assumptions?
Divide and conquer is a problem-solving strategy where a complex problem is broken down into simpler sub-problems. The key assumptions are: the problem can be divided into sub-problems, each sub-problem can be handled independently, and combining the solutions to the sub-problems is less complex than solving the whole problem.
Why is designing test cases important in Test Driven Development (TDD)?
Designing test cases is crucial in TDD as it helps avoid dead ends and problems during the development process. Having well-designed test cases before writing tests minimizes the time spent in the “red” state, where tests fail, and ensures that failures occur for the right reasons.
How can test cases be designed for the problem of summing a list of numbers?
Test cases for summing a list of numbers can be designed based on input-output relationships. For example, for an empty list, the result should be 0. For a list with one element, the result is the value of that element. For longer lists, the result is the sum of all elements in the list. Table 1-5 outlines the sequence of test cases for this problem.
What is a degenerate case in the context of testing?
In testing, a degenerate case is a limiting or trivial case that represents the simplest scenario. For instance, when testing a function that operates on arrays, the degenerate case might involve an empty array or a single-element array.
What is the purpose of the checklist for test cases in Test Driven Development (TDD)?
The checklist for test cases in TDD ensures that a sufficient number of tests are created, covering various scenarios such as positive cases, negative cases, bad inputs, and boundary conditions. This systematic approach helps developers avoid relying solely on subjective confidence in their code.
What are Kent Beck’s testing patterns, and how do they guide the selection of test cases?
Kent Beck’s testing patterns include the Starter Test, Next Test, and Story Test. The Starter Test begins with a variant of an operation that does nothing, representing the degenerate case. The Next Test is chosen to teach something about the system and represent a step toward the overall goal. The Story Test is the acceptance test that signifies completion when it passes.
What is the role of assertions in testing, and how do they facilitate automated verification?
Assertions are statements that verify the expected behavior of a piece of code. In testing, assertions are used to compare the actual output of the code against the expected output. By including assertions in the test code, developers can automate the verification process, allowing for automatic detection of errors or failures.
What is the canonical test structure, and how does it relate to writing tests?
The canonical test structure consists of three steps: given, when, and then.
“Given” establishes the precondition or initial state of the system.
“When” executes the specific action or behavior being tested.
“Then” verifies the expected outcome or result. This structure helps organize and clarify the steps involved in writing tests, ensuring thorough coverage and clear understanding of test cases.