Test 7 Ch10+33 Flashcards
What is claudication and how is it relieved
inadequate circulation to the muscles, resulting in cold feet, numbness, and intermittent claudication/cramping pain in the calves.
nursing interventions, promote circulation like walking to stimulate venous return, use ted hose avoid standing in one place, crossing legs,
What is a major fear of the dying patient-young or old
fears of abandonment/dying alone, loss of control, pain and discomfort, and the unknown
not said all their goodbyes leaving unfinished business
What is a nocturia and what causes it or makes it worse
excessive urination at night
age related decrease in bladder capacity
nursing interventions: decrease fluid intake at night, take diuretics in the morning, and keep walkways clear
Do not assume that all family want to take care of their dying relative, so what should you clarify first?
assess whether family members want to assist in daily care. clarify what the family will do and what the nursing staff will do
What will benefit older adults as it relates to the prevention of falls, cardiac disease, and depression?
What type of exercise helps in the prevention of falls
Know the stages of death and dying according to Kubler-Riss
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Old-old adults are at risk of what type of respiratory infection?
75+/frail elderly
Which soap is drying and should be avoided if pt C/O pruritis ?
Alcohol based soaps
What is orthostatic hypotension and is symptoms?
25/10 drop in bp
Occurs when a person rises too quickly.
Note bp lying sitting and standing
At what age does older adulthood begin?
Young old. 55-74
Old old 75+ frail elderly
Older adult begins at 65 till death
What is the leading cause of accidental death over age 65 and why?
What is ego integrity
What is the best test for osteoporosis?
? Bone density test
Does the older adult require fewer or more calairies?
What are he interventions for older adults with arthritis
ROM range of motion exercises Joint protection/exercise Energy conservation/rest Warm water Gentle massage
What breathing technique should be used to help a pt w COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Deep diaphragmatic breathing and a variety of coughing techniques. Pursed lip breathing help empty the lungs of used air.
When a pt is HOH/hard of hearing what technique should the nurse use w her voice when speaking to the pt?
Face the pt Speak at a normal or slightly slower pace, Lower tone of voice Eliminate background noise Nonverbal communication
What is shearing?
Pressure against skin impairs circulation. Friction tears skin
Injures small blood vessels by slidi g in rough surface
What contributes to constipation?
Decreased peristalsis, tone of intestines,
Lack of fluids, fiber, exercise
What are the signs that effective grief work has taken place?
What is passive vs euthanasia?
What is meant by the DPOA
Durable power of attorney
Integumentary system
Skin hair nails
5 aspects of human functioning
Physical emotional intellectual sociocultural spiritual
Assess to fully understand pts needs and support family and pt
Maturational loss
Normal life transition
Situational loss
Loss occurs suddenly
Car accident
Age related concept of death
0-5 doesn’t understand. Death is reversible
5-9 wishes unrelated actions is responsible
12-18 death can be defied
18-45 religious influence
45-65 acceptance
65+ fears prolonged illness