test Flashcards
Identify two other physical features of this coastline.
(1); cliffed coastline (1); bay (1); undulating (1);
headland (1); forest (1); upland/highland coastline
Suggest one way in which vegetation can affect this coastline.
reduces mass movement (1); minimises human access;
roots bind soil
What is meant by the term sea-level change?
level of sea in relation to land changes (1) over a
longer time period (1). Award 1 mark for relevant points
e.g. normal/average sea level higher/lower (1); global
sea level rises/falls (1) isostatic/eustatic change
Outline two impacts that sea-level changes can have on coastlines.
coastal flooding (1); submergence of low lying land (1);
landforms such as rias/fiords (1); raised beaches (1);
coral reefs (1); relict cliffs (1) …
river valleys flooded by
rising sea level (1) to form ria (1)… or an extended
e.g. low lying Maldive islands (1) disappear with rising
sea level (1) or a human impact e.g. coastal flooding
(1) > loss of homes/damaged infrastructure (1)
increased erosion (1)…
Explain how different physical processes operate along a coastline.
key processes include wave erosion; transportation;
deposition; longshore drift; sub-aerial weathering; river
sediment transport …
how processes as
above work to constantly change a stretch of coastline.
They operate in both isolation e.g.
erosion breaking down coastal rocks leading to
waves depositing to grow beaches
and together as a natural system e.g. longshore drift
depositing in one place and eroding in another; mass
movement providing material for beaches; erosion of cliffs
producing material for building beaches; how wave action
may bring sediments shorewards to form offshore bars and
beaches … The focus is on a multi-process approach with
“different” being a key word.
Identify one short-term impact of this hazard event. ( earthquake)
building collapse; homelessness (1); personal injury (1); communications damage (1); disruption to services (1) ... N.B. short-term and observed/implied
Suggest how the scale of this event might have affected its long-term impact.
large scale; major … (1). Credit with 2nd mark where
long-term implications indicated e.g. severe consequences
for long time (1); financial loss (1); economic slowdown
(1); loss of tourism affects GDP (1).
What is meant by the term weather conditions?
atmospheric conditions (1) for a short period of time (1). Part definitions e.g. lists of weather elements (1); what the air is like/doing
Outline two methods of monitoring weather conditions.
Credit each valid instrument identified with 1 mark e.g.
rain gauge (1); radar readings (1); meteorological
sensors (1); satellite detectors (1); hand-held
electronic devices (1); visual judgements (1) …
nd mark in each case for an outline of the method
stated e.g. reading instruments (1) amount of rainfall in
collecting jar in gauge measured daily (1);
meteorological sensors (1) detect pressure changes and
send value to computer (1)
Explain how tropical storms are caused.
to indicate
that tropical storms are huge spinning areas of low pressure
(cyclones) bringing strong winds and torrential rain and
commonly known as hurricanes, typhoons …
to indicate
that tropical storms are huge spinning areas of low pressure
(cyclones) bringing strong winds and torrential rain and
commonly known as hurricanes, typhoons …
Discuss the challenges of managing a tectonic event in one named country.
Named country …………………………………………………………………………………
refer to the difficulties of doing this
i.e. of risk assessment, prediction, preparation/adjustment,
A key part of many answers will be to look at the difficulties
of preparing and adjusting to the event e.g.
earthquake preparation involves designing non-collapsible
buildings; strengthening railways and roads; stocks of
emergency supplies …
volcanic eruption preparation involves evacuation plans,
lava diversion channels, planning controls on building
location ….
Difficulties may be less in HICs with their higher levels of
development, more and better quality management, better
technology and infrastructure, greater governance.
Suggest three reasons why this location was chosen for the Motor Works.
access for transport of car parts (1); easy access for
labour force (1); road transport of finished vehicles to
market (1); flat/level building ground (1); large, open
area (1) …
What is meant by the term energy efficiency?
the most of energy sources (1) in order to cut down on
waste/reduce consumption (1).
Award 1 mark for partial answers along right lines
e.g. use less energy(1); more economic fuel
consumption (1).
Outline two reasons why energy efficiency is needed.
rising global demand (1); traditional
energy sources non-renewable (1); energy precious (1);
burning non-renewables polluting (1) …
nd mark available in each case if factor developed into
a full reason/cause e.g.
rising global demand (1) puts strain on global
energy supply (1)
traditional energy sources non-renewable (1)
limited in supply and will run out one day (1)
Explain how the economic sectors vary in importance between HICs and LICs.
There is a specification case study on the comparative
sectoral shifts in one HIC and one LIC along the lines of the
Clarke-Fisher model which should inform the inter-country
variations e.g. LICs (pre-industrial society) with their large
primary sector e.g. 70% of workforce, modest secondary
sector e.g. 20% and small tertiary sector e.g. 10%
contrasts with HICs (post-industrial society) with their large
tertiary sector e.g. 50%, modest secondary sector e.g.
30%, small primary sector e.g. 10% and emerging
quaternary sector e.g. 10%.
In an LIC with the following national profile of 25% primary,
30% secondary, 40% tertiary and 5% quaternary one
region might have a 10-40-40-10 split whilst another 50-
15-33-2 breakdown.