test Flashcards
A biased estimator always has higher mean-square error than an unbiased estimator.
The OLS residuals are, by construction, uncorrelated with the exogenous variables of the regression equation.
The reason why the OLS coefficient estimates are usually considered to follow a t-distribution rather than the normal is that the error variance is usually unknown.
f we wish to test the hypothesis that a coefficient is positive then we would use a two-tailed test
The standard error of the regression always lies in the range zero to one and the closer it is to one then the better the fit of the model.
The F test for the joint significance of the right hand side variables is distributed as F with degrees of freedom equal to T-k-1, k (where T is the number of observations and kis the number of slope coefficients)
Serial correlation of the errors in a regression model would not, in itself, lead us to expect the OLS coefficient estimates to be biased.
f the Durbin-Watson statistic lies between the upper and lower critical bounds then we should reject the null that there is no serial correlation.
Heteroscedasticity is most often found in time series regression model
Heteroscedasticity can often be dealt with by scaling the data appropriat